Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nursing Home?

My mom was in a nursing home, and I recieved a call last week that they couldnt wake her, and they said her heart rate was very high and her blood pressure was up very high, they took her to ER and I sit with her all day untill night 11:30 at night she roused from her sleep for a minute, I found she had had a stroke but it hadnt just occured, it happened 4 days before, and I had never been notified,I had noticed before when I went seemed she slept alot, and had noticed some bruises, when I would ask they would tell me they didnt know how it got there, Now since the stroke the dr wants to put a g-tube in my moms stomach, but i fed her some the other day , I believe she can eat, they said after a stroke sometimes they cant swallow, but I fed her some, I think they want this g-tube so they can be done with it, and back to the rest home, ive called attorneys and they never would return my calls , as there is more neglect then im telling, I dont know what to do. I'll do a part 2

View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/nursing-home-3

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