Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Business of Doing Experiments in These Tough Economic Times

Earning some spare cash has become a very attractive proposition for most people in these harsh financial times where pay cheques are being stretched further and further every month. A lot of people take on second jobs to make ends meet but this isn't always practical. Fortunately there are other ways of how to make money doing experiments; such as taking part in medical trials and experiments.

Millions of people across the globe take part in medical experiments every year to earn money. Although this may sound like volunteering to be a human guinea pig, these experiments are safe and the biggest risk to participants is boredom and the inconvenience of follow up visits.

Prospective participants should not be put off by the Frankenstein monster misconceptions that often surround medical experiments. These tests are carried out in a highly regulated, controlled and professional manner and are safe, the biggest risks generally being boredom and cold stethoscope shock.

Questionnaires are often aimed at very specific demographic groups and may be restrictive in that regard. These are usually aimed at collecting information for use in research regarding states of health versus age, sex and lifestyle.

Quiz type tests involve simply filling in forms that serve to build research databases. These are usually fairly closely focused demographically and involve persons from specific age, sex or lifestyle groups. General health profiles are assimilated in this fashion and are a valuable source of health versus lifestyle information for the medical community.

Physical medical checkups or examinations involve participants undergoing MRI scans, blood tests or EKG's in addition to general physical check ups. This type of experiment pays better than the quiz type of test, but may not be a good idea for those who are a little shy of needles.

Pharmaceutical trials are among the longest experiments and usually involve the double blind style testing of new drugs. Placebos and the actual medication are randomly administered to persons with know conditions and the results monitored to establish the drugs efficiency.

Along the same lines are the procedure and treatment experiments that are aimed at addressing existing conditions in patients that are currently receiving alternate treatments. These, like the drug trials are the best paying but by their nature are fairly restrictive and time consuming.

Medical experiments are not only a handy source of extra income for participants. They serve a critical function in furthering medical research so you can not only earn the cash by partaking in the experiments but do your civic duty at the same time.

Some of the experiments needs you to watch movies, and you can cut down the cost by getting a Netflix coupon to get yourself some free movies.

categories: fitness,experiments,surveys,questions,answers,interview,focus groups,medical,test,lab,money,job,career

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1 comment:

  1. Hi,

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