Thursday, February 11, 2010

Acai Berry Freeze Dried Powder

Acai berries and acai berry juice products are some of latest supplements to enter the health food category as a superfood. Residents and natives of Brazil are very familiar with this berry and its products. Residents have been enjoying acai fruit juice beverages and bowls for some time. Once you have tried the juice you will probably find ways to add it to you favorite smoothie or add it to recipes. Acai freeze dried powder actually goes well in yogurt. The flavor is something to be experienced and it tastes like blueberries with a touch of chocolate and is not over powering.

The natives of the Amazonian rain forest are very familiar with acai berries they have used them as a staple in their diet for thousands of years. These amazing small dark purple berries look similar to small purple grapes and are harvested from the acai palm which grows in the swampy areas of the floodplains in the region.

Acai berries have one of the highest ORAC ( Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity ) which is a measurement of antioxidant capacity of foods or supplements. Due to the benefits and its ORAC value these berries have gone up in price in a short time.

Many people may see improvements by using acai berry products or acai pills including those dealing with various illnesses. Athletic trainers know the importance of antioxidants and supplements that supply protein and lasting energy.

Health issues that a person has may seek relief by using acai berry products for anti inflammatory, antioxidant and improving immune function. The conditions that people may be seeking relief are, detoxing and cleansing, high blood pressure, heart issues, cholesterol reduction, losing weigh inflammation, arthritis and dry or oily skin conditions.

Why are acai berries so special? They are packed with protein and fiber and have minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron and potassium. They also contain B vitamins such as B1, B2 and B3 including others such as C and E including Omega acids Linoleic acid and Oleic acid based on research findings help keep cholesterol levels normal. A few products claim to be pure and organic. A few products contain sugars or additives to extend the juice or powder.

Acai is a fantastic product consider acai berry capsules or acai capsules. Grab a totally unique version of this article from the Uber Article Directory

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