Tuesday September 29, 2009
In the latest development in the health reform drama, the Senate rejected a pair of health reform proposals that included a public option. The public option would consist of a government-run health insurance provider that would "compete" with private insurers.
According to The New York Times, parent company of About.com, John D. Rockefeller's bill was voted down by all Republicans and five Democrats. The other proposal, by Charles Schumer of NY, was voted down by all Republicans and three Democrats.
The article states: "Republicans on the committee unanimously opposed the public option, saying it was, in the words of Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, 'a Trojan horse for a single-payer system' in which the government would eventually control most health care."
So it's back to the drawing board for healthcare reform. While Rockefeller, Schumer, and other supporters of the public option will continue to fight for it, Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) will continue to try to push his more moderate health reform plan which includes co-ops instead of a public option.
Some Democrats feel that health reform without a public option would not fix the nation's health care system, while others feel that some form of health reform is better than nothing.
What do you think? As a current or future healthcare professional, health reform would not only affect your health and well-being, it also could directly impact your career, for better or for worse.
More on Health Care Reform:
What is Health Care Reform?
Readers Respond: What Do You Think is the Best Solution to the Health Reform Situation? NYT: Senate Rejects Public Option for Health ReformSource: www.about.com
View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/nyt-senate-rejects-public-option-for-health-reform
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