Monday, May 24, 2010

Guest Blogger Marian Tatarczuk BSN, MS, RN, NE-BC Writes In Support of HR 4601

Pictured: Marian Tatarczuk BSN, MS, RN, NE-BC Marian Tatarczuk writes the following in support of HR 4601 The National Nurse Act of 2010:Nurses who have advanced degrees in nursing and also who carry advanced degrees in business and/or those who have or are working in leadership positions have intimate knowledge of health care systems. This knowledge represents a combination of patient care/health issues such as safety, access to health care, privacy, care coordination, customer experience, family dynamics and population risks as well as business issues such as human and material resource management, barriers to effective care, quality outcome management, collaboration within groups, fiscal responsibility, healthy work environments, strategic planning, population management, as well as the impact of social issues, culture and technology. Research has demonstrated that nurses have the public trust ; nurses' advice has the power to influence health opinions and behaviors. Nurses are an integral part of the overall care of patients, our families, our communities and influencing change on a larger scale. They have unique knowledge, skills and perspectives to contribute. I believe nurses should have a strong voice in working collaboratively with other health care disciplines in the design and oversight of a national health care system and national health issues, and should not be limited to those issues that concern only "nursing" as it may be perceived by the public. I have achieved all but dissertation for a Doctorate of Nursing Practice, and a Maters of Science in business with a concentration in health care. I have served in a variety of health care leadership positions for 30 years, working collaboratively with many esteemed colleagues to improve the health of our community, sometimes one person, one family at a time, and at others times through service or educational offerings. Our country requires strong leadership to overcome the huge hurdles and brokenness of our current health care system. I support the efforts of this grassroots effort to enhance / expand the role of nursing within the legislative leadership process.Marian Tatarczuk BSN, MS, RN, NE-BC Exeter, New HampshireGuest Blogger Marian Tatarczuk BSN, MS, RN, NE-BC Writes In Support of HR 4601

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