What is the purpose of my decision? Am I interested in helping people who are sick? How would I describe my work habits? Is it possible to stay with my job when there is something a bit more interesting on the horizon?
Do I have a higher than average aptitude in chemistry, biology, and mathematics? Do you like these courses enough to remain focused while you complete all the prerequisite work that it will take for you to enter medical school? How much do I really love humanity? Do I love people so much that I can withstand watching them suffer in order to perform procedures that will help them? Can I endure the often mean and unkind treatment patients will dish out? After all, I will be seeing people at their worst. Can I handle that? When everyone around me is losing their sense of humor, can I keep mine? Am I mentally prepared to make the tough decisions required of medical professionals?
How long are you willing to study and work before you begin to realize a financial gain and personal recognition? How much do I truly know about the health care industry today? Do I recognize that it is an 'industry' in the truest sense of the word? Can you find the time to keep learning new things in order to stay current on the latest techniques and procedures? Colleges and universities that offer a pre-med program provide ample information on what is required to obtain an education in medicine. Your undergraduate course catalog will have a list of classes and subjects that will form the basis of your future medical training. All of them also contain warnings to take a moment to decide whether or not you truly desire a career in health care. Many people are attracted to the field solely on the basis of money and need to reexamine that.
The journey to become a doctor is hard and long. The United States boasts 114 different schools that teach medicine. Places are limited, for each student who gets in there is at least one student of equal merit who does not. Your grades do make a difference in your chances for acceptance into medical school. Though some schools understand the occasional "B", consistent poor marks will affect your chances of getting into a program. There are some undergraduate courses that are evaluated closely when considering med school candidates and that is organic chemistry.
You should decide upon an undergraduate program that allows options should you change your career choice. Your profession should allow time for other intelligent undertakings on your off days and as such you should have some resources available so that you want get stressed out from all work and no play which will help in keeping your mind sharp. Keep a good grip on your sense of humor, it will help you through the rough times.
Don't do anything dishonest or take courses that don't interest you simply to raise your grade point average. This is only going to make it harder for you to concentrate. Go through the motions as best you can without getting sidetracked. If at any time you see that this isn't right for you, stop doing it and tell someone.
And don't focus so much on reaching your destination that you forget about the journey you're undertaking. Be sure that everything you do will help you along the path towards the future you want and look for things that interest you along the way. No matter how much you think you're prepared for the emotional and psychological toll of medical school and residency, it's going to have a much higher price tag than you realize.
Decide in the beginning whether or not you can follow two different paths. For instance, there are some students you think they can handle going to dental school when medical school gets to be too much for them. Since dental schools only accept students that are devoted exclusively to dentistry and their admission requirements are so strict, this is no longer true.
Your attitude in school will be a big factor in predicting how much of a success you will be as a doctor. If your choice of career is unreasonable or unreachable, you're not going to be able to sustain a positive attitude for the length of time required to become a doctor. You should, therefore, consider very carefully whether or not a career in medicine is the right one for you, and if it's not, find a course of study that's more in tune with your aptitude, abilities, and interests so that you're assured success in whatever profession you choose.
Go to this site for further information on medical recruitment. When you would like to get more information on doctor work check out this site.
View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/do-you-realize-how-difficult-a-medical-career-can-be
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