Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Remedies For Cold Sores: Will These Help With My Cold Sore Now?

Do you want several good remedies for cold sores? Then take this opportunity to read Denny'sexcellent article while you are here. You cannot help but get the latest info and easy, but quite powerful, cold sore remedies that will honestly make you smile again.

Remedies for cold sores can be found in many places. A few of those you will find will reduce pain and discomfort. The majority of these store-bought products, however, will not help you to actually get rid of your sore.

The remedies for cold sores described next are a much more favorable choice for you. You will get more pleasing relief for a lot less expense. This truth has been well established by thousands of others. You will experience it too.

Listed below are excellent cold sore remedies you should give a shot. Each of them is quite good singly but they can be measurably more productive when brought into play concurrently as factors of an overall treatment plan.


Oil of oregano has strong anti-viral characteristics. It is commonly utilized internally for viral instigated illnesses such as flu. It is a superb internal and external way for caring for cold sores. It will grant you relief from the very earliest warning signals through definitive healing.

The easiest source for this oil is the soft-gels at the vitamin store. For external application, you simply pierce the soft-gel, extract the oil to the outbreak, and massage in.

You will also find oregano oil in little bottles. In either case, you can dilute it up to 50% with extra virgin olive oil if you see that it reacts too strongly with your skin. Olive oil is an excellent virus fighting oil. It definitely will support your mending effort.


Honey is revered as possibly the earliest used remedies (actually used during the Roman ruling period) and it still performs wonderfully today. It is a full range wound treatment that offers some strong healing properties of its own.

My number one preference is unprocessed, raw honey procurable at the organic food outlet, commonly in bulk. This honey will still provide a number of beneficial enzymes that will aid greatly in halting virus movement and mending your lesion.

One little known honey that has shown unusual potential is New Zealand Manuka honey. It comes to us from the Manuka shrub, which is closely affiliated with the Melaleuca tree that provides us tea tree oil. Manuka honey is generally found throughout the world or you should quickly locate it online.


Many sufferers use warm tea bags for resolving a sore quickly. This treatment can give you immediate comfort as well as fast mending of the wound.

Most common black teas are excellent selections. Most people can experience favorable results with them. Quite a few people like to use herbal teas with mint, ginger or lemon balm. They do seem to deliver results quicker than plain black tea. Try it.

It is not a sound plan to use warm tea bags until after the sore breaks open. While the sore is developing, utilize ice to reduce puffing up and slow the virus destruction. For a better solution, improve on your cold treatment by using frozen tea bags and enjoy the benefits of the healing phytonutrients in the tea.

For maximum benefits never endanger the tea bags with microwaves. It can effectively reduce the healing nutrients. Always warm up the water first and then make use of that to warm the bags.

Use the tea bag as warmish as you can tolerate outside of burning your skin. Hold it to the wound about 10 to 15 minutes during each session. Occasionally rub on your topical treatment product of choice.

The revealed cold sore remedies are quite preferred by people who are have a pressing need to get rid of these sores as soon as possible. I wish I had further opportunity here to show you a few other powerful therapies, but I assure you these will do a good job for you.

With the remedies we have discovered in this report, the herpes virus should never interrupt with your life any more. Save your cash. No commercial salves or ointments will perform any quicker or more desirably than these.

Continue looking for and trying various other methods to reveal what operates best for your particular situation. Blend some of them together to create your own special plan. You will discover that the most fruitful will nearly always be natural remedies for cold sores.

Do you want more advanced Home Remedies For Cold Sores? Then you must visit Denny Bodoh's wonderful website. You will quickly get all your questions answered and some outstanding FREE cold sore remedies guaranteed to put a smile on your face again. Go to http://www.3DayColdSoreCure.com

View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/remedies-for-cold-sores-will-these-help-with-my-cold-sore-now

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