If you have made the excellent decision to get your CV written up professionally, printed up on rather nice paper or sitting proudly on your computer screen, you need to get it into the hands of potential employers or all that valuable resource time and perhaps money will be wasted. Of course it's a good idea to get your CV posted off to the offices of the key people in your Industry but where do you start with the process of getting information?
For a start, the popular job portals like Monster and Jobsite are worthwhile pursuing. Using this approach alone is far too generalized- your CV may hit the mark and it may not- if it does, happy days but what if it does not. If you're a bit short of time or if you want arrow like precision then perhaps you should consider using a CV distribution service like CV Trumpet
If you're looking to target the British or UK job market, you really need to be dealing with a British business. CV trumpet is British and offers a targeted approach that borders on absolute precision. Of course they have use of their fair share of technology but they seem to have got the process completely right. We don't have to recommend anyones service but we want our clients to get the interviews and the job that they are looking for or our service becomes pretty wasteful
One of the main reasons for the success of CV Trumpet is that they never charge recruiters any money, and this means that they have been able to build their database of recruitment companies. This is a marked difference between the service offered by CV Trumpet and all their competitors
CV Trumpet meet the needs of the higher level or executive recruiter by sending them very specific people who meet the needs of the recruiter. CV Trumpet therefore both attracts and more importantly retains the very best recruiters
What this means for you is that the distribution service starts from the point of view that you are the one that is important. CV Trumpet only make money if enough candidates use their CV distribution service and more importantly are happy with it. CV Trumpet wouldn't stay in business if they weren't satisfying their customers, namely job seekers, and not recruiters
This crucial distinction makes their service the only one that I have found to be worthwhile. Check them out- you having nothing to lose, but a huge amount to gain.
About the Author:
About the author: Glenn Hughes is a consultant and managing director of the professional CV writing service CV That Works. This article is an independent CV Trumpet Review. CV Trumpet is a CV distribution service for the UK Get a totally unique version of this article from our article submission service
View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/ways-to-get-your-cv-into-an-employers-hands
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