Saturday, January 30, 2010

Acne and How to Remove Blackheads

Acne, or as it is known by its scienitific name acne vulgaris, is a skin condition that is very common and that is caused by disturbances in our pilosebaceous units. A pilosebaceous unit consists of a hair follicle and a sebaceous gland. 90% of all teenagers have problems with acne of some degree and it is common for the problem to persisit into adulthood.Today, several different acne treatment options are available depending on the severity of the problem. Strong acne medication usually requires a prescription, milder products can be bought over the counter in most pharmacies.Lesl severe cases are usually treated using benzoyl peroxide administered by the use of soaps, creams and gels. Make sure that you check the strenght of a product before you buy it as it can vary a lot. Benzoyl peroxide helps by dissolving the keratin that plugs the pores and will aslo help kill. Propionibacterium acnes a relatively slow growing, typically aerotolerant bacterium linked to acne.Another way to treat acne is to use antibiotics that are ingested or applied to the skin.. Persons with limited acne problems on easy to reach areas of their body usually use topical antibiotic creams while. the chest or face. individuals with severe acne or acne in hard to reach spots more commony use orally ingested antibiotics instead, they do however have a larger impact on the body and can cuase side effects like stomach problems. Always tell the doctor if you use any hormones before getting a acne treatmen as hormones and antibiotics can interfere with eachother, this especially improtant if you use hormonal contraceptives.A special type of acne vulgaris is the blackhead, a condition formally known as open comedo. A blackhead is a black to yellowish bump or plug on the skin caused by excess oils accumulated in the duct of the sebaceous gland. Contrary to popular belief, blackheads are not caused by poor skin hygiene. In fact, excess scrubbing of the skin or the use of unsuitable cleaners can cause dryness which prompts the body to produce even more oils.Many wants to know how to remove blackheads since they do not like the way they look, there are however no medical need to remove blackheads and the body will eliminate them in time. Blackheads can be treated using acne meds containing salicylic acid. A popular over the counter alternative to prescription medicine is a simple adhesive strip that is placed on the skin and removed after 5-10 minutes, taking the blackheads underneath with it.

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