Thursday, January 28, 2010

Are People Eating To Many Takeaways And Not Enough Good Foods?

This isn't something that is going to tell you that you should cut back all of that chocolate, crisps and biscuits Or try and stop you from reaching for your favourite Indian takeaway menu. It adds to this by explaining all of the foods you should be eating on top of this to make sure your body receives everything it needs to plough through. Doesn't everyone know what the food wheel is all about? In basic terms it is a graph of all of the food that the body needs to stay active and healthy, and even the fatty stuff is needed. Some of the other on the list include dairy, meat and of course your five a day. On top of all of this there is another wheel within this that contains things like protein and calcium. So when you are eating that hamburger do not just think to yourself ill leave it at that, mix it up a bit. The next day cook a bit of fish to give yourself some protein and have a bit of a salad with it to make sure your body is getting what it needs. The thing is when you diet it is very hard to get everything you need to stay healthy (on the inside). Many people will exercise for hours and eat very little and many other will exercise then eat something that is very unhealthy and all you are getting are the body fats that the body needs but does not constanly need. A diet is a lot different to what people think at first. A diet is the food your body takes in to use everyday. Once you stop these important nutrients going into the body it is no longer a diet but starvation. There is a very fine line between being on a diet and starving your body of what it needs. Still there are things out there that you can take to make sure your body gets what it needs and they can often be found on an online heath stores. Efamol is a product that does just this as it allows the body to have the good fats it needs whilst denying it the bad ones that make the stomach and other parts of the body build up fatty residues. If its indigestion you suffer from then buy Silcea, it is what you need to help get rid of that inflammation.

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