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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Health Headlines - October 1
Why do some employees in hospitals, group homes, & nursing homes neglect/abuse their patients?
I volunteered in 2 nursing homes, & the employees used to beat & try to drown the patients when they were giving them their baths.
Last year, in the hospital, the nurses would leave this lady with pissy & shitty diapers & let her smear $hit all over everywhere. Isn't that unhealthy?
My brothers recently told me how during the time of Hurricane Katrina, the employees of this group home let all the patients drown & then were laughing & bragging about it, & I think they have LIFE in prison. Scary thing is, 1 of my mentally disabled brothers could've been one of those victims, but he moved from there to another city JUST in time.
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Some Schools Ban Hand Sanitizers
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Is it possible to get a nursing degree then take an online program for midwifery?
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Older Adult looking for Nursing Schools or Programs?
Also, what types of test does the schools give in order to be accepted?
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Paramedic Recruitment Process
If you are preparing to enroll for paramedic recruitment, it is good to know that while fulfilling, being a paramedic is also often times stressful. If can demand a lot of you and your time and there may be high incidences of serious injuries although injuries will vary. Keep in mind also the wide cross section of knowledge you will need to assimilate and use appropriately.
The job can sometimes be a demanding one with long hours. The cases you will deal with will vary but you will no doubt handle high volumes of serious once and a lot of information will need to be process, assimilated and sieved through to know what each patient needs.
The job requires you to be alert at all times because quick responses are crucial. You must also be able to cope under pressure no matter what. Simply put, how you react could save or end a life. With this in mind, if you are still interested in apply, here are a few tips that can get you through a paramedic interview.
Firstly, go online to find the site of the organization that you have applied to. Most sites will have comprehensive information. For those that fail to satisfy all your queries, they would have information on who to contact, how and when so if you do not already have this, the site will benefit you greatly.
When paramedic recruitment still seems to be your ultimate goal, consider questions that may be asked during your recruitment interview and see how best you can answer them. You may or may not get a list before hand. You can go online or ask each paramedic you spoke to while in office what questions they had to answer and how.
Try not to memorize questions and answers because chances are, they will randomly be chosen. Do not cut corners; you want to be successful so try to prove that you went the extra mile. So make sure you can answer any question asked with trying to remember the answer you had intended to regurgitate.
At a certain level during the paramedic recruitment process, you will be invited to a paramedic interview. It will be required from you to address some questions to help determine if you are suitable for the job. Try to get a list of the questions before hand, the department may or may not give you one. Try online and speaking to current paramedics for questions they faced and how they answered them as well. Try not to memorize what you will say since questions may be chosen randomly. You want to appear genuine to increase your chances and successful completion of paramedic recruitment.
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To find out how you can become a paramedicsimply click on the following link: paramedic training
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HHS Awards $46 Million in Recovery Act Funds to Create Jobs and Spur Economic Improvement
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I want to start travel nursing. I want to travel between Texas and Illinois, to see my kids and grandkids...?
Please help me with details. Thank you so much. I like ambulatory settings the most. Pre Op, interventional radiology, offices, radiation therapy, etc.
H E L P. I am very serious about this.
I know NOTHING, nothing at all. :)
I am an RN. I love being an RN. I really don't want to travel with google., but thank you for the thought.
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Blogs Comment On Health Reform, Population Control, Provider Education, Other Topics
"Health Care Reform is a Woman's Issue," Nancy Folbre, New York Times' "Economix": An exchange between Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) at Friday's Senate Finance Committee hearing illustrates why health reform is such an integral issue for women, Folbre -- an economics professor at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst -- writes in the blog. In a discussion of what benefits private insurers should be required to offer, Kyl said he "'does not think he should be required to pay premiums to help finance maternity costs, since he has never needed maternity care,'" Folbre reports. However, she adds, "As Sen. Stabenow calmly observed, 'I think your mom did.'" Folbre notes that women will be especially affected by health reform because they face unique challenges when dealing with the existing health system. "Women need more health care than men because of the combined demands of pregnancy and family planning," Folbre writes. She adds that a typical U.S. woman who wants two children will spend a total of about five years trying to get pregnant, being pregnant and recovering from pregnancy, and about 30 years trying to avoid unintended pregnancies. "Partly as a result, young women typically must pay more than young men for individual health insurance, unless they live in one of 10 states where 'gender rating' is illegal," according to Folbre. Furthermore, "[m]others often take primary responsibility for meeting children's health care needs," she adds, noting that nearly one-quarter of U.S. children live in households maintained by single women. Because women often obtain insurance through their husband's employer, they are particularly vulnerable to job loss and divorce. Although fewer women than men are uninsured, women "seem to be more affected by insurance-related problems, including inadequate coverage," Folbre states. Fifty-two percent of women -- compared with 39% of men -- reported forgoing some type of medical care because of cost in 2007, according to a Commonwealth Fund study. More than half of bankruptcies attributed to medical costs were filed by female heads-of-household in 2007 -- a "striking testimony to [the] financial vulnerability" of women, Folbre writes. "Women in their 50s and early 60s who are married to older men face a distinctive risk -- loss of access to their husband's employer-related coverage when he makes the transition to Medicare but they are not yet old enough to be eligible," she adds. Folbre continues that women's role as health care providers -- caring for sick, elderly and disabled family members -- helps explain "why women are more likely than men to work part-time and to exit the paid labor force for longer periods of time." More than 59% of "informal, unpaid caregivers" are women, she states. "Amid much discussion of the costs and benefits of health insurance reform -- including claims that investments in preventive health won't save money -- attention has focused largely on potential savings to the federal government," Folbre writes. However, "one reason that preventive health doesn't always offer a big federal budget savings is that it prolongs life -- and therefore increases likelihood that individuals will utilize Medicare and Medicaid resources in old age," she continues. In fact, the "biggest returns on preventive health investments are enjoyed by individuals themselves, and the family members who tend to them," according to Folbre. For example, when children with asthma lack preventive care, such as use of inhalers, it "results not only in terrifying emergencies for many families but often many lost days of paid work -- and job loss -- for mothers," Folbre writes. She concludes, "Parents place a high value on averting such emergencies, and so should everyone" (Folbre, "Economix," New York Times, 9/28).
"Is Fear of Population Control Trumping Green Solutions?" Amanda Marcotte, RH Reality Check: While a recent London School of Economics report indicating that condom distribution is five times more cost effective in reducing carbon emissions "seems like unalloyed good news," someone with "even the barest understanding of the history of arguments involving population control" would know that it's "not so simple," Marcotte writes. It is "easy enough to assume" that advocates are "shying away from the issue because reproductive rights are such an explosive topic, and even touching it brings a hail of crazy from the anti-sex nuts down on your head," Marcotte writes, adding that the "history of the fear of overpopulation being used as an excuse to coerce childbirth choices" is what drives opposition to population control. "[W]hen someone starts talking about condom distribution, as a means to reduce population and environmental damages, liberals understandably remember" the history of eugenics, and "decide they don't want to step on that slippery slope," she continues. The report's "suggestions were framed completely in terms of not just voluntary contraception use, but they explicitly studied women who want contraception and don't have it," Marcotte writes. She adds that the report's authors are "explicitly rejecting condescending arguments that suggest that women in developing countries -- where most lack of access occurs -- can't make these decisions for themselves" (Marcotte, RH Reality Check, 9/29).
"A Fast Track Solution for Reducing Unintended Pregnancies: Increase Federal Support for Lifelong Provider Education," Wayne Shields, RH Reality Check: In the blog entry, Shields posts a copy of his editorial in the current issue of the journal Contraception. The editorial argues that a commitment to "dramatically expand reproductive health education for all clinicians during their academic training and throughout their careers" can provide "a crucial, immediate pathway toward healthy, planned families in the U.S. and around the globe while building on the growing body of published research in the field." A "tightly knit, highly trained, culturally sensitive cadre of health care professionals can make a real difference in the health and safety of the general public and can have a major impact on unintended pregnancy rates," according to Shields. He also writes, "Our challenge is to make the image of the well-trained clinician a reality for all members of the reproductive health care team." The "time is right to transform provider education in reproductive health and family planning," as President Obama has "challenged all Americans to work together to help reduce the need for abortion by, among other complementary goals, reducing unintended pregnancies in the U.S.," he continues. The solution "will likely involve a number of comprehensive new initiatives that build on and enhance some of the excellent work already being done in the reproductive health field, while retaining" a woman's right to choose "when, where and how to have children," Shields says. Reproductive health clinicians "must rapidly expand our efforts to combine the best clinical and behavioral science available and to creatively translate this data into innovative provider education," as well as "continue to support investment in new research and innovative programs that address gaps in reproductive health practice," according to Shields (Shields, RH Reality Check, 9/29).
"Regional Groups Find Allies in New Places," Wendy Norris, RH Reality Check: "After weathering eight years of conservative attacks, the pro-choice community held high hopes that the Obama administration, bolstered by Democratic majorities in Congress, would signal an end to partisan bickering over federal funding for comprehensive care and the tedious national obsession with abortion," Norris writes. However, with "that optimism scattering to the four winds of manufactured political controversy," reproductive health care advocates are now "going local," she says. She continues that the National Institute for Reproductive Health has launched the Urban Initiative for Reproductive Health, "four regional urban summits to bring providers, policymakers, activists, funders and legislators together to share effective program strategies and localized incidence data." According to Norris, at the kick-off event last week in Denver, "emphasis on seeking common ground was a dominant theme in sessions on sexuality education, underserved populations and the intersection of reproductive freedom and economic self-sufficiency." Norris reports on programs highlighted at the Denver meeting that attempt to find "agreement" on such issues (Norris, RH Reality Check, 9/26).
"Religious Leaders Demand Abortion Rights" Feminists for Choice: A recent open letter to Congress by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice "makes an attempt to paint reproductive justice as a concern of the majority of religious people, not the other way around," the blog states. The letter, which was signed by more than 70 leaders of different faith organizations and churches, said, "The majority of faith groups have affirmed that abortion is a decision of conscience that should be safeguarded by government. Further, these faith traditions affirm that health care services, including abortion, must be available to all, regardless of income." The blog says, "It angers me to think that believing in reproductive rights is seen as something that religious leaders and people of faith have to justify," adding, "Given that the foundation of reproductive freedom is respect for the dignity and lives of women, it is a crime that one would assume religious individuals are antiabortion unless otherwise noted." The blog continues, "I hope that the push to make progressive clergy members more visible will serve to educate the general public about to the truths about the pro-choice community" and "encourage more young feminists to join spiritual communities and come to know the joy of being part of a progressive spiritual community" (Feminists for Choice, 9/28).
Reprinted with kind permission from You can view the entire Daily Women's Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email delivery here. The Daily Women's Health Policy Report is a free service of the National Partnership for Women & Families, published by The Advisory Board Company.
? 2009 The Advisory Board Company. All rights reserved.Blogs Comment On Health Reform, Population Control, Provider Education, Other TopicsOriginally from:
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What Jobs Do You Suggest For A College Student & Future Nurse?
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NYT: Senate Rejects Public Option for Health Reform
Tuesday September 29, 2009
In the latest development in the health reform drama, the Senate rejected a pair of health reform proposals that included a public option. The public option would consist of a government-run health insurance provider that would "compete" with private insurers.
According to The New York Times, parent company of, John D. Rockefeller's bill was voted down by all Republicans and five Democrats. The other proposal, by Charles Schumer of NY, was voted down by all Republicans and three Democrats.
The article states: "Republicans on the committee unanimously opposed the public option, saying it was, in the words of Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, 'a Trojan horse for a single-payer system' in which the government would eventually control most health care."
So it's back to the drawing board for healthcare reform. While Rockefeller, Schumer, and other supporters of the public option will continue to fight for it, Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) will continue to try to push his more moderate health reform plan which includes co-ops instead of a public option.
Some Democrats feel that health reform without a public option would not fix the nation's health care system, while others feel that some form of health reform is better than nothing.
What do you think? As a current or future healthcare professional, health reform would not only affect your health and well-being, it also could directly impact your career, for better or for worse.
More on Health Care Reform:
What is Health Care Reform?
Readers Respond: What Do You Think is the Best Solution to the Health Reform Situation? NYT: Senate Rejects Public Option for Health ReformSource:
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What do elderly people talk about in the nursing home?
Let's see if you can figure it out.
Again, what do elderly people talk about in the nursing home. . .
I'll be giving the 10 pts to Mickey. That was closest.
What do elderly people talk about in the nursing home? DEPENDS!!!!
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Is it possible to get a nursing degree then take an online program for midwifery?
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Does Office Politics Happen In Every Organization?
Does my employers culture suit me? Have you considered the implications for me and my family carefully enough? Is working long hours going to suit me in the short, medium or long term? Lets face it, there are times in our lives when its easier to work long hours- when youve just graduated, or even when the kids have grown up are some examples.
Work hard, play harder- that's the mantra isn't it? Well maybe it is for a while- if you're starting off in a career or just starting a new job then that's probably OK. All day, every day for more than a year or so and you are headed down a very slippery slope. Balance of work and home life is fast becoming essential. Good employers of course already know this. Look around your industry and try and find the happiest employees- chances are that they work for the best companies- dust off that CV and get job hunting. We only live the once, don't waste your life in a company that doesn't value you.
If you could work anywhere in the world, where would it be? If it's somewhere other than where you are working right now, you need to change your job. Unrealistic? I don't think so- you only have one innings in the game of life so play it. When you finally turn up your toes, the saddest words to say will be "if only". Please don't think to yourself that I could have had a great life but my boss wouldn't let me. It's your life, take control and follow your dreams. Where do you want to work? Get off it and get on with it
The important thing is to consider where you want to work. Decide, plan your career and start to make the necessary steps to make the dream a reality. Remember that teamwork really does make the dream work. Consult with your family first, your friends second but remember that your friends won't be paying your mortgage. Share your career goals with people who will help you achieve them. Be careful with your goals that may be fragile- share them only with people you trust to nurture and care for you and what you care about.
Your working environment really is so important but people generally seem to me to live lives of quiet misery. Just when do you think that things are going to change, One of my favorite quotes if "If it is to be, it is up to me". Pie in the sky? I don't think so- if it is to be, it is up to my boss? Have I hit a nerve? I really do hope so. If getting your back up stimulates some action towards a better life for you and yours then it's worth the effort
Wouldn't it be boring if we all did the same thing. Whoever said that variety is the spice of life certainly gets my vote for being right. Spices aren't the main dish though- they flavour up the main dish. Everyone has a deal of routine in their work lives, spicing it up can make the difference between a job and something far more fulfilling.
Do something different today- have your coffee with someone else rather than the usual crowd. Find out something new about someone you don't know well yet- you get the idea. If your job doesn't allow you to do this, then maybe you're in the wrong one.
About the Author:
About CV That Works: CV That Works is a professional CV writing service that helps people get the job of their choosing. Glenn Hughes is a professional CV writer and works with a passion for assisting people find the job of their choosing Click here to get your own unique version of this article with free reprint rights.
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Ways To Get Your CV Into An Employers Hands
If you have made the excellent decision to get your CV written up professionally, printed up on rather nice paper or sitting proudly on your computer screen, you need to get it into the hands of potential employers or all that valuable resource time and perhaps money will be wasted. Of course it's a good idea to get your CV posted off to the offices of the key people in your Industry but where do you start with the process of getting information?
For a start, the popular job portals like Monster and Jobsite are worthwhile pursuing. Using this approach alone is far too generalized- your CV may hit the mark and it may not- if it does, happy days but what if it does not. If you're a bit short of time or if you want arrow like precision then perhaps you should consider using a CV distribution service like CV Trumpet
If you're looking to target the British or UK job market, you really need to be dealing with a British business. CV trumpet is British and offers a targeted approach that borders on absolute precision. Of course they have use of their fair share of technology but they seem to have got the process completely right. We don't have to recommend anyones service but we want our clients to get the interviews and the job that they are looking for or our service becomes pretty wasteful
One of the main reasons for the success of CV Trumpet is that they never charge recruiters any money, and this means that they have been able to build their database of recruitment companies. This is a marked difference between the service offered by CV Trumpet and all their competitors
CV Trumpet meet the needs of the higher level or executive recruiter by sending them very specific people who meet the needs of the recruiter. CV Trumpet therefore both attracts and more importantly retains the very best recruiters
What this means for you is that the distribution service starts from the point of view that you are the one that is important. CV Trumpet only make money if enough candidates use their CV distribution service and more importantly are happy with it. CV Trumpet wouldn't stay in business if they weren't satisfying their customers, namely job seekers, and not recruiters
This crucial distinction makes their service the only one that I have found to be worthwhile. Check them out- you having nothing to lose, but a huge amount to gain.
About the Author:
About the author: Glenn Hughes is a consultant and managing director of the professional CV writing service CV That Works. This article is an independent CV Trumpet Review. CV Trumpet is a CV distribution service for the UK Get a totally unique version of this article from our article submission service
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The Joy of Volunteer Nursing
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Health Headlines - September 30
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What Sort Of Company Culture Should I Look To Work In?
Let's face it, no two companies are alike. We may think that the dream job with the competition has your name on it but caution is the watchword. The very last thing you need in your career is a spell with the wrong company. It's a waste of everyone's time and from your perspective can be disastrous to your career. Checking out the company culture is essential nowadays- ignore it at your career peril.
Plan your career- dont work long hours for the sake of it. You can work hard and play hard for a while but not for your whole career. Understand that burnout can and does happen- you definitely don't want to become a work statistic. Nobody on their death bed wished that they had spent more time at work. Keep things in perspective- if an employer keeps asking you to stay longer than normal, get your CV shined up- it's time to go
Where in the world do I want to work? Ask yourself this question and the answer may surprise you. Do you want to work in the UK or is somewhere else of more interest? Working in a foreign country may seem idyllic but there will almost certainly be cultural, social or even language issues to contend with.
Are you doing now what you wanted to do when you were very small? I gave up long ago on being a professional golfer- I'm just not good enough. I haven't though yet given up on other life goals. Setting and then progressively achieving your life goals are one of the things that lead us on the path to a happy life. Many people sadly die soon after they retire. I believe that in a lot of cases that they die because they have achieved their goal- namely that of retirement. A far better option is to set new goals- that's every bit as important when you retire as it is before, perhaps even more so. Set new goals, commit them to paper, take some action and watch the magic happen.
Your working environment really is so important but people generally seem to me to live lives of quiet misery. Just when do you think that things are going to change, One of my favorite quotes if "If it is to be, it is up to me". Pie in the sky? I don't think so- if it is to be, it is up to my boss? Have I hit a nerve? I really do hope so. If getting your back up stimulates some action towards a better life for you and yours then it's worth the effort
Wouldn't it be boring if we all did the same thing. Whoever said that variety is the spice of life certainly gets my vote for being right. Spices aren't the main dish though- they flavour up the main dish. Everyone has a deal of routine in their work lives, spicing it up can make the difference between a job and something far more fulfilling.
Do something different today- have your coffee with someone else rather than the usual crowd. Find out something new about someone you don't know well yet- you get the idea. If your job doesn't allow you to do this, then maybe you're in the wrong one.
About the Author:
About CV That Works: CV That Works is a professional CV writing service that helps people get the job of their choosing. Glenn Hughes is a professional CV writer and works with a passion for helping people find the job of their choosing Don't reprint this exact article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.
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Who makes more money a RN nurse or a sonographer?
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Paramedic Training Help and Advice
If you are preparing to enroll for paramedic recruitment, it is good to know that while fulfilling, being a paramedic is also often times stressful. If can demand a lot of you and your time and there may be high incidences of serious injuries although injuries will vary. Keep in mind also the wide cross section of knowledge you will need to assimilate and use appropriately.
The job can sometimes be a demanding one with long hours. The cases you will deal with will vary but you will no doubt handle high volumes of serious once and a lot of information will need to be process, assimilated and sieved through to know what each patient needs.
When deciding to become a paramedic, please go beyond the general knowledge stated above and get specific information on what you will need to know. To save time, try these three as your first resorts.
Use the internet. The site designated to the organization with which you applied is more than likely a storehouse of information. Even if it fails to provide comprehensive information, there is still a wealth of knowledge at your finger tips like contact details for persons who can further assist.
Go to the office. This will allow you to speak to persons face to face. It might even tell them how interested you are. The quality of going above and beyond may work well in your favor once demonstrated naturally.
Try not to memorize questions and answers because chances are, they will randomly be chosen. Do not cut corners; you want to be successful so try to prove that you went the extra mile. So make sure you can answer any question asked with trying to remember the answer you had intended to regurgitate.
At a certain level during the paramedic recruitment process, you will be invited to a paramedic interview. It will be required from you to address some questions to help determine if you are suitable for the job. Try to get a list of the questions before hand, the department may or may not give you one. Try online and speaking to current paramedics for questions they faced and how they answered them as well. Try not to memorize what you will say since questions may be chosen randomly. You want to appear genuine to increase your chances and successful completion of paramedic recruitment.
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For all the latest tips and advice on how you can become a paramedic at the first attempt simply click here: paramedic training
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In your opinion , how does mass nursing education affect curriculum?
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In your opinion , how does mass nursing education affect curriculum?
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Philippine Death Toll Rises, As New Storms Brew
The homes of nearly 1.9 million people in the capital and surrounding areas were inundated by flooding unleashed when Tropical Storm Ketsana tore through the region over the weekend, the National Disaster Coordinating Council said Tuesday. Nearly 380,000 people have sought shelter in schools, churches and other evacuation centers.
Overwhelmed officials have called for international aid, warning they may not have sufficient resources to withstand two new storms forecasters have spotted east of the island nation in the Pacific Ocean. One could hit the northern Philippines later this week and the other early next week, although meteorologists say that could change.
Ketsana, which scythed across the northern Philippines on Saturday, dumped more than a month's worth of rain in just 12 hours, fueling the worst flooding to hit the country in more than 40 years.
Troops, police and volunteers have already rescued more than 12,359 people, but unconfirmed reports of more deaths abound, Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro said.
He told a news conference that help from foreign governments will ensure that the Philippine government can continue its relief work.
"We are trying our level best to provide basic necessities, but the potential for a more serious situation is there," Teodoro said. "We cannot wait for that to happen."
Authorities announced Tuesday that a dam in northern Bulacan province had to release water for the second time in days in order to prevent a spill and urged villagers downstream to expect rising water levels.
Even the country's communist guerrillas said they would hold off on assaults and help villagers recover from the storm.
The extent of devastation became clearer Monday as TV networks broadcast images of mud-covered communities, cars upended on city streets and reported huge numbers of villagers without drinking water, food and power.
In Manila's suburban Marikina city, a sofa hung from electric wires.
Since the storm struck, the government has declared a "state of calamity" in metropolitan Manila and 25 storm-hit provinces, allowing officials to use emergency funds for relief and rescue.
Resident Jeff Aquino said floodwaters rose to his home's third floor at the height of the storm.
Aquino, his wife, three young children and two nephews spent that night on their roof without food and water, mixing infant formula for his 2-year-old twins with the falling rain.
Rescuers pulled a mud-splattered body of a woman from the swollen Marikina river Monday. About eight hours later, police found three more bodies from the brownish waters.
The United States has donated $100,000 and deployed a military helicopter and five rubber boats manned by about 20 American soldiers from the country's south, where they have been providing counterterrorism training. The United Nations Children's Fund and the World Food Program have also provided food and other aid.
Associated Press writer Jim Gomez contributed to this report.
Philippine Death Toll Rises, As New Storms BrewOriginally from:
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GAO Finds That A Federal Program Is Missing Problem Nursing Homes
This information was reprinted from with kind permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. You can view the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives and sign up for email delivery at ? Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights reserved.GAO Finds That A Federal Program Is Missing Problem Nursing HomesOriginally from:
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Where To Buy Acai Berry Juice
Acai berry juice represents among many the most beneficial supplements to reach the market in a long time. Acai juice is one of the more enjoyable forms of acai. The best acai berry juice products are bottled at the source.
Acai juice is similar to blueberry flavor and the palate may notice a hint of cinnamon or chocolate. Acai berry juice blends well with yogurt, milk or hot water for a refreshing tea. Acai juice will also nix well with other juices such as grape, pomegranate or blueberry. It can add a lot of flavor to other juices or juice mixes.
Pure acai berry juice has among the highest ORAC value obtainable for any known berry. The ORAC value for acai berry juice being higher than blueberry or pomegranate frequently positions it as the number 1 superfood found on most top ten lists. What you'll not detect in pure acai berry products are added refined sugars or fillers. Many acai berry product have additional sugars or fillers that perhaps is the reason you possibly are finding A good deal; always scan the label or better still contact the company. Some acai products contain a type of sugar called guarana that is often utilized as a filler and sweetener.
Pure acai juice benefits can be realized because it is contains protein, fiber, potassium, vitamins C and A. If that was not enough it acai juice contains essential fatty acids such as Omegas 3, 6 and 9 and these fats are vital for the overall health of the human body. A pure organic acai juice will have a noticeable oily sheen on the top when poured into a glass and this is due to the omega oils.
When shopping to buy organic acai juice or adding acai to your diet review the products available and avoid the ones with added sugars. If your diabetic or dealing with inflammation issues you know what is best to avoid. Guarana is a sugar and a stimulant and if you need that extra jolt in the morning well it is not such a bad thing. If you want the best acai juice products then consider ones that are certified organic, kosher and purified at the source.
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To find out more about this amazing product click through on the following links acai berry UK or purchase acai berry to find out more.
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Can I go to school for a respiratoy therapist because i am waiting to get to nursing program?
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Panic Disorder Symptoms and Treatments: Some Useful Hints
Panic disorder symptoms and treatments are not uncommon, If you're looking for ways on how to deal with the disorder, then, you have come to the right place. If you or someone you love has experienced a panic attack before for the first time, then now is the perfect moment to learn more about the condition, its symptoms, and how you can treat it.
First things first, though. You should know more about panic disorder, and its accompanying condition, panic attacks. This is so you can fully grasp the idea of panic disorder symptoms and treatments.
How is it defined? Panic disorder is a medical term that is used to describe a psychiatric condition characterized by frequent and recurring panic attacks in combination with significant behavioral changes. It could also mean having experienced at least a month of lasting and unending worrying about the concern and fear of having another panic attack. What is a panic attack? Since panic disorder is characterized by frequent panic attacks, then you should also arm yourself with some knowledge about the condition. Panic attacks are sudden episodes of strong anxiety that brings about fear and discomfort. Its beginnings are usually abrupt, and could happen without any apparent and obvious triggers. When a person experiences a panic attack, he usually associates the feeling with having a nervous breakdown, heart attack, or even dying.
Panic Attack Symptoms - What are some symptoms of a panic attack? When a person experiences a panic attack, he may feel dizzy, nauseous, and short of breath. Some symptoms also include tightness in throat and chest, racing heart with tingles sensations, sweating, trembling and shaking, physical exhaustion and limpness, crying, hot/cold flashes, and stomach ache.
Crippling Fear - The sufferer will also experience intense and frightening understandings of reality, loss of cognitive ability, and loud internal dialogue. Other symptoms also include nervousness, racing thoughts, obsessive worrying, and overwhelming fear that something awful will happen. The sufferer also feels out of control, anti-social, and threatened by something, even though nothing around him is threatening. He feels like he is "going crazy", or even dying.
There are many treatments nowadays that will teach you to cope with panic attack. You can do breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and positive reaffirmations. But this will only guide you to getting over an episode. If you want to permanently get rid of your panic attack, you can seek other methods of treatment. Hint: Since panic disorder is accompanied with worrying and fearing another panic attack, the key is to stop fearing another panic attack. If you can learn how to stop fearing the coming of another attack, then you can break free from panic attacks.
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Get your life back on track and stop panic attack now. Know more regarding panic disorder symptoms and treatments.
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Nursing Home?
My mom was in a nursing home, and I recieved a call last week that they couldnt wake her, and they said her heart rate was very high and her blood pressure was up very high, they took her to ER and I sit with her all day untill night 11:30 at night she roused from her sleep for a minute, I found she had had a stroke but it hadnt just occured, it happened 4 days before, and I had never been notified,I had noticed before when I went seemed she slept alot, and had noticed some bruises, when I would ask they would tell me they didnt know how it got there, Now since the stroke the dr wants to put a g-tube in my moms stomach, but i fed her some the other day , I believe she can eat, they said after a stroke sometimes they cant swallow, but I fed her some, I think they want this g-tube so they can be done with it, and back to the rest home, ive called attorneys and they never would return my calls , as there is more neglect then im telling, I dont know what to do. I'll do a part 2
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Monday, September 28, 2009
Is it possible to get a nursing degree then take an online program for midwifery?
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What does training to be a nurse involve?
Many thanks (:
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Is it possible to get a nursing degree then take an online program for midwifery?
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Is it possible to get a nursing degree then take an online program for midwifery?
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How can I get assistance for school not associated with the government?
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Health Headlines - September 29
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Nurses, Doctors, Health Professionals Create Spinal Cord Injury Organization
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Does Philippines has the nursing schools programs that similar to the California nursing schools?
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Which laptop is best for a college student?
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Nurse Sues After Arrest For Not Drawing Blood
Lisa Hofstra was the nurse in charge of the emergency room at Illinois Masonic about 4 a.m. on Aug. 1 when she said an officer named Rodriguez asked her to take blood samples from a man to determine his blood-alcohol level, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court. Hofstra allegedly told the officer the man had to become a patient first and she wanted to consult with her supervisor.
The officer cuffed her and placed her in the back of a squad car, according to the lawsuit.
The lawsuit claims Rodriguez, who is not fully named in the complaint, used excessive force by placing the handcuffs on Hofstra too tightly and arrested her without probable cause.
Hofstra is seeking an unspecified amount of damages.
Hospital Footage of the Incident >>>
Part 2 of Footage >>>
Nurse Sues After Arrest For Not Drawing BloodOriginally from:
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on a scale from 1-10, how would you rate the difficulty on trying to become an RN?
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What type of volunteer work is available at nursing homes to help elderly people?
I feel so sorry for them.
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scope of travel nursing?
Why Doesn't the U.S. Have an Office of the National Nurse?
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More Than Half Million Kids Get Bad Drug Reactions
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Sunday, September 27, 2009
Health Headlines - September 28
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What is the age limit to become a certified nursing assistant?
I will choose the beest answer
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Is there a way to become a RN nurse within two years?
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Embracing the Heart Pillow
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The Way To Professional Hairdressing - Hairdresser Career
Today the world is getting westernized day by day, and fashion industry has taken its place. The people are emphasizing more on their looks and this leads them to have their hair cut in a stylish manner. So, to be a good-looking one, they need the help of cosmetologists or the barbers. Cosmetologists are those who specialize in hair cutting, styling, and the application of various chemicals on hairs for different types of treatments like coloring, straightening etc... Since, these cosmetologists also offer various other services like pedicure, manicure, assistance for removal of hair, these are also known as beauticians.
Comparing to this, barbers offer services like hair cut, trimming and shaving of beard and sometimes light massage, as their clients are usually males. But the demand of the hair dressers in the market is always there, either it may be in the form of cosmetologists or barbers. So to be a good hair dresser, either you had to join a cosmetology school, or join and become an apprentice in any saloon.
Educational requirements to become a hair-dresser: A candidate seeking his carrier in hair-dressing must be at least 16 year old and be licensed by the state in which he is willing to work. Although hairdressing doesn?t require the academic knowledge while cutting and curling the hairs but one should at-least pass the high school as it help one to mingle with the other people. Many cosmetology schools also specify this elementary knowledge as the eligibility criteria for the students who want to enroll themselves in this trade. Also this is a social trade, so the basic education helps the candidate to make him ready for the small talks and deeper discussions with his client. Apart from these educational requirements, there is so much that goes into being a good hair dresser which requires a lengthy hand-on training and practice.
As fashion changes every year, hair designs also changes every year. To cope up with the market, hair-dressers need to be creative, so that they make you look good by cutting and styling your hairs, or coloring your hairs. This trade has limitless potential for making money as long as hair dressers work hard at their trade and have the ability to communicate well with the clients. Sometimes it happens that the customer is not able to tell what they want to the hair dresser but they expect the hair dressers to do their job as they want. So, to become a good hair dresser, it is very important for them to learn to visually pick the clues from the customer, so that they can please them with their services and this will make the good impression on the clients and make them positive towards the hair dressers.
After completing the course at cosmetology schools accredited by NACCAS (National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences), and acquired the license for hairdressing from the state, one can open his own saloon or can work at any saloon. Now, check whether you have the traits required for being a hair dresser, and if you have then choose this as your career option and rush to a good cosmetology school and enroll yourself there. I wish all the best for the emerging hair-dressers.
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Learn how to cut and style great hair with professional hairstyling tutorials. You will learn to cut hair with your own personal trainer on 4 volumes of DVDs.
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Climate Change Quicker Than Predicted
An increasingly large amount of scientific research, published since the IPCC 4th Assessment Report was released in 2007, shows that climate change is occurring right now, and that it is much faster than predicted only two years ago.
The evidence for this statement comes from many areas. The most important ecosystems currently undergoing change include:
-Multiple ecosystems, in multiple locations, now show the effects of global warming. Examples include the timing of plant flowering, animal breeding, and lake thawing.
-Warmer ocean surface temperatures in Pacific & Atlantic hurricane-formation zones leading to stronger storms are significantly linked to human-induced warming.
-Ocean acidification is happening rapidly, as a result of CO2 in large amounts being dissolved in sea water. This will have massive changes on marine ecosystems and also food security for many nations.
-Expected sea-level elevation over the next few decades will be greater than that predicted in 2007. It will probably increase a metre or more, according to recently published research.
-The increased melting of the Greenland ice sheet which began in the summer of 2004 has been definitely related to global warming.
-West Antarctica has melted at an accelerated rate since 1999 and has suffered 10 major ice shelf collapses since then. After an ice shelf collapses there is a rapid and marked acceleration of glacial flows, contributing to sea level increases.
-Sea-ice in the Arctic is disappearing much quicker than previously estimated, and it is almost a given that this area will be ice-free in summer within a few decades.
-Permafrost in the Arctic Circle is thawing much quicker than recently thought, and is releasing larger amounts of greenhouse gases than predicted.
The warming that is now taking place is expected to go on for many centuries, after all human-sourced CO2 escape ceases. This is due to the significant delays that exist in the climate-ocean system, as well as the long half-life of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
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Learn more at the world's coolest climate change blog, or learn more about accelerated sea level rise. Get a totally unique version of this article from our article submission service
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What You Must Do To Be A Hairdresser
Today the world is getting westernized day by day, and fashion industry has taken its place. The people are emphasizing more on their looks and this leads them to have their hair cut in a stylish manner. So, to be a good-looking one, they need the help of cosmetologists or the barbers. Cosmetologists are those who specialize in hair cutting, styling, and the application of various chemicals on hairs for different types of treatments like coloring, straightening etc... Since, these cosmetologists also offer various other services like pedicure, manicure, assistance for removal of hair, these are also known as beauticians.
Comparing to this, barbers offer services like hair cut, trimming and shaving of beard and sometimes light massage, as their clients are usually males. But the demand of the hair dressers in the market is always there, either it may be in the form of cosmetologists or barbers. So to be a good hair dresser, either you had to join a cosmetology school, or join and become an apprentice in any saloon.
Educational requirements to become a hair-dresser: A candidate seeking his carrier in hair-dressing must be at least 16 year old and be licensed by the state in which he is willing to work. Although hairdressing doesn?t require the academic knowledge while cutting and curling the hairs but one should at-least pass the high school as it help one to mingle with the other people. Many cosmetology schools also specify this elementary knowledge as the eligibility criteria for the students who want to enroll themselves in this trade. Also this is a social trade, so the basic education helps the candidate to make him ready for the small talks and deeper discussions with his client. Apart from these educational requirements, there is so much that goes into being a good hair dresser which requires a lengthy hand-on training and practice.
As fashion changes every year, hair designs also changes every year. To cope up with the market, hair-dressers need to be creative, so that they make you look good by cutting and styling your hairs, or coloring your hairs. This trade has limitless potential for making money as long as hair dressers work hard at their trade and have the ability to communicate well with the clients. Sometimes it happens that the customer is not able to tell what they want to the hair dresser but they expect the hair dressers to do their job as they want. So, to become a good hair dresser, it is very important for them to learn to visually pick the clues from the customer, so that they can please them with their services and this will make the good impression on the clients and make them positive towards the hair dressers.
After completing the course at cosmetology schools accredited by NACCAS (National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences), and acquired the license for hairdressing from the state, one can open his own saloon or can work at any saloon. Now, check whether you have the traits required for being a hair dresser, and if you have then choose this as your career option and rush to a good cosmetology school and enroll yourself there. I wish all the best for the emerging hair-dressers.
About the Author:
Do you want to learn hairdressing the easy way without paying for hairdressing college? Grab your 2 DVD professional hairdressing home study course now - clydebank college hairdressing
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The Benefits Of Eating Super Fruits.
Are you looking for a way to regain the spring in your step that you had when you were younger? Are you looking for a way to have more energy without having to drink sugar filled caffeinated sodas and lattes? Are you looking for a healthy, natural alternative to expensive, unnatural diet supplements or dangerous appetite suppressors? If so, then you must read this article. By the time you have read every word you will have discovered a wonderful, natural way to lose weight, gain energy and look younger!
He uses the Acai berry as the foundation of his globally prescribed to dietary plan. For more Acai berry information go on over to the Acai berry blog where you will get all that Dr Phillip Perricone had to say about the Acai berry as well as Oprah Winfrey's incredible recent weight loss which she attributes to the effective and delicious Acai berry diet But the Acai berry is not just another health fad that's here today and gone tomorrow, in fact it has enjoyed a solid and substantial fan base for centuries now. The Coloco tribe, who inhabit the dense Amazonian undergrowth that the Acai berry was discovered in, have had the Acai berry at the centre of their diets now for various centuries.
Acai Berry is full of many vitamins and minerals, including the largest amount of antioxidants found in nature, amino acids, fiber and essential fatty acids. Having a large quantity of all of these properties in your body allow you to lose weight faster, slow the aging process, decreases your appetite because you are getting all of the essential nutrients in one place and will protect you from harmful diseases like Heart Disease, Alzheimers and Cancer.
In addition, Acai Berry helps detoxify your body like nothing else on Earth. Acai Berry is a natural way to cleanse your body because of its high fiber content, and in the process of removing toxins from your body it replaces them with vital nutrients, acids and minerals and will inevitably lead you to weight loss without even trying!
Through the years, this fruit has been priced by a lot of people because of the energy, strength, and high nutritional value that it gives. Furthermore, it is packed with essential fatty acids and omegas. It also contains monosaturated essential fatty acids which helps a lot in lowering the level of LDL (harmful cholesterol) within the body while at the same time, maintaining HDL or the beneficial cholesterol. The acai berry is also a dense source of flavonoids known as anthocyanins. When it comes to its ORAC value (which refers to the antioxidant properties), it is known to have a higher value compared to other edible berries there is in the planet. This amazing concentration of antioxidants is also known to combat premature-aging, hence the acai berry is a fad that makes a lot of beauty-conscious people go crazy.
About the Author:
Super Fruit News covers the hottest weight loss fads that use today's top super fruits. We test out the weight losss ourselves to see if they are as good as they say they are. To see what the best super fruit for 2009 is visit us at Super Fruit News and find out if the Acai Berry weight loss will work for you!
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ivf scheduling?
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Health Headlines - September 20
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