Monday, February 1, 2010

The Saturated Fat Myth: How It Can Help You Lose Weight

Saturated fat might not me among some ways to shed weight quickly, it can improve your health.You've probably heard for a long time, even from health professionals, that saturated fat is a bad thing. It's surprising that such a belief has never been proven. Now you will see that saturated fat can actually be quite good for you.With all the incorrect beliefs about saturated fat you might find this surprising.Recently a large publisher actually tried to get the word out about saturated fat and its positive effect on health. The publication was Men's Health magazine where a lengthy article was published about the facts and research surrounding saturated fat.It also talked about new scientific efforts that demonstrate why it is better than anybody thought before.This article shows a lot of studies that explain what has gone wrong with thinking concerning saturated fat. A summary of this article follows. The most outstanding thing mentioned in the article is how that saturated fats were declared to be dangerous without any proof. Over 50 years ago a scientist named Ancel Keys blames heart disease on dietary fat.The data supporting such a conclusion was invalid. Reviews of his study absence proven no connection between saturated fats and heart problems.also was that the original study did not factor in things like smoking while looking for correlation. So the conclusions of his study were basically made up. Subsequent studies confirmed the serious problems with Ancel keys study. Questions as to whether any facts prove the benefits of saturated fat can be answered in the an affirmative. Scientists point to some tribes in Africa who have diets consisting primarily of whole milk red meat and blood of cows. In spite of their large diet of saturated fat, hardly any heart disease could be found.Skeptics suggest that those tribes had genetic resistance to saturated fat. Such speculation has been disproved because once those tribes began eating a modern diet they started developing modern health problems. Similar studies have confirmed the same thing in some Pacific island.Again, when the people adopted a more modern eating habits, they too developed health issues. What was previously unacknowledged is the positive effect saturated fat hands on LDL cholesterol levels.The three types of acids associated with saturated fat are stearic, palmitic, and lauric. Stearic is the kind of acid is found in cocoa and animal fat. These acids have been demonstrated to be beneficial to human health. In fact your liver breaks this acid into the same kind of substance of which olive oil is composed. It's funny to think that some ways to shed weight quickly would include eating saturated fat. The deficiency of those acids is associated with the deficiency of HCL cholesterol that many people have. This kind of acid is also being evaluated because it might improve the functioning of the immune systems of people with HIV. Lauric acid is commonly found in tropical oils. Palmitic acid is another component of saturated fat that increases the good kind of cholesterol. Now we know that blaming saturated fat for heart disease, what really causes the problems? Here are some contributing factors: ¢ trans fats ¢ refined vegetable oils ¢ excessive refined sugar ¢ stress ¢ smoking ¢ sedentary lifestyle The question remains as to why so many people want to blame saturated fat. It could be because of the marketing interests of the billion-dollar vegetable oil industry. You might be skeptical that commercial interests might intentionally promote harmful diets in order to make profits, but this is probably true.You don't have license, however, to over consume saturated fat:only moderate intake is OK. Get more information on healthy foods to eat, by going to

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