Friday, December 25, 2009

Is it possible to have family member committed to nursing home against their will?

Hi, my wife and I care for a 42 year old son that has juvenile diabetes, bi-polar, and schizophrenia. He has had wounds on the heels of his feet that have not healed He almost lost his right leg a month ago due to an infection but the surgeon did surgery and removed the infection but in the process had to sever his tendon. He is going to be bedridden for at least 3 months and his mother and I are his care givers. Most of the burden falls on his mother. I try to help as best I can. He is very, very demanding and verbally abuses his mother throughout the day and night. You can't do enough for him. Actually, this is nothing new. The verbal abuse and demands have been there for years and years. The difference is he is now bedridden. I can't tell you how awful it is for his mother and to live in this home. He receives SSI and medi-cal (medicaid). We don't have any additional money to pay for his care somewhere outside the home. Also, I know him, he will never voluntarily go somewhere outside the home where he can be cared for. My question is, is there anywhere that he can receive the proper care for his situation with his resources and how can we get him there when he won't voluntarily go?

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