Treating a cold sore is not pleasant but must be done quickly and correctly if you expect real results. You do not need drug store remedies. All you need are the proven treatments mentioned below.
There are both internal and external remedies that work well for treating cold sores. Your best results will come from combining both types at the same time.
If you will do this, you will be very happy with how fast your sores will vanish just using these simple home treatments.
Since these are surface sores, topical treatments are the best and most direct approach for fast relief. Below are four of the most popular external remedies for treating a cold sore.
1. ICE. Ice or other cold object will work wonders when applied before a sore opens up. It greatly reduces pain and swelling. It also gets in the way of the herpes replication process.
Ice will slow down your outbreak if applied at the first itching or tingling sign. It can sometimes even stop it completely.
2. GARLIC. Crush or cut fresh garlic and apply the oil directly to the sore site. Start applying it at the very beginning through final healing.
Garlic is strong medicine against virus infections. It will absorb directly through the skin and attack the virus infection. If the garlic smell bothers you, your second choice would be oregano oil.
3. HOT COMPRESSES. Stop using ice as soon as your cold sores open up. Now the best therapy is to apply heat using warm, moist tea bags. Keep in mind that cold slows down healing and heat hastens it up.
Tea contains phytonutrients that contribute to fast healing. Black tea works fine, but it will work better if it contains some mint also. Do not heat the bags directly in the microwave.
4. PEROXIDE. It is very important to continuously cleanse your cold sores. Alcohol soaked tissues are the most common method used.
Hydrogen peroxide is better and here is why. It is as good of a cleanser as alcohol. Peroxide, however, provides additional oxygen to the wound which really speeds up healing.
Treating a cold sore using internal treatment methods will super-charge any external remedy. You will not be able to prevent future outbreaks unless you use internal cures.
The following two internal therapies are definitely the most important to include when treating your cold sores.
1. THE LYSINE SECRET. The protein arginine is the main ingredient needed to build new herpes virus. Lysine is another protein that actively flushes excess arginine out of your system. This will stop an outbreak real fast.
Lysine must get into your cells from your bloodstream to work in treating a cold sore. The only way to accomplish this is by getting it in your diet. Better yet, take lysine capsules.
Dairy products (especially from Wisconsin) and fish, like flounder, are very rich in lysine. Trouble is, it is nearly impossible to get the amount of lysine you need from food sources alone.
You must use lysine capsules if you expect to see good results. The common daily intake as a treatment is about 2000 to 4000 milligrams spread out through the day during outbreak activity.
2. VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS. If you get repeated cold sores, you should be using a good quality vitamin supplement. This is a proven way of treating cold sores.
Vitamins A, D and E fuel healthy, radiant skin and quick cell replacement and repair. Vitamins B and C are the stress vitamins that will help to reduce outbreaks by reducing the effects of stress.
Zinc is the healing and prevention mineral. Any good supplement program will give you a minimum of 15 milligrams daily.
Calcium is the main nutrient that keeps your body alkaline. This is critical for treating a cold sore. The herpes virus will become inactive in an alkaline environment.
These are the basic methods that always produce results.
As you have seen, you truly do not have to waste money on drug store remedies for treating a cold sore. There are other excellent treatments, but the ones mentioned above are some of the best.
Giving these cold sore remedies a try is the best way for effectively treating a cold sore right now.
Struggling with treating a cold sore? Do not suffer another minute. Stop over to Denny Bodoh's delightful web-site. It contains more reliable facts about cold sores than you will find anywhere. Plus you get many FREE Cold Sore Cures that will quickly improve your social life. Go to
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