Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hepatitis A-G

Hepatitis E
Symptoms similar to hepatitis A. It can take a fulminant course in some patients, particularly pregnant women.
It is spread by fecally contaminated water within endemic areas. The largest outbreak was reported in northeast China between 1986 and 1988.
Hepatitis E predominantly affects those aged 15 to 40 years of age. More prevalent in the Indian subcontinent. Hepatitis E does not occur often in the USA. The virus has a 15 to 60 day incubation period and infected persons may be contagious for up to two weeks after symptoms first appear. The symptoms are the same as for HBV with jaundice and flu-like aches and pains.
Hepatitis F virus
A hypothetical virus linked to hepatitis. However, an infection found in the Far East has shown that a new virus which is neither hepatitis B or C. The virus called HAF consists of double-stranded DNA and is substantially different from HAV and HEV, both of which are RNA based.
Hepatitis G or GBV-C
First described early in 1996 Hepatitis G is another potential viral cause of hepatitis. The Hepatitis G virus, has been identified and is probably spread by blood and sexual contact.
There is doubt about whether it causes hepatitis or is just associated with hepatitis, as it does not appear to replicate primarily in the liver. It is now classified as GBV-C. Often patients with hepatitis G are infected at the same time by the hepatitis B or C virus, or both.
There is no specific treatment for any form of acute hepatitis. Patients should rest in bed as needed, avoid alcohol, and be sure to eat a balanced diet.
The Hepatitis Epidemic in America - Today, an estimated 5 million Americans are infected with Hepatitis C - and most of them don't know it!
5 Million Americans Afflicted with Chronic Viral Hepatitis - Budget Proposal Shortchanges - NVHR: Administration's 2011 Budget Proposal Shortchanges Five Million Americans Afflicted with Chronic Viral Hepatitis...
Steps Required to Tackle Hepatitis B and C - Stepped-up vaccination requirements, a boost in resources for prevention and treatment, and a public awareness campaign similar to the effort that dispelled the stigma of HIV/AIDS are needed to curb the health threats posed by hepatitis B and hepatitis C, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine.
Ridding the Body of Hepatitis C - Genetic Hint - More than seventy percent of people who contract Hepatitis C will live with the virus that causes it for the rest of their lives and some will develop serious liver disease including cancer. However, 30 to 40 percent of those infected somehow defeat the infection and get rid of the virus with no treatment.
Hepatitis A and B in Canada - Hepatitis A and B are global liver diseases, and know no borders. While many may consider hepatitis A and B to be travel diseases, it is important to recognize that it can affect you right here at home, says Dr. Morris Sherman, Chairman of the Canadian Liver Foundation.
First Human Receives New Antibody Aimed at Hepatitis C Virus - Building upon a series of successful preclinical studies, researchers at MassBiologics of the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) today announced the beginning of a Phase 1 clinical trial, testing the safety and activity of a human monoclonal antibody they developed that can neutralize the Hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Hepatitis C - Definition, Transmission, Risk, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment - There are an estimated 3.2 million persons with chronic hepatitis C infections in America. The majority of these people are not aware that they are infected because they do not exhibit any symptoms. The number of reported cases of hepatitis C is considerably lower. About seventy-five to eighty percent of people who become infected with the HCV virus develop chronic hepatitis C.
Hepatitis B - Transmission, Symptoms and Diagnosis - The term, "Hepatitis," is a general one meaning, "inflammation of the liver." A person's liver may experience inflammation due to an infection, exposure to alcohol, toxins, specific medications, poisons, or because of a disorder of the immune system. Hepatitis B is caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which has two different phases; acute and chronic.
Hepatitis A - Definition Causes Symptoms and Prevention - Hepatitis A is a highly contagious form of liver infection that is caused by the Hepatitis A virus, also referred to as the HAV virus. HAV is one of three forms of viruses that may cause hepatitis; it is one of the three most common forms of hepatitis viruses in America. Other forms of hepatitis include Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
Autoimmune Hepatitis and the Liver - The overall outlook for persons with autoimmune hepatitis is generally very favorable. Persons who are diagnosed early and receive medication treatment in order to prevent serious liver damage find that the treatment is effective. For people who do not respond to treatments, liver transplants have become a very viable option, with a high rate of success.Hepatitis A-GOriginally from:

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