Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Become Tall With Simple Changes in Your Diet

"We are what we eat" - This is the fact. If you are looking to increase your height and become tall, your answer is your diet. What makes diet so important? Let us first look at the fundamentals, before we proceed. Our growth is controlled by growth hormones. And as any science student would tell you, hormones are made primarily of amino acids.

So to put it simply, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. So in order to get amino acids, you need to take in proteins. During the process of digestion, the blocks of protein are broken down to form amino acids.

So having that said, I must also add that consuming more protein is not what it takes. In fact having food in moderation is what helps.

What are good sources of protein? Peanuts, red meat, almonds, fish.

That in itself is not enough to be come taller.

Here are other things you need...

1. Calcium

Everyone knows that calcium is what makes the bones, which makes it evident to have calcium intake to keep your bones strong enough.

Calcium is the main component of bones and teeth. Children should consume more calcium since it is vry important for growth, moreover, older people should consume it too. It is also useful for lower blood pressure. Our bodies use calcium to help our heart, muscles and nerves work properly. The problem is that calcium cannot be produced in our body and we should get it from foods we eat. When we eat calcium rich food the calcium enters our blood and is carried to the organs to perform the work that is needed.

Few calcium rich foods are cheese, milk and eggs.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is responsible for promoting the absorption of calcium during digestion. Without Vitamin D you attain nothing even if you take loads of calcium. Few Vitamin D rich foods are egg yolk, fish oils and butte.

Grow taller

View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/become-tall-with-simple-changes-in-your-diet

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