Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How many times can a nurse fail her boards in illinois and still have a job?

I work as a CNA in a health care setting. Every spring we have nurses who fail their boards and then they are put on the CNA schedule until they pass. I have a problem with this b/c it cuts out possible extra money I could earn and some of the pending nurses think they are above CNA work and do minimal work at times. I work in a place where four nurses have just failed their boards, two have failed for the 3rd time and been on the schedule all year! I just recently found out that while they are not being paid nurses pay they are being compensated at LPN pay, but do CNA work. I have more education (not nursing) than both and being compensated at less. I feel these nurses should be fired after failing so many times and plan to complain if they are all added to the schedule. Am I right in doing so? I live in Illinois, but what is the standard in your state and hospital? Am I right to feel this way?

View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/how-many-times-can-a-nurse-fail-her-boards-in-illinois-and-still-have-a-job

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