Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stress, Blood Pressure and Heart Attacks

High blood pressure is natural at times when your organism is preparing for a fight or for running away. Normally the pressure goes down away as soon as the need for it disappears. However, if you let yourself live under stress for a longer time, high blood pressure will start to cause negative effects throughout your body - effects that can be dangerous to anyone, even teenagers!

If you want to live a healthy life (or truly, if you want to live at all), you have to act quickly and make some right choices for a change. Call a friend or someone close to you and discuss all your problems. Remember that it has to be an open discussion, not just your speech about how unhappy you are. Such heart-to-heart talk should leave you with some ideas about how to make an end to your problems and alleviate your stress.

You can also ask your family doctor for a piece of advice. First, he knows a lot of tips and tricks (ones that really work) that may help you cope with stress. Then, he is able to give you prescription-only pills that will allow you to calm down and increase your chances for finding and coping with the source of your problems.

If you hope to impregnate your life against stress, you have to apply another way of thinking: instead of thinking about negatives and be worried about even the smallest things, you have to keep your mind on the target and be a little more relaxed about the details. This is not about right or wrong, adopting objective or subjective look at the situation. It is about you are going to live happily until you're eighty or have a heart attack in your thirties.

We all live in stressful times and the world around us is far from being warm and friendly. However, those who don't allow problems get to them and consume their lives are those who are able to make a difference and improve their lives and the fate of their neighborhood, town or even country. Other will be too worried and will feel down so much that they will have no strength left to actually do something. Life is too short to be lost on just worrying about things one can't change.

About The Author: Andrew John writes about stress and how to combat it it naturally, without the need medication or prescription drugs. For more information and detailed studies on how to achieve natural stress relief, go to: Natural Stress Relief.

View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/stress-blood-pressure-and-heart-attacks

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