Thursday, May 21, 2009

Easy Time Studies That Are Reliable: Time Study RN

by Rapid Modeling

In order to maximize efficiency and time management, it is often important for managers to determine how an individual makes use of his or her time at work. This is also true for nurses who work in the hospital. Time Study RN, as the name implies, is an important tool in determining the number of minutes or hours a nurse uses to complete specific tasks. Also this time study device is helpful in providing work measurement study or analysis.

Hospitals usually conduct work measurement initiatives, including time studies, to determine the areas in which they can improve and also to ascertain that their standards are maintained by their workforce. To make sure that such initiatives are not done haphazardly, a convenient, easy to use and accurate data collection tool, such as the Time Study RN, is crucial.

The conventional way of collecting data for work measurement and time studies is generally ineffective. You really cannot rely on nurses to remember to log in their accomplished tasks regularly on top of the tons of duties that they have do in a day. Thus, in order for your data collection to be successful, you need to ensure that you provide tools or devices, such as Time Study RN, which will make things easier for nurses. Besides, you do not want such initiatives to hamper the main duties of your nurses, which is to provide the best service they can offer to patients.

One advantage of using Time Study RN is that it is very much like a PDA. Logging updates and tasks on such a device can be very easy and fast. Also, it is important to note that like a regular PDA, this time study tool for nurses automatically uploads the data collected. Thus, the result of study can easily be processed and analyzed in no time at all.

Another benefit of using this time study tool for nurses is its flexibility. Since the tasks and responsibilities of one hospital department are different from another, you need an information-gathering device that you can easily customize or tailor-fit to your goals and objectives. With the help of this device, you will surely be able to have a better understanding of the challenges faced by each of the departments in your organization.

Aside from being a valuable information-collecting device, Time Study RN is also designed to tailor-fit to your needs. Since the needs and goals of each department are different, you need this tool in order to meet the demands and requirements of the various sections of your hospital. The flexibility of this time study gadget is essential in aiding hospitals to understand the operational procedures of each of its departments.

About the Author:

Rapid Modeling Corporation, a group that specializes in event simulation softwareand systems aimed at helping companies optimize employee performance, is the developer of Time Study RN. To know more about the product and the company, just click on to

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