Saturday, May 29, 2010

Costs Of Smoking Cigarettes

Many people think that smoking is not that bad an idea and that they can just keep doing it without consequences. This kind of attitude is a total mystery. If you know someone like this, then here is a list of all the reasons why smoking is a bad idea and which will hopefully help you convince them how wrong they are.

The most obvious and putrid of these effects that are common amongst all smokers is their smell. It doesn't matter how much perfume or deodorant a smoker sprays on themselves, it won't cover the strong smell up that's clinging all over their clothes.

As smoke goes through your mouth, this will be the first bit of you to show the damage. All you need to do is look as a smoker's gums and you will notice how dark they look.

This little difference is actually quite a big deal. It means gums are not at all healthy, and are more susceptible to gingivitis and other problems in the mouth area. Teeth can also discolor, turning a hideous yellow tone.

Once you breathe that smoke in, it acts like an invading army, getting into all your most important organs. It will go straight into your lungs and can cause asthma and, even worse, is the primary cause of lung cancer.

Smoking also is dangerous to your heart and many smokers die from heart attacks. Just these issues alone should be enough to put you off.

Furthermore, many studies have shown that your chance of catching any kind of cancer increases when you smoke. If you think it is only lung cancer then you are totally deluded, unfortunately. Every type of cancer is exacerbated by the smoke that you breathe in, as it has thousands of chemicals in it.

Before you become a victim of any of these, better get your act straight and quit smoking. Or else, you might only stop when you are already in your deathbed.

The writer has been blogging with respect to health topics for the previous four years. Additionally, the writer loves blogging about other topics, like useful information on a mp3 player recorder along with a touch screen cell phone.

categories: Health,Smoking,Home,Disease,Illness,Family,Career,Social Issues,Relationships,Self-Improvement,Parenting,Advice,Teens,Psychology

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