Thursday, February 11, 2010

Accelerated Nursing Ohio: Have Job Security...

Nurses can put into practice what they have learned when they were earning their nursing degree to the different areas of the nursing careers. There are a lot of areas where one could prove their worth. Registered Nurses can pursue nursing careers that are focusing in specialties with emphasis on body organ or system for which they plan to provide care for.

There are also those types of nurses that assist doctors when they perform surgery, conduct patient examinations as well as assisting with treatments. In addition, they are also given the responsibility of having the ability to diagnose and treat common illnesses and injuries without always having a doctor present to guide them through the process.

Another attractive fact concerning the nursing profession is the attractive tuition reimbursement plans offered by many employers. These offers, combined with the flexible shift scheduling available at many hospitals and care facilities make it possible to go from a LPN, to RN, to RN with BSN and on to acquiring a master's in your desired specialty without hefty student loans or a disruption of your income.

The desires to reduce mistakes that can cause harm to the patient also drive the development of technology. Devices that have built in safeguards that prevent misuse are one example of this technology.

Her beliefs about nursing influenced the shape of the profession for well over 150 years. She was the first to view the nurse was not just a servant following the orders of a physician, but as a caregiver who could manipulate the environment and situation to influence the patient's well-being.

Oncology Nurses are empathic and caring towards patients diagnosed with cancers. They also administer chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Certification is done by "Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation".

The role of the nurse have evolved over the years and now, there are more fields of specialization that are available to them wherein they can practice and put their skills to good use.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nursing is one of the fastest growing occupations in our economy with over a 27% spike in employment projected over the next 5 years. Go earn your online nursing degree now.

"Find Affordable, Accredited Top Online Colleges." SEE MORE: Search accelerated nursing oh and accelerated nursing ohio Training Now.

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