Saturday, April 3, 2010

Online Nursing Degree Programs Expand!

The impending shortage of students entering school for a nursing degree has caused a demand for nurses that continues to spread across the U.S. healthcare system. Many providers of classroom-based and online education are developing programs that can help professionals in the field earn advanced degrees without sacrificing their career development.

The University of Nevada system has announced a partnership between two of its schools to offer a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, the Las Vegas Sun reports. System branches in Reno (UNR) and Las Vegas (UNLV) will each provide faculty members who will teach courses in the 39-credit program, which is intended to prepare nursing students for administrative positions.

Preparing for a leadership role in the nursing field is easy when you pursue a degree. Whether you'd prefer to work for a clinic, hospital, or assisted-living facility, you will receive the skills and tools you will need to be successful. Attend projects and conferences, whether you enroll in a traditional university or an online college. Nursing students across the country are participating in lectures and coursework that accommodate their busy lives. In you need more information about distance nursing, look on the internet.

Gain real life experiences and firsthand training by completing a residency while you work on your degree. Spend three to five years in a residency program and get on the job paid training during your schooling. Obtain your nursing degree or work on advancing in your current position if you're already employed with a hospital or clinic.

It is extremely beneficial to obtain a nursing practice degree, as the certification is only being offered by a small percentage of nursing education programs across the nation. Improve yourself and your professional standing by going above and beyond the basic requirements in the medical field and employers will take notice. Let your resume shine with a great, hard-earned education.

Medical professionals working in their field may find themselves being required to return to college to meet new standards set to be put in motion in the next five years. Studies show that advance practice nurses will be expected to have a doctorate level degree. Taking the initiative to earn that level of education now, instead of waiting for it to be a requirement, will show you are serious about your profession. There is an abundance of information about single mothers nursing on the web.

The certification will take anywhere from two and a half years to five years, depending on a few determining factors. One factor is how much time you can devote to your education. The other is what degree you currently hold. If you have a Bachelor's degree, it will take you a longer amount of time to complete your doctoral degree than if you already have a Master's.

Nurses who wish to advance their careers quickly with an addition nursing degree may consider enrolling in similar online degree programs, which they may complete while they continue to gain work experience. Thesenursing colleges will provide the impetus needed to further many careers.

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