Friday, April 23, 2010

Department of Defense Awards $1.2 Million for Lupus Research

The Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. (LFA) congratulates Insoo Kang, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Yale University for being selected to receive a $1.2 million research grant from the U.S. Department of Defense's (DoD) Congressionally Directed Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP). The DoD award will fund a three-year study that will investigate whether and why lupus patients make more of the chemical interleukin (IL-27), which causes decreased generation of T cells and is known to play an important role in autoimmunity and lupus.

"The cause of lupus remains poorly understood," said Sandra C. Raymond, Lupus Foundation of America, President and CEO. "Research, like Dr. Kang's, will help us shed new light on the cause and pathogenesis of lupus, and ultimately lead to new pathways for the treatment of lupus. The LFA sincerely congratulates Dr. Kang."

Through its advocacy initiatives that began in 2003, the LFA pioneered efforts to have lupus included as disease areas eligible for research funding through the PRMRP. The LFA made a persuasive case to DoD officials that described the relevance of lupus research to military personnel and their dependents. These efforts have opened a new source of much needed funds to support research on lupus.Since including lupus and lupus biomarkers among the areas approved for funding, the PRMRP has awardedeight grants totaling more than $8.3 million in new funding to support important studies.

Funding for lupus research through the DoD and all other relevant federal agencies has been a long-recognized priority for LFA advocacy efforts. Due to the changing demographics of the military population, there is an ever-increasing prevalence of lupus in military and Veterans Hospital Clinics. The LFA recognized this emerging health issue and worked to have lupus included in the PRMRP to advance research on lupus, which will ultimately benefit all families affected by lupus.


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Department of Defense Awards $1.2 Million for Lupus ResearchOriginally from:

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