Monday, August 3, 2009

What drug schedules can Nurse Practitioners prescribe?

My pain clinic has a new Nurse Practitioner. I saw her at my regular appointment yesterday because my doctor was out of town. She wrote my regular Oxycontin prescription (40 mgs) and upped my breakthrough meds to OxyFast Solution. Both of these are Schedule II medications. It was always my undertsanding that Nurse Practitioners could not write anythign stronger than a Schedule III medication. The pharmacy filled these no problem. What gives? Why is she different? Are there different levels of Nurse Practitioner or something? Or is it just that my regular doctor's name and DEA number are pre-printed on the prescription pads too?
Where do you come by your information? EVERY nurse practitioner I have ever seen has told me specifically that they cannot prescribe Schedule II medications. I cannot take Hydrocodne as it causes me to have horrible hallucinations/ sleepwalk/ have extremely vivid nightmares, so I've had this conversation several times, in at least 4 different states and the District of Columbia.

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