Monday, July 20, 2009

Men Can't Hear: Sex-Linked Sensory Differences

When it comes to the difference between men and women, there may be no accounting for taste -- but you can account for smell.
When it comes to the five senses, men and women don't always experience the same level of perception. (ABC News Photo Illustration)
Men's senses and women's senses are a combination of sense stimulation and the brain processing information. There are often pronounced differences in the ways men and women perceive smells, sounds, and sights. There are fewer differences between men's and women's senses of taste and touch, but in general, men underperform compared to women in the sensory department.

Men are more likely to suffer hearing loss, they have a less developed sense of smell, and the idea that they prefer the taste of beer more than women do is false.

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"In general, women seem to have a slight edge up on men in terms of abilities," said Dr. Paul Breslin, a professor of Nutrition at Rutgers University and a member of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.

Some of these differences evolved over time, allowing men and women to choose the best foods or select their optimal mate.

And some of these differences can still be physiological. Men don't experience the pronounced hormonal changes women do, during pregnancy for example, but their bodies change as they become older.

"All the senses decrease as you get older," Breslin said. "Olfaction takes a nosedive, you lose vision."

No one's senses are immune to the ravages of time.

The following is a list of some of the unique aspects of male senses.

Men Can't Hear: Sex-Linked Sensory DifferencesOriginally from:

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