Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes On A Regular Basis

Many people think that smoking is not that bad an idea and that they can just keep doing it without consequences. This kind of attitude is a total mystery. If you know someone like this, then here is a list of all the reasons why smoking is a bad idea and which will hopefully help you convince them how wrong they are.

One side effect of smoking that is common to all smokers is that they smell bad. No matter what type of perfume they use to mask the smell, there will still be a pungent odor stuck on their clothes.

As smoke goes through your mouth, this will be the first bit of you to show the damage. All you need to do is look as a smoker's gums and you will notice how dark they look.

This is a sign of ill health and means you are more likely to get gingivitis and other issues. Often your teeth will stain too.

As soon as it enters your system, cigarette smoke works like a soldier penetrating the deepest and strongest fortresses of the body. It attacks your respiratory system and could cause anywhere from asthma to lung cancer.

It also affects your heart and smokers are popular for having heart attacks. There are certainly many serious problems that you can face from smoking, as you can see.

Less obvious effects include lifestyle diseases. Cancer is a terrible fight to have, but is often worsened by nicotine and other chemicals that are found, where else, but in that small little cigarette stick you "need."

Before you become a victim of any of these, better get your act straight and quit smoking. Or else, you might only stop when you are already in your deathbed.

The individual has been blogging with respect to smoking for the previous seven years. Additionally, the writer takes pleasure in providing knowledge about more topics, such as valuable commentary on a digital mp3 player as well as a touch screen cell phone.

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