Monday, February 15, 2010

3rd Annual Healthy Living "Love Your Heart" A Resounding Success!

February is HEART month and thanks to great leadership the third annual Healthy Living Fair "Love Your Heart" fair held at Tuality Healthcare in Hillsboro, Oregon was deemed successful. Over 100 members of the public came to learn more about their life style. Most had their blood pressure checked, some were screened for cholesterol and glucose, and all were provided with educational materials ranging from eating healthy to smoking cessation, risk factors and exercise. Pictured left to right: Cynthia Lambert SN (PCC Class of 2010 and Jessica Manzoni SN (PCC) Class of 2010Nearly forty Portland Community College nursing students were on hand to answer questions and also to do one on one motivational interviewing. Participants were given the opportunity to evaluate the event and all strongly agreed or agreed that the Health Fair was worthwhile. It was especially rewarding to see returnees from previous years. The majority of those attending stated they planned to make a change in their normal routine based on what they had learned. The "Love Your Heart" fair is just one example of how having an Office of the National Nurse could make a difference in promoting health and reducing the rate of chronic disease. HR 4601-The National Nurse Act of 2010 calls for the National Nurse to "provide guidance and leadership for activities to promote the public health, including encouraging nurses and other health professionals to be volunteers and developing projects that educate the public about and engage the public in prevention practices to achieve better health." Pictured Trixilyn Ward (age 3) and Craig Grover SN (PCC Class of 2010)Activities were age appropriate and children were encouraged to play with an interactive heart or color paper hearts. It is never too early to practice healthy living! s and developing projects that educate the public about and engage the public in prevention practices to achieve better health.3rd Annual Healthy Living "Love Your Heart" A Resounding Success!

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