Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Achievement Of Wellness Now Marketed By Doctors

Doctors working for a family medicine clinic in a central state have recently revealed their discovery that good health is a marketable commodity. In their aim to alleviate wrong health habits among their patients, doctors founded a wellness program a few years back which has not reached five more cities and according to one of the clinical founders, it may soon reach other far-flung cities and states.

The one who manages marketing for the program averred that its essence is extremely easy to understand. It is designed to teach individuals of utilizing exercise and correct nutrition in order to avoided diseases that are related to a lifestyle that lacks exercise and good diet habits. Getting involved with such a health program is quite hard for the physicians who fall short in dietary education and training. A founding physician noted that he shares that frustration of fellow doctors when it came to asking his patients to drink their medicine. He claims that he is able to dictate on what the patients had to do but still lacked the propensity to make sure they apply it regularly.

A doctor states that they are the worst nutritionists in the world but quips that this is quickly changing as doctors are realizing that their patients definitely know more about dietary practices than them. He states that the best marketing proposition of the project is that it offers something to patients that their own doctors do not have the time or expertise to perform by themselves. The physicians were quick to add that a strong awareness of potentially hazardous ailments such as high cholesterol has helped in the success of selling the program.

Health groups or professionals who will partake in the program as affiliates will have to pay a reasonable affiliate fee which will entitled them to comprehensive printed resources for teaching weight loss and heart health which serve as the groundwork of the program. A dietician, exercise physiologist, and a psychologist guiding the clients are also part of their program for effective weight loss. Students participating in the healthy heart educational sessions are taught how to reduce the risk of heart ailments and one way is by knowing how to lower cholesterol levels.

Training books, marketing guides and tools, as well as the cost of training on how to sell the program in their vicinity is already incorporated in the fee. The investors and affiliates are easily able to take back their investments by charging service fees to clients. The director of the program along with the psychological consultant have stated that the program will be close to being a turnkey system and be in full scale operation in a few months' time.

While there are many ways of changing patients' lifestyles for the better, doctors still are not able to monitor them regularly. Clinics that have health programs include aerobics in their weight loss regimen. To lure in more people to get into the program, they use aerobics classes. One of the ways to publicize their services is by getting the people from the local high school to participate in their aerobics classes.

As the school distinct was unable to implement a physician education program in elementary school, the clinic saw the opportunity to teach aerobics to the students as well as teach them proper nutrition and exercise techniques. Young people espouse preventive more that corrective medical efforts. The founding doctors who created the wellness medical program for their community were motivated to utilize this to lower the cases of costly surgeries and curative procedures.

For resources on medical recruitment check out this site. Comprehensive information on jobs medical is found on there.

categories: medical Career,Medical Recruitment,Doctors jobs,medical employment,Physicians

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