Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why do men suffer from hair loss?

Nothing can be more stressfull to male or female than noticing large clumps of hair on the brush or in the bath or shower. Men may claim that baldness is their worst nightmare, but the effects psychologically on women can be much greater.Strangely it was once thought to be linked to mid-life crises, but this thought process has changed as greater numbers of men in their twenties have suffered male hair loss. There a countless reasons and causes, all leading to a loss of self confidence and self-esteem. It is best to know as much as you can about hair loss, so that you are prepared to handle it if and when it occurs.Hair growth is normally cyclical pattern over 2 to 6 years, some hair grows whist some is 'resting' and others fall out. This is a natural action to create new space for hair to germinate, however a problem could exist if too much hair fall out.Hair loss is perhaps most commonly seen when their is an imbalance of hormones due to a problem with the thyroid gland. The imbalance of the hormone Androgen caused by overactive thyroid glands can result in hair loss for men. People with underactive thyroids can experience the same devastating effect.Certain medicines can also be responsible for the cause of thinning hair. You can notice thinning hair if you are regular user of blood thinning anticoagulants, gout medicine, chemotherapy or vitamin A in excess of recommended doses. There are some hair loss products on the market that can help ot aleviate the problem, and noticably reduce the amount of thinning.Alopecia Totalis usually manifests itself without any kind of a warning. The problems can become apparent with missing hair showing in small patches. When i had a beard a number of years ago, I saw a small patch of hair loss which grew larger over the space of a few months. At first it was a little amusing, then it became and irritation and finally the beard had to come off. This example, like many with this condition, is temporary and usually results in a full recovery of the affected area. if it doesn't get better within a few months, it could signify that some permanent damage has happended.

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