Friday, April 30, 2010

Registered Nurses Celebrated for Professional Excellence

EDMONTON, April 30 /CNW/ - Last night, the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA) recognized the exceptional achievements of seven registered nurses and one member of the public at its Awards of Nursing Excellence Gala held at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex is a supporter of the CARNA Awards Gala.

"Every day, registered nurses are using their knowledge and expertise to make a difference in the lives of Albertans," says CARNA president Joan Petruk. "The CARNA Awards of Excellence shine a spotlight on outstanding registered nurses who inspire their colleagues through their commitment to knowledge, patient care and professional excellence."

The CARNA Awards of Nursing Excellence are awarded in four areas of professional nursing practice; clinical, education, research and administration. Scholarships for exceptional educational achievements were also presented, including the prestigious CARNA/ TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarships.

"It's an honour to recognize the outstanding registered nurses whose expert caring makes a difference in the lives of Albertans every day," says Lone St. Croix, Vice President, TD Insurance Meloche Monnex. "It's a privilege to honour professionals who personify excellence and commitment to their careers."

CARNA also presented the Partner in Health award to a member of the public selected for their support of the nursing profession in the community.

"Registered nursing is a profession characterized by its diversity," says CARNA Chief Executive Officer, Mary-Anne Robinson. "There are registered nurses contributing to better health for Albertans in hospitals, homes, schools and worksites throughout the province. The CARNA Partner in Health Award was created to recognize the partners whose efforts work in synergy with registered nurses to meet the health needs within their communities."


(c) 2010 Canada Newswire. Provided by ProQuest LLC. All rights Reserved.

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How the Mayo Clinic is Setting the Stage for Medical Evolution

Apr. 30- Mayo Clinic's CEO Dr. John Noseworthy and Shirley Weis, the clinic's national chief administrative officer, said Thursday that change will only intensify rather than settle down at the clinic.

As Mayo continues to bolster Rochester's presence as a "destination medical community" rather than a community patients stay in on their way to Mayo, the clinic also has begun pilots for "e-consults" that might allow a rural physician to consult with Mayo experts remotely.

Thus, Noseworthy said, perhaps 11 out of 12 patients with medical concerns could stay home in their own communities and avoid the long trip to Rochester. That will leave room for patients in need of a higher level of expertise to come to Rochester. Noseworthy spoke to the Post-Bulletin editorial board Thursday.

Noseworthy said Mayo is experimenting with a variety of ways to potentially connect with patients at home or in their home communities.

One example is a stroke robot that allows a physician at Mayo to connect to a patient in a way that not long ago might have seem almost unimaginable. The robot allows the doctor to listen to the artery in a patient's neck remotely for a stroke assessment.

"The technology is really getting good. The heart sounds you can listen to the heart beating remotely," Noseworthy said.

The goal is to have health care available as close to where the patient is as possible.

"The law is passed and everyone is now trying to understand what's in there and we are studying that and we are internally creating a report," Noseworthy. That should be available to Mayo leaders within the next 10 days or so, he said.


"It's a law that's very, very complex and it touches Mayo Clinic in many ways," said John La Forgia, Mayo's chairman of public affairs. For example, the law contains components focused on comparative effectiveness research to help discern which treatments provide the best patient outcomes. It also sets up the start of creating health systems that pay based on value rather than by the volume of tests and procedures performed.

"That's a cornerstone of what we believe is important in health reform," La Forgia said.

He said there's a lot about the new law that the clinic will need to deal with, but it "is going to remain well positioned for the future." "Diversity is a huge strategic priority for Mayo," Noseworthy said. Mayo is supporting the RACE exhibit at the Rochester Public Library.

"So it's free of charge," Noseworthy said.

"We are expecting all physicians and scientists and staff to try to make their way over there," Weis said, noting that many issues about diversity are difficult for society to talk about.

"It's like a taboo, almost," she said.

But diversity isn't just a buzzword at Mayo. It's more of a need to make sure every patient feels welcome.

"We want to be the preferred destination for people of all backgrounds," Noseworthy said. That doesn't mean the Gonda Building will be sprouting new floors any time soon, though. La Forgia said there are no plans to add floors. "We find as we get more and more efficient, that we use the space a little more efficiently," Weis said. That means the clinic perhaps doesn't need to expand as rapidly.

Copyright (c) 2010, Post-Bulletin, Rochester, Minn.

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

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Study Finds Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Save Lives,...

Study Finds Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Save Lives,...Originally from:

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Study Finds Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Save Lives,...

Study Finds Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Save Lives,...Originally from:

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Vital Training Withheld From Nurses Due To Cutbacks

A recent Royal College of Nursing survey has revealed that most nurses are missing out on vital training including fundamental life-support and dealing with infections like MRSA. A survey of over 3,000 nurses has found that more than a third had been unable to go to compulsory training in the last year due to staff shortages and a lack of cover. The RCN discovered that the nurses were forced to either train in their own time or miss out all together.

The poll also found that 34% of the nurses had used their own annual leave to train and nearly 40% had used their own money to keep up to date with developments in certain areas such as infection and child protection.

Only 30% of the nurses said they felt like they were up to date with their training and the RCN has discovered that over a third of nurses had observed cuts in NHS services over the past year and over half feared they would lose their jobs in the near future.

Those surveyed also believed that most patients requiring specialist care were not receiving it and this was a result of a diminishing number of specialist nurses. "We know from previous economic downturns that training is often the first place managers look when they need to start making cuts, even though nurses need to be up to date with issues such as infection control and child protection at all times." said Executive director of nursing and service delivery for the RCN, Janet Davies .

Ms Davies added that it is up to managers to ensure the staff are up to date with training and can access it when they need to but they are starting to struggle with two key difficulties, staff shortages and lack of training.

In spite of this, a Department of Health spokesman said: "The 2009 NHS staff survey results confirm that NHS organisations are taking up their responsibilities for staff training and personal development set out under the NHS Constitution and that they recognise the importance of talented staff who are fully supported, in delivering high quality patient care.

Cutbacks for the NHS could mean fewer jobs for nurses and many graduates are looking for nursing jobs Ipswich

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Study Finds Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Saves Lives, Helps Nurses

Study Finds Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Saves Lives, Helps NursesOriginally from:

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The Nurse's Role as Patient Advocate

The Nurse's Role as Patient AdvocateOriginally from:

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Study Finds Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Saves Lives

Study Finds Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Saves LivesOriginally from:

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Reducing Unnecessary Biopsy During Prostate Cancer Screening Using a Four-Kallikrein Panel: An Independent Replication

Reducing Unnecessary Biopsy During Prostate Cancer Screening Using a Four-Kallikrein Panel: An Independent ReplicationOriginally from:

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Nurses: Where’s the Stress?

Nurses: Where's the Stress?Originally from:

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Salary Negotiation Pros and Cons

Salary negotiation early in one's career can have a huge impact on the lifestyle they have in the long run. The biggest impact is determined by the salary they negotiate before their first day of work in their job.

This should be considered whether it is a first job out of school or a mid-career job change. Beyond that, there are impacts even when you are working for an employer that you are very happy with. Not engaging in salary negotiation at the right time can have real financial impact.

Throughout your career, you may earn pay raises and promotions within the company that you work for, but for example, when the company offers scheduled raises, as many companies do, the impact of the starting salary with that company is huge.

This is not only applicable to your first job salary and subsequent scheduled pay increases but also to salary difference you may get when you changes roles within an employer. You may transfer into a career requiring significantly increased effort, more duties, or higher responsibilities, and the salary you had negotitated beforehand can genuinely influence the salary you earn in the new job.

As an example, imagine a person starting a new job as a QA analyst in a high tech company somewhere in America. Suppose that person begins with a starting salary of $45,000. Most likely that person will have to put in 6 months to a full year before they are offered their first pay raise. Suppose it is a 10% raise which would be HUGE at many employers. The employee would gain an additional $4500 per annum based on that increase.

Suppose that same person started at $55,000 or more. That same pay hike of 10% would provide the same employee $5500 additional salary per year. With the first salary band, the employee would still be under the $50,000 mark after one full year of effort and after a 10% pay increase, while in the second situation the employee would be at over $60,000 a year after a 10% pay increment.

Imagine the compound impact of these two starting salaries on the person's earning potential. First let's examine a four year timeline, all other things being equal (that is, assuming no pay raises and no promotions). The employee earning $45,000 will have earned $180K in gross salary in four years. The person earning $55K will have earned $220,000 in 4 years. That is a $40,000 difference just because of where the person started in terms of salary.

Introduce the 10% raise after year one and consider the impact as the person continues through their career. The person with a better salary in the beginning will always be ahead of the person with the lower starting salary, ceteris parabis (i.e. same job, same performance). The person with the higher salary negotiation will be inching ahead faster than the person starting with the lower salary. This impact accelerates with each passing year assuming the same % annual pay raise for each.

When negotiating a pay raise, if an employee earning $50,000 earns a 5% raise without negotiating anything extra, that might acceptable. Now consider the impact if the person gets a 15% pay raise because they have been a superstar in the job and they have all the supporting market facts and a performance record to justify it. That employee will have negotiated compensation - $7,500 in an increase versus just accepting $2500. Project that 10 years into the future, and there is a blatant $50,000 impact on the person's earnings.

Experts feel it goes without saying that it is better to try negotiating a raise or an improvement to one's total compensation package than to simply accept what is offered. The first offer is often the lowest offer and can be negotiated higher. This salary negotiation must be done with tact and must be well founded with a supporting case for the pay increase.

One must also analyze factors such as market, corporate guidelines, and personal performance. However when done well, it can really pay off. Remember to consider the value of all factors of compensation when asking for a raise. Some people truly value free time, their quality of life, while others are willing to take a chance and maybe accept stock options in lieu of pay.

When it comes to negotiating salary, be courageous and consider requesting for more.

Trevor Davide Grant is a IT manager in the IT field and has extensive experience in salary negotiation. Trevor has worked for global telecom, power utililties, software development consulting, and a prominent social network. He has learned how to negotiate a salary in the most effective way. Learn great tips on the topic of negotiating salary at

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Know Your Value Before Negotiating Job Offers

Prior to salary negotiating, it is very important to know exactly what your market value is. If you do not know exactly what your market value is, then it is like being blindfolded and not knowing what salary to ask when you ask for a raise or try to negotiate the best salary in your next job.

Without doing your legwork, your employer will probably suggest an increase that you find disappointing. While people around the world negotiate salary every day, not many of them are able to get the most out of salary negotiation!

Research the market in advance of approaching your boss for a pay raise, or before revealing your expectations for salary at job offer time. It is like a game. Do not reveal your information too soon. In this case, your strategy is to keep your information close to you. It could be your past salary history, or what you are planning to ask for in salary negotiation.

Before going into a salary negotiation, know what you are worth in compensation terms!

Whether you are looking for new employment or you are asking for a pay raise, do your research first. There are great Internet resources available, like or These sites have continual access to all the salary information that is available.

One challenge is understanding the reliability of the source of the information. If a resume website is reporting salary ranges as reported by their list of job seekers, it may not be as precise as if the salaries are reported by the human resources department of the firms that are seeking to recruit personnel.

If you are not worried about being forward with others, you may just outright ask. I recommend using some tact in this approach, but it is less offensive than it once was. You might just discover inside intelligence about the salary range for that job.

If you know an HR person, even better. Often times, the word will be on the street, company ABC pays well, or company EFG are fairly stingy when it comes to compensation. This information may also help.

There are many firms that do research into the human resources data for a particular job market. These firms publish very expensive reports that are only disclosed to inside subscribers. If you are able to gain access to one of these reports in a lawful way, then you may just find you have a wealth of information, that is even more valuable than asking a friend.

Next, salaries ranges are often reported based on percentages. A business systems analyst salary range may be from $50,000-$90,000 for a given region, but the reporting will be based on 0-25%, 25-50%, 50-75% and 75-100%.

You know how well you perform at your job. Do a self evaluation, and figure where you feel you fit in the percentile of performance for that career level. If you are in a lower percentile, it may be that you're new to the job role. If you are in a higher percentage, you're a super-star with plenty of experience, and you know you add a lot of contribution.

I have found it to be very useful to point blank ask friends at work where they feel I should be on the salary scale. They know themselves and measure themselves against you. You should do this with someone you have a very good rapport with. You will get great direct feedback.

Numbers speak loudest when dealing with employers and bosses. If you want to earn a larger salary, you need to make them understand you are worth it because you either cut costs, improved business efficiency, or drove profits. You know the work you do, and if there are quantifiable facts, use them to your advantage. If you don't relate directly to the bottom line, think of other quantifiable facts (e.g. a teacher with a high rate of students on the honour roll). This is the best way to communicate your value.

To your salary negotiation success.

Trevor Davide Grant is a project manager in the IT field and has extensive experience in salary negotiation. Trevor has worked for global telecom, power utililties, software consulting, and a prominent social network. He has learned how to negotiate a salary in the most effective way. Learn great tips on the topic of negotiating salary at

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What Health Care Reform Means for Long-Term Care

Apr. 29- The Kaiser Family Foundation describes the new long-term care insurance program as "the sleeper in health reform."

While not receiving the attention that other parts of the new national health care law have, the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, or CLASS Act could have major implications for areas such as Southwest Pennsylvania that have high numbers of older residents.

In brief, it should work like this: Beginning in 2011, all working adults will have premiums deducted from their paychecks for long-term care insurance unless they opt out. The program is voluntary.


After five years, an individual becomes eligible for benefits ranging from $50 to more than $100 a day to help pay for care. Individuals must continue to pay the premiums as long as they are working and the benefit kicks in if that person develops a disability, such as paralysis from a stroke or debilitating injuries from a car accident.

The amount received depends on the disability and the extent to which it makes it difficult to perform at least two normal daily activities such as preparing meals, bathing or getting dressed.

There is no lifetime limit and pre-existing conditions will not disqualify anyone, but those already retired are not eligible.

"Right now, if somebody needs community-based services, the only way [he] can get it is through Medicaid or a private payer, which would be prohibitive" due to the expense, said Anne Nalepa, a peer counselor and life skills specialist at Three Rivers Center for Independent Living in Wilkinsburg.

The goal is to help people to remain in their own homes if they choose, or offset at least some of the cost of a nursing home, which she said might charge an average of $200 a day. On the other hand, she added, having an aide come to your home for eight hours a day would be about $115 a day.

The question is, will people participate or opt out?


The answer will decide the program's success, and The Associated Press reported last week that one independent analysis has forecast that the program has "a very serious risk" of insolvency.

Thomas M. Lilly, of Futurecare Associates in Aspinwall, which specializes in long-term care insurance planning, had a one-word assessment of the program's viability:


The fear is that young, healthy adults will opt out, figuring they can better use that money for a house down payment or a child's college fund, while those who are older and already have a progressive chronic condition - who require the most extensive and expensive care - will participate.

Mr. Lilly noted that federal employees already have a voluntary long-term care insurance program, but that only about 5 percent have opted in. "People just don't want to deal with the possibility that they may require long-term care," he said. That may be shortsighted.

Mr. Lilly cited research by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research that found that while 31 percent of people will never need long-term care, another 29 percent will need it for up to two years. Twenty percent will require care for two to five years and another 20 percent for at least five years.

In other words, the average person has a 70 percent chance of needing long-term care at some point. But even acknowledging that won't necessarily get people to buy in to the program, Mr. Lilly said.

While many details of the new program are still to be worked out, he has seen early estimates that premiums for opting in will run $140 to $200 per month (other estimates are $85 to $100 per month), but without hope of enjoying any benefits for at least five years.

Those with poverty-level incomes will have greatly reduced premiums but, for many middle-class families, "It's going to be priced out of reach for the people it was intended to benefit."

Making the program mandatory, similar to car insurance, likely would have prevented it from becoming law, he said. He believes that its only real chance was to allow for federal subsidies, but the law forbids that because of cost concerns. Instead, if necessary, premiums will be increased to keep the program solvent.

The program will start off collecting premiums for five years without paying out any claims, building up the fund. Once it starts paying claims, though, "I just don't think it's going to be sustainable," Mr. Lilly said.

One benefit of the program is that it should take some pressure off strapped state Medicaid programs, said Susan Feeney, spokeswoman for the American Health Care Association, which represents long-term and post-acute care providers. Overall, however, "It is yet to be known what the real implications are when it is put into practice."

Ms. Nalepa has used a wheelchair for about six years, due to cerebral palsy, and she maintains a home for herself and her two teenage daughters. She works with about 30 clients, most in their 40s and 50s, who have a range of disabilities from multiple sclerosis, amputations related to diabetes or strokes. Most are now in nursing homes or assisted care facilities.

"They are people who, in their 20s and 30s, would not have expected they would need long-term care," she said. Even people who turn out to be among the lucky 31 percent who never need long-term care, she said, will almost certainly know a relative or close friend who does.

"How can you weigh the difference in quality of life if someone is in a nursing home and doesn't want to be there, or being out in the community in [his] own home?"

Copyright (c) 2010, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

For reprints, email, call 800-374-7985 or 847-635-6550, send a fax to 847-635-6968, or write to The Permissions Group Inc., 1247 Milwaukee Ave., Suite 303, Glenview, IL 60025, USA.

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What Health Care Reform Means for Long-Term Care

Apr. 29- The Kaiser Family Foundation describes the new long-term care insurance program as "the sleeper in health reform."

While not receiving the attention that other parts of the new national health care law have, the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, or CLASS Act could have major implications for areas such as Southwest Pennsylvania that have high numbers of older residents.

In brief, it should work like this: Beginning in 2011, all working adults will have premiums deducted from their paychecks for long-term care insurance unless they opt out. The program is voluntary.


After five years, an individual becomes eligible for benefits ranging from $50 to more than $100 a day to help pay for care. Individuals must continue to pay the premiums as long as they are working and the benefit kicks in if that person develops a disability, such as paralysis from a stroke or debilitating injuries from a car accident.

The amount received depends on the disability and the extent to which it makes it difficult to perform at least two normal daily activities such as preparing meals, bathing or getting dressed.

There is no lifetime limit and pre-existing conditions will not disqualify anyone, but those already retired are not eligible.

"Right now, if somebody needs community-based services, the only way [he] can get it is through Medicaid or a private payer, which would be prohibitive" due to the expense, said Anne Nalepa, a peer counselor and life skills specialist at Three Rivers Center for Independent Living in Wilkinsburg.

The goal is to help people to remain in their own homes if they choose, or offset at least some of the cost of a nursing home, which she said might charge an average of $200 a day. On the other hand, she added, having an aide come to your home for eight hours a day would be about $115 a day.

The question is, will people participate or opt out?


The answer will decide the program's success, and The Associated Press reported last week that one independent analysis has forecast that the program has "a very serious risk" of insolvency.

Thomas M. Lilly, of Futurecare Associates in Aspinwall, which specializes in long-term care insurance planning, had a one-word assessment of the program's viability:


The fear is that young, healthy adults will opt out, figuring they can better use that money for a house down payment or a child's college fund, while those who are older and already have a progressive chronic condition - who require the most extensive and expensive care - will participate.

Mr. Lilly noted that federal employees already have a voluntary long-term care insurance program, but that only about 5 percent have opted in. "People just don't want to deal with the possibility that they may require long-term care," he said. That may be shortsighted.

Mr. Lilly cited research by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research that found that while 31 percent of people will never need long-term care, another 29 percent will need it for up to two years. Twenty percent will require care for two to five years and another 20 percent for at least five years.

In other words, the average person has a 70 percent chance of needing long-term care at some point. But even acknowledging that won't necessarily get people to buy in to the program, Mr. Lilly said.

While many details of the new program are still to be worked out, he has seen early estimates that premiums for opting in will run $140 to $200 per month (other estimates are $85 to $100 per month), but without hope of enjoying any benefits for at least five years.

Those with poverty-level incomes will have greatly reduced premiums but, for many middle-class families, "It's going to be priced out of reach for the people it was intended to benefit."

Making the program mandatory, similar to car insurance, likely would have prevented it from becoming law, he said. He believes that its only real chance was to allow for federal subsidies, but the law forbids that because of cost concerns. Instead, if necessary, premiums will be increased to keep the program solvent.

The program will start off collecting premiums for five years without paying out any claims, building up the fund. Once it starts paying claims, though, "I just don't think it's going to be sustainable," Mr. Lilly said.

One benefit of the program is that it should take some pressure off strapped state Medicaid programs, said Susan Feeney, spokeswoman for the American Health Care Association, which represents long-term and post-acute care providers. Overall, however, "It is yet to be known what the real implications are when it is put into practice."

Ms. Nalepa has used a wheelchair for about six years, due to cerebral palsy, and she maintains a home for herself and her two teenage daughters. She works with about 30 clients, most in their 40s and 50s, who have a range of disabilities from multiple sclerosis, amputations related to diabetes or strokes. Most are now in nursing homes or assisted care facilities.

"They are people who, in their 20s and 30s, would not have expected they would need long-term care," she said. Even people who turn out to be among the lucky 31 percent who never need long-term care, she said, will almost certainly know a relative or close friend who does.

"How can you weigh the difference in quality of life if someone is in a nursing home and doesn't want to be there, or being out in the community in [his] own home?"

Copyright (c) 2010, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

For reprints, email, call 800-374-7985 or 847-635-6550, send a fax to 847-635-6968, or write to The Permissions Group Inc., 1247 Milwaukee Ave., Suite 303, Glenview, IL 60025, USA.

A service of YellowBrix, Inc.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why Harvard Doc is Pushing for Single-Payer Care

Apr. 29- A Harvard doctor who co-founded a nationwide group of physicians that supports universal health coverage is scheduled to speak in Tucson today about what he sees as problems with the new national health-care law.

Dr. David U. Himmelstein is scheduled to speak from 4 to 5 p.m. in Room A114 of Drachman Hall at the University of Arizona's Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, 1295 N. Martin Ave. The lecture is free and open to the public.

He is expected to criticize the newly health-care law as a halfway measure that will reinforce the role of private insurers, push costs up and leave at least 23 million people uninsured. His organization says that because being uninsured raises a person's chance of dying by about 40 percent, that will translate into 23,000 unnecessary deaths per year.

The title of Himmelstein's talk is "Health Reform 2.0: Reboot, Retry."

The group Himmelstein helped found is Physicians for a National Health Program. It consists of 17,000 doctors who advocate for single-payer national health insurance, arguing that private-insurance bureaucracy and paperwork consume one-third of every health-care dollar. The group says streamlining payment through a single nonprofit payer would save more than $400 billion per year, enough to provide comprehensive, high-quality coverage for all Americans.

Himmelstein and other supporters of universal health care say the need for a single-payer system will increase with time.

His group has criticized President Obama's health-care policy, saying it will ship hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to the private insurance industry in the form of subsidies.

And the law's mandate that individuals buy insurance will force millions of Americans to purchase insurers' "skimpy products," which already leave middle-class families vulnerable to economic hardship and medical bankruptcy in the event of a serious illness, the group says.

Himmelstein is a primary-care physician in Cambridge, Mass., an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and chief of the division of social and community medicine at Cambridge Hospital. His lecture is supported by the James E. Dalen Distinguished Lecture for Health Policy Endowment, which supports visiting professors in health policy.


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Copyright (c) 2010, The Arizona Daily Star, Tucson

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

For reprints, email, call 800-374-7985 or 847-635-6550, send a fax to 847-635-6968, or write to The Permissions Group Inc., 1247 Milwaukee Ave., Suite 303, Glenview, IL 60025, USA.

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A Vaccine for Cancer?

Apr. 29- The Food and Drug Administration approved the first vaccine to treat cancer today, a drug called Provenge that patients and researchers in Hampton Roads had a hand in investigating.

Provenge is a vaccine that stimulates the body's immune system to fight against cancer cells. Dr. Paul Schellhammer, a urology professor at Norfolk's Eastern Virginia Medical School, was an investigator in the clinical trials the FDA reviewed in approving the vaccine.

Schellhammer has studied the vaccine for advanced prostate cancer for more than a decade, and about 40 local patients participated in clinical trials to gauge its safety and effectiveness. In an interview earlier this week, Schellhammer said the approval would open the door to cancer treatments that are not as brutal on the body as chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

While vaccines are generally thought of as preventive, Provenge is a therapeutic vaccine made from the patient's own white blood cells. The cells are removed from the patient, treated with the drug and infused back into the patient. The treated cells then cause an immune response, which kills cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed.

Provenge was developed by Seattle-based Dendreon Corp., which conducted initial studies among men with advanced prostate cancer who had already failed standard hormone treatment. The vaccine extended life by about four months, although some lives were lengthened by two to three years. The only side effects were mild flu-like symptoms, according to the study results.

The treatment is gaining worldwide attention because it is the first vaccine to treat cancer and could lead to other immune-based therapies for other cancers as well.


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Copyright (c) 2010, The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

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Mass. Legislation To Push Poor Seniors Into Managed Care Plans Stirs Concerns

Mass. Legislation To Push Poor Seniors Into Managed Care Plans Stirs ConcernsOriginally from:

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Adapt Your Career to a Tough Economy

Adapt Your Career to a Tough Economy
Thursday April 29, 2010
Even though there are some gradual signs of the job market turning around, the unemployment rate still hovers near 10 percent, and job creation in healthcare has slowed somewhat from previous years.  Fortunately, healthcare has felt the least impact from the recession, as compared to other industries.  However, hospital layoffs and downsizing in the pharmaceutical and device industries have hit many non-clinical healthcare professionals very hard.

So how do you weather the storm?  To help you survive the recession, several of the career guides here at put together many tips and a series of articles, all on the topic of adapting and adjusting to best withstand the economic downturn.  Whether your role is clinical or non-clinical, or even if you work in another industry other than healthcare, these ideas cover a wide range of suggestions to help you survive until the market really picks up again, which could take many more months or even a year or more.

How to Adapt Your Career to Survive the Recession (Tips for all industries)
How to Adapt Your Health Career (Tips for physicians, nurses, allied health)
How to EMR-proof Your Medical Job (How NOT to lose your job to EMR)
Adapt Your Career to a Tough EconomySource:

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The Five indispensable Guidelines to Getting a Massage in Scottsdale That may Aid You to Feel Far better

1. You might be usually right and must get specifically what you want in Scottsdale AZ. Several massage buyers assume that you simply are going to a professional massage therapist and as a result whatever they say goes. The old adage that the consumer is often correct also applies towards the massage treatment industry. Of course, you want to perform with a "trusted expert", but that doesn't mean that if you think you need more focus on a particular area or altered pressure that you must not receive precisely that.

A "trusted expert" will listen to specifically what you want and apply the methods that are heading to allow you to accomplish that goal. Once you go out to purchase one thing that you have already decided to buy you are not proceeding to let a salesperson sell you on something various than what you had in mind (despite the fact that this happens all as well frequently within the marketplace). The exact same is true for your massage remedy encounter. In case you aren't sure what you require but possess a certain complaint, your massage therapist ought to listen to your chief complaints and supply a solution that helps you accomplish your desired outcome.

2. What you should expect from your massage remedy treatment. The massage therapy therapy should specifically fulfill your desired result. You should expect which you are proceeding to operate having a skilled massage therapist which is heading to listen for your issues and allow you to obtain a massage that's really satisfying for you. From the moment you call in to schedule your massage treatment you need to possess a sense that you are going to operate using a therapist that's heading to treat you as an individual and respect your individual requirements. It's proper to ask for your Scottsdale AZ massage therapist's credentials and knowledge.

You may possibly also want to speak with an existing customer to make sure that they have had a pleasant experience an current customer that they work with that has had a pleasant encounter with the practitioner you are about to use a massage with. You are able to request to arrive by and see the facility wherever you may be receiving your massage. Does it appear clean, relaxing, and therapeutic? What does the power with the facility sense like? Does it align with your power and feel like a place that you simply are going to be comfy with? It can also be suitable to ask to meet while using therapist who is will potentially be working with you prior for the massage therapy so it is possible to be assured which you will be comfortable while using massage therapist.

3. Why massage modalities are a factor with the past and what a massage modality is. If you're new to massage you'll peruse the massage menu and wonder what all these treatments are. A massage modality is really a massage technique that has a certain purpose for that massage receiver. You can find literally hundreds of massage modalities and they can seem daunting to an individual who has never received a massage just before. There is also misrepresentation of massage modalities by therapists who aren't adequately trained inside the modality they offer you. This is due for the third point I discussed inside the potential difficulties massage consumers can experience when receiving massage.

The fact is that the only people that know what a shiatsu, reiki remedy, deep tissue massage or Swedish massage are massage practitioners. As the massage consumer you care about one thing: that you will obtain a massage which will allow you to accomplish your certain objective for that specific session. Whether that is stress management, sports performance, injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, pain relief, or just overall wellness, the modality which is used to accomplish these goals is not of importance to you. Most of the time you don't even know what the modality is. So, if you're faced with having to pick between a Swedish, deep tissue, shiatsu, thai massage or trager, then you know which you might want to appear elsewhere to get your massage therapy. You would like to operate having a massage professional that may listen for your wants and integrate a variety of modalities that fulfills that outcome.

4. How to effectively communicate with your Scottsdale massage therapist. As you recall from the first step you might be usually right and you should often get what you assume from your massage therapy. Before, during and after your massage treatment you should have an open communication line with your massage therapist. If at any time in the course of the session you would like much more or much less pressure you ought to only need to say a little much less pressure and your therapist should right away respond for your requests.

If for any reason you really feel uncomfortable in the course of the session you should be in a position to state it and have the therapist validate your feelings by making the necessary changes. So, it's as simple as just speaking up. Unfortunately, I have heard from too several massage customers who have received a massage that they were uncomfortable, but they did not speak up simply because they did not desire to upset the therapist.

5. You may be in a position to obtain massage for Totally free (that's proper, I said it, for totally free)

I know I don't mind paying for one thing when I get exactly what I ask for. I generally buy things based on a trouble I would like to solve (a discomfort I would like to avoid). Massage therapy is exactly the exact same.

If you might be stressed and your anxiety is relieved, your head is clearer, and you are capable to appreciate a a lot more relaxed life, then you might be happy to pay for the service. How about if you could get the service that relieves your pain or stress and get it for totally free? Sound as well excellent to be true? Well, some massage establishments have referral incentive programs where they will give you a massage or cash towards a massage when you refer a friend, family or colleague. At the clinics I own we provide $35 for every referral that our fantastic customers honor us with. We have some clients that get a couple of free massages a month simply because they appreciate the service and they encourage their friends, family and colleagues to arrive in to our clinic and get a massage. The end result is which you end up getting massage for free.

Want to find out more about Scottsdale Massages, then visit our site on how to choose the best massages in scottsdale for your needs.

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NLN Hosts Conversation about Proposed Changes to Master's Education

NLN Hosts Conversation about Proposed Changes to Master's EducationOriginally from:

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NLN Hosts Conversation about Proposed Changes to Master's Education

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Registered Nurses Mark 2010 Day of Mourning

TORONTO, April 28 - The Ontario Nurses' Association's (ONA) 55,000 registered nurses and allied health professionals are today marking the 2010 Day of Mourning, honoring the thousands of workers who have lost their lives or been injured on the job.

"It's vital that we pause to remember the colleagues we have lost," said ONA President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN. "RNs are among the most injured and ill of all professionals because of the high occupational health and safety hazards we encounter daily while caring for our patients. This, combined with heavy workloads and the risk of workplace violence as patients and their families grow frustrated with wait times, makes nursing an often dangerous occupation."

Nurses across Ontario will mark the day at events in every corner of the province. In Toronto, ONA Vice-President Andy Summers, RN will speak at an event at Toronto's Nathan Phillips Square at noon.

ONA members will remember their colleagues Heather Taylor, RN, who died as a result of acquiring an infectious disease while on the job, Lori Dupont, RN, who was murdered by a colleague while working at Windsor's Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital, as well as Tecla Lin and Nelia Larosa, RN, who died during the SARS outbreak.

The Ontario Nurses' Association is the union representing 55,000 registered nurses and allied health professionals and more than 12,000 nursing student affiliates providing care in hospitals, long- term care facilities, public health, the community, clinics and industry.


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Costs For Long-Term Care Rise, Home Health Care Costs Fairly Stable

Costs For Long-Term Care Rise, Home Health Care Costs Fairly StableOriginally from:

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Twentysomethings get their own health plan

Twentysomethings get their own health planOriginally from:

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NHS Spending Hot Topic Of General Election

In the midst of the general election is a heated row over NHS spending, but contrary to popular belief, the fight is not over how to cut spending in order to save us from the massive national deficit but in fact how to safeguard spending and preserve the health budget.

Suggestions are flying around over how to make the service more cost effective but all parties are unanimous on the decision to protect spending. The Liberal Democrats have taken a more prudent tone, claiming that the NHS must shrink its costly and unnecessary managerial ranks.

Many economic experts claim that the government cannot simply bypass the liberally funded NHS if it wishes to deal with the budget deficit. Spending has increased in real terms by over 7 percent each year over the lengthy 13 year labour rule. This is equivalent to going from 3% of national spending to almost 10%.

In the popular television debates, conservative leader David Cameron pledged to protect funding for the NHS stating he would "cut the deficit, not the NHS". Although there is conflict between different politicians and economists over the means of dealing with the spending, they all agree that in order to battle the budget deficit which is likely to reach 11.8% this year, steep cuts are required.

Nick Clegg, Lib Dem leader, claimed "We have to find savings in the NHS," proposing huge reorganisations in the managerial departments freeing up funds for "frontline services." But in a recent interview, Mr. Clegg admitted that he doesn't have plans for "net cuts in the NHS."

An aging population and rising obesity rates mean that without a cut in spending, the NHS will need to be more efficient with their funding. In 2009, NHS Chief Executive David Nicholson asked health-service managers up to 20 billion of "efficiency savings" by 2014, money he said would be reallocated toward necessary services.

The British Medical Association, the main professional body for doctors agrees with the need for efficiency but warns against any cuts to frontline services. Instead, the NHS should cut its use of management consultants. The Royal College of Nursing agrees, estimating that the NHS in England spent 350 million on management consultants in the latest fiscal year.

Major cutbacks in NHS spending could result an a lack of nursing jobs and experts suggest it will be difficult for graduates to find nursing jobs Exeter

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Girl Rewrites Medical History, Survives Deadliest Jellyfish Sting

Girl Rewrites Medical History, Survives Deadliest Jellyfish StingOriginally from:

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Girl Rewrites Medical History, Survives Deadliest Jellyfish Sting

Girl Rewrites Medical History, Survives Deadliest Jellyfish StingOriginally from:

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"Babies" Movie Examines Prenatal Care Around the World

NEW YORK, April 28- USNewswire - Babies, a new movie to be released by Focus Features across the country on Friday, May 7, Mother's Day weekend, simultaneously follows four babies around the world -- from birth to first steps. The children are, respectively, in order of on-screen introduction: Ponijao, who lives with her family near Opuwo, Namibia; Bayarjargal, who resides with his family in Mongolia, near Bayanchandmani; Mari, who lives with her family in Tokyo, Japan; and Hattie, who resides with her family in the United States, in San Francisco. Babies joyfully captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal to us all.

"The celebration of babies is a timeless tradition in any culture," said Dr. Jennifer L. Howse, president of the March of Dimes. "And this film provides a perfect rationale for why the March of Dimes works so hard each and every day to fund research, education and advocacy programs that help give every baby a healthy start in life. We're the champions for babies, and this movie shows us why they are so important to our lives."

Babies is a proud supporter of March for Babies, the March of Dimes signature fundraiser that occurs this spring in more than 900 communities all across the United States. This year, more than 7 million people will participate in March for Babies. The event's fundraising goal is $100 million. Since 1970, it has raised $1.8 billion to support research and other programs in local communities, enabling more moms to have healthy, full-term pregnancies. To find out more about March for Babies, visit

Focus Features CEO James Schamus said, "All of us at Focus could not be more pleased that our film will play a role in support of March for Babies. It's a perfect match -- a movie about the common humanity and love that unite us all, and one of the world's great charities that works so hard to make sure that every baby can find his or her place in the world."

The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. With chapters nationwide and its premier event, March for Babies, the March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.


Originally published by March of Dimes.

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Can laughing give you a workout?

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Why Hand Massages are Good for Patients and Caregivers

Apr. 28-Wisconsin, Mary Schilling has been massaging hands of patients at Franciscan Skemp Medical Center for almost five months.

Once a week Schilling provides a light, 15-minute hand massage to patients in a free Caring Hands service, part of Franciscan Skemp's healing enhancements program to reduce stress and anxiety.

"Hand massage helps you relax and takes your pain down," said Schilling, now a volunteer after retiring from Franciscan Skemp after 26 years in patient financial services.

"One lady told me, 'I wish you had been here sooner, my pain would be much less,'" she said. "For a lot of patients, they like the individual attention and it gives them a chance to talk to someone, so they don't think about their pain and anxiety."

Schilling has been a volunteer for Caring Hands since the program began in late November. She is one of 23 trained volunteers. Franciscan Skemp will offer the first of three training sessions for volunteers, starting Monday, May 3.

"Besides relaxation and reduced stress and anxiety, the volunteer is showing that someone cares," Schilling said. "I give the gift of my presence."

She said she also gives hand massages to caregivers and nurses. "They're under a lot of stress, too," Schilling said.

Caring Hands has been a successful volunteer program at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., according to Judy Aufenthie, a Franciscan Skemp life coach who started the program at Franciscan Skemp.

"It's a resource for patients to relax in a stressful environment," Aufenthie said. "It's rewarding for the volunteers, too. It's a win-win situation for everyone, and the nursing staff loves it."

Elaine George, director of Franciscan Skemp volunteer services, said the volunteers like the work and feel they are doing something to help patients feel better.

"They like the contact with patients, and what they do shows their caring," George said.

Caring Hands is available to patients on the third-floor surgical unit and will be expanded in the future to the seventh-floor medical unit. Aufenthie said she would like to bring healing touch therapies and aromatherapy to all hospitalized patients.

A survey of 147 patients getting hand massages has shown that stress and anxiety scores have been been cut in half and even pain has been reduced by more than 25 percent.

Anne Paremski, Franciscan Skemp's director of patient care nursing, said patients love the hand massage. "It feels great, and it's very relaxing," Paremski said. "It is also appreciated by the staff."

She said hand massage has helped patients sleep after a sleepless night.

"You're in the room with a patient, and you make them feel better," Schilling said. "Patients are so thankful for this, and you leave feeling you made a difference."


Copyright (c) 2010, La Crosse Tribune, Wis.

Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

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FDA to Address Challenges of Using Complex Medical...

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FDA to Address Challenges of Using Complex Medical...

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The Numerous Benefits Of Having A Clean And Tidy Office Or Working Environment Set Out

Lots of individuals will attest that they can only function in an environment which is filled with clutter, where desks are untidy and just plain dirty. Well they are not doing themselves any service because researchers say, that having too much stuff surrounding us, will not make us more productive, in fact it is a mechanism for us to procrastinate rather than produce. The benefits of having a clean and tidy office or working environment can therefore be directly related to productivity at the office.

Granted it might look clinical and cold, but this should not be confused with a clutter-filled home. Here you can really go to town and fill up your spaces with accessories and memorabilia as if there is no tomorrow.

But, at the work place it is much better to have a desk which is always neat. Everything should have it's demarcated space and one should stick to it. There is nothing worse than having a desk which looks like a rubbish dump. You cannot find things easily and it slows you down when you need to find something for the boss, fast.

A messy work environment does nothing for ones stress levels. The calm and tranquil space you so desperately need is not forthcoming, so you cannot relax. The brain interprets mess and clutter as an extension to the body and this in itself can make you sick. What you need is a place which is soft on the eye. Colors should also be more pastel in tone and furniture could also be of a more lighter wood.

A typical clean and tidy desk will not have empty coffee mugs, food, attache cases or handbags covering up your space. Your pen, pencils, paper clips, erasers and sellotape should be packed away in a drawer and only the pen or pencil you are writing with should be on the desk.

The goal is to get focused so that you can be a more productive individual. So make this your number one priority in life. Tidy up your desk and pack those items away which belong in a closet or drawers. Place a plant or hang a picture on your nearest wall or place a colorful rug at your feet. Your computer and phone should be placed where you can easily reach them.

If you understand the benefits of having a clean and tidy office or working environment, or if you are an employer, your staff will take their work more seriously and can de-stress while doing their job. So make it a fun activity for everyone, and create a clean up day at the office. Introduce an incentive or two for those who work hard at keeping theirs neat and tidy.

We live in north London and turn to window cleaners in the area to clean our windows for us. They make our windows crystal clean and we never have any complaints about them..

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Nearly 500 patients at a Canadian hospital may have been exposed to hepatitis and HIV. CTV's Louise Hartland reports.

Nearly 500 patients at a Canadian hospital may have been exposed to hepatitis and HIV. CTV's Louise Hartland reports.Originally from:

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Companies Providing Home Care Receive Large Medicare Reimbursements

Companies Providing Home Care Receive Large Medicare ReimbursementsOriginally from:

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How to Come Up with a Business Plan for Massage Therapy Clinic

Having the skill to apply massage techniques is only a portion of a massage therapy business. If you really want to succeed as a businessman, you would have to be knowledgeable and equally skillful in handling business details. The most important starting point to determine your capacity to run a massage business is through a business plan for massage therapy.

Why You Need a Plan

If you want to be successful in any business endeavor, you need to recognize the importance of a plan. Making a plan based on realistic goals and capabilities will enable you to work on specific areas of weaknesses and improve more on its strengths. A business plan for massage therapy however is more than just a document to give you some peace of mind. Your business plan is crucial if you want to have a loan approved, if you want to convince a potential business partner or if you want to get sponsored support. A plan will tell the people who can help your business why it will pay to help you get your business on its feet.

A Basic Business Plan

Regardless of what business you're planning, a basic business plan for massage therapy clinic is still the same as any other basic business plan. If you stick to the basic parts of a business plan, you can have a comprehensive plan that is only 7-10 sections long.

A basic business plan should start with a mission-vision statement as well as goals and objectives. This part will tell your reader what you want to achieve, why you think you can achieve that and how much exactly do your financial goals amount to and when exactly can you achieve those goals.

What usually follows the statement of objectives is a detailed quantitative calculation of how you plan to achieve your goals. Here, costs, assets, liabilities, strategic business location, service descriptions, analysis of competition, market analysis, market strategies, strategy implementation, advertising, balance sheets and cash flow analysis may be discussed in a more thorough manner.

A business plan for massage therapy clinic should also delve into technical aspects of the business. You would have to deal with statistical or mathematical data covering market segmentation, profit margins, market demography, pricing strategies, income projection and impact of competition among others.

A Course

In order to come up with a feasible business plan, you need to know some factual information on massage therapy. The real advantage of going to school to learn massage therapy is that most formal courses and schools offer business subjects. Your massage school then is your first major reputable source of information on how to come up with a good business plan for massage therapy. You just have to make sure that your school offers a fair coverage of business related concerns in their curriculum.

Taking a Direction

Going to a massage therapy school may provide you with the technical information on the massage business as an industry but you will still have to pay your bank and lending company a visit for a list of requirements. This way, you simply have to construct your plan according to their detailed requirements. The internet also has everything you need from no fuss business plan software to different sample drafts and templates.

Read more about the massage therapy technique before making a business plan for massage therapy clinic. Check out the massage therapy website now.

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A new study confirms that your memory can increase while you dream. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains

A new study confirms that your memory can increase while you dream. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta explainsOriginally from:

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Free Cinnabon for Nurses on May 6th

ATLANTA, April 27 /PRNewswire/ - In appreciation of the extraordinary service nurses provide daily, Cinnabon and The DAISY Foundation are celebrating National Nurses Week by offering these professionals a free Cinnabon Classic Roll when they show their healthcare badges at participating bakeries May 6-12, 2010*.

"Nurses always put others before themselves, so we're happy to thank them for their constant 'WOW' service," said Gary Bales, Cinnabon president. "We also commend The DAISY Foundation for their amazing efforts and are happy to continue growing our relationship with this organization."

Bonnie and Mark Barnes of Glen Ellen, Calif. and their family members established The DAISY Foundation in January 2000 to recognize nurses after Mark's son, Patrick, died of complications from an auto-immune disease. During his hospital stay, Pat would only eat Cinnabon rolls, and he insisted his nurses have some, too. Since its inception, the foundation has presented 6,000 nurses in nearly 500 medical facilities nationwide and in Canada with The DAISY Award, which includes Cinnabon rolls and gift certificates for recipients and their colleagues to celebrate the teamwork it takes to provide outstanding patient care.

"While the circumstances under which we created The DAISY Foundation were painful, we feel blessed to honor so many nurses," said Bonnie Barnes, co-founder of The DAISY Foundation. "We're grateful to have the tremendous support of the Cinnabon brand. Our message at every DAISY presentation is that whenever nurses smell that wonderful Cinnabon aroma, they should take a moment to think about how special they are because of their dedication to caring for the rest of us."

For more information about the Nurses Week promotion or to learn more about The DAISY Foundation, please visit or


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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A new migraine treatment is in the final stages of development and may be on track for approval within the next few years.

A new migraine treatment is in the final stages of development and may be on track for approval within the next few years.Originally from:

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A couple shares its struggle with having a preemie in the NICU and how CNN Hero Dr. Sean Daneshmand helped.

A couple shares its struggle with having a preemie in the NICU and how CNN Hero Dr. Sean Daneshmand helped.Originally from:

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CNN's Campbell Brown talks to Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Stephen Ross about psychedelic drugs for medicinal purposes.

CNN's Campbell Brown talks to Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Stephen Ross about psychedelic drugs for medicinal purposes.Originally from:

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Dr. Charles Raison talks about how bipolar disorder can be affected by family history and domestic violence.

Dr. Charles Raison talks about how bipolar disorder can be affected by family history and domestic violence.Originally from:

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ANA President Rebecca Patton Comments on National Nurses Week

ANA President Rebecca Patton Comments on National Nurses WeekOriginally from:

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Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Panic Disorder: Spot and Stop it

It is important to know signs and symptoms of anxiety panic disorder. Just as with any other condition, it is very crucial for you to know the signs and symptoms of panic disorder. This is so you can properly establish whether you are indeed suffering from the condition or illness, and so that you can take steps on how to cope with it or stop it completely.

It's Not Your Heart - For people who have experienced it the first time, they are likely to think that they have gone through a heart attack. It is important to know the signs and symptoms so you don't confuse it with having a heart attack, and instead end up not being treated properly for the right ailment.

What is panic disorder? Panic disorder is a medical term used to describe the psychiatric condition that is characterized by frequent or habitual panic attacks in combination with significant behavioral changes, of at least a month of continuing and enduring worrying about the concern and fear of having another panic attack.

What is a panic attack? Since panic disorder describes frequent panic attacks, then you should know what a panic attack is. A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense anxiety that brings about feelings of fear, unease and discomfort. Its onset is generally abrupt, and could occur without any obvious triggers.

Signs of the Condition - Here are some signs and symptoms of a panic attack. Physically, the person may experience dizziness leading to panic, tightening of chest and throat, shortness of breath, choking, racing heart, tingle sensations, nausea, lightheadedness, crying, sweating, trembling or shaking, abdominal pains, hyperventilation, hot or cold flashes, exhaustion, physical limpness or weakness, and repeated tensing of muscles.

The Fear - Mentally, the individual experiences strong and/or frightening realizations of reality, loss of cognitive ability, loud internal dialogue, racing thoughts, obsessive worrying, nervousness and the overwhelming fear that something terrible is about to occur. Also, the person feels like he is "going crazy", facing impending doom, and out of control. He feels anti-social and feels like he is being threatened by something, although there is nothing threatening around him. The sufferer also has feelings of death and dying.

These are just some of the symptoms. Keep in mind that these sensations, as terrible and uncomfortable as they are, will pass. A panic attack is not medically dangerous, and is instead physically harmless. However, if you want to get rid of these sensations, then you have many options of treatment nowadays. You can get treated easily now. There are some books and programs that teach you techniques on how to cope and deal with a panic attack once you experience an episode. However, you can always choose to permanently get rid of the panic attack. You can do this by learning how to stop the fear of another panic attack. Since a panic disorder is accompanied with lasting worry, concern and fear of having another attack, then what you can do is stop the fear in its tracks. Learn how to stop fearing another panic attack.

Experiencing signs and symptoms of anxiety panic disorder? Know more the most effective panic attack cure today.

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New Health Law Offers Protection Against Elder Abuse, But Advocates Complain Provision Is Not Funded

New Health Law Offers Protection Against Elder Abuse, But Advocates Complain Provision Is Not FundedOriginally from:

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Nurses Uniforms In Wales Withdrawn After Rash Outbreak

A range of nurse's uniforms were introduced across Wales to help patients and staff differentiate between the different types of nurses. The move was a bid to add consistency to the uniforms worn in different hospitals across Wales. Staff nurses are assigned with hospital blue uniforms and staff midwives are dressed in postman blue. Healthcare support workers uniforms are green and aqua green will denote a nursery nurse. Rosemary Kennedy, Wales' chief nursing officer, said: "It is essential that patients have confidence in the nursing profession. The national uniforms will help to remove any confusion over who is in charge."

The traditional 'scrubs' style uniforms were introduced at a cost of nearly 1.5m but urgent tests have been ordered on the fabrics used in the garments after a huge number of nurses reported suffering major skin irritation after wearing them. The Welsh Assembly said the problems were a "disappointing" blow as the uniforms, made from 67 per cent polyester and 33 per cent cotton, had already undergone thorough testing before being issued.

Dermatology experts advised many of the nurses to return to their original uniforms to avoid excessive itching and rashes. Although the uniforms were scheduled to be provided to all of Wales' 36,000 nurses and midwives, the plan was brought to a standstill after the problem emerged.

Rosemary Kennedy, Wales's chief nursing officer, said "Extensive wearer trials were also undertaken and no skin irritation was reported. Robust testing of the fabric is currently being undertaken by an independent body to establish the exact nature of the problem and, through our contractual arrangements, we expect the manufacturers to put this right."

The assembly government highlighted that the wellbeing of their staff was "paramount" and was taking the concerns extremely seriously despite the number of nurses who have reported skin irritation being "a minority". They admitted that only a minority of staff had reported a problem so they had sufficient supplies of alternative uniforms to use.

Welsh hospitals have are lacking in jobs for nurses but graduates are now looking for nursing jobs chichester

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Occupational Therapy: A Career Helping People Recover

General Overview

The main role of the occupational therapist is to assist people who have been injured or who have been disabled since birth to recover or learn the skills using adaptations that will help them be more independent in everyday life. Occupational therapy jobs (OT) and physical therapy jobs are often confused. OT deals mainly with fine motor skills, such as using hands; physical therapy deals with the big muscle groups and associated skills, such as walking. Occupational therapy was rated the ninth least stressful job in America by "US News and World Report."

Patients may make slow progress towards their goals. They may ignore instructions to practice therapy at home. Sometimes they even resent the time spent going to therapy and are angry that they even have to be there. In all of these situations, the occupational therapist must remain patient and try to motivate the patient and give him or her a view of what the future could be like if they follow through with instructions from the therapist.

Required Education

All OTs in the United States have gone through a master's-level program that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE). To graduate a pre-service occupational therapist must demonstrate his or her knowledge in a clinical setting for at least 24 hours. This field work is supervised. After graduating with a master's degree, the next step is passing the national certification test. If passed, this test entitles the therapist to use the title "Occupational Therapist Registered" or OTR after his or her name.

Students who plan to continue their education in an OT master's program can get undergraduate degrees in sociology, anthropology, psychology, liberal arts, biology or anatomy. Other similar bachelor's degrees also go well with a master's in occupational therapy. The actual OT courses include study of the behavioral sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and applying OT theory.

At present, ACOTE accredits four doctoral programs and 150 master's and combined bachelor's/master's OT programs in the United States.

The top five occupational therapy programs in America, as ranked by "U. S. News and World Report" are as follows: Boston College Sargent, Washington University St. Louis, University of Southern California, University of Illinois Chicago, Tufts University Boston and the University of Kansas Medical Center.

Job Growth Expectations

Ranking as one of the top 50 best careers of 2010 by "U. S. News and World Report, " occupational therapy is predicted to grow faster than other jobs. This is according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Work with the elderly in the OT field will be a large part of the increase.

Between 2008 and 2018, the number of OTs is expected to rise by 26%. In 2008, 105,000 people worked as OTs. By 2018, 131,300 people are expected to be working as OTs.


Mental health facilities, home health care services, public and private schools, hospitals and nursing homes are the main places where occupational therapists find work. A few work for themselves.

The average OT salary in 2008, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $67,780. The bottom 10% of therapists earned below $42,820 and the top 10% earned over $98,310 per year.

The average salary of an OT working in home health care services is $74,510 a year. OTs working in nursing homes earned about $72,510 a year and those doing occupational therapy in schools earned considerably less at $60,020 per year.

With the ever-increasing focus on health and medicine, occupational therapy jobs are available around the world for qualified professionals.

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CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta looks at how the federal government puts money into vaccine research to fight drug addiction.

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta looks at how the federal government puts money into vaccine research to fight drug addiction.Originally from:

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CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta looks at how the federal government puts money into vaccine research to fight drug addiction.

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Is Our Food Making us Sick?

Apr. 26- It's been a year since President Obama named Dr. Margaret Hamburg as Food and Drug Administration commissioner and charged her with upgrading the nation's food safety laws for the 21st century.

Last summer, the U.S. House passed the first rewrite in 70 years, with legislation that gave the FDA vast new authority over how food is grown, harvested, and processed. Since then, though, the measure has languished in the Senate.

Two recent developments provide further evidence that the nation no longer can afford to ignore problems in its food supply chain.

A report by the Department of Health and Human Services found "significant weaknesses" in the FDA's domestic food inspections, a decline in the number of violations identified, and a lack of swift action to remedy those that were uncovered. Inspector General Daniel Levinson concluded that "more needs to be done to protect public health and to ensure that the FDA has the necessary tools to prevent outbreaks of food-borne illness."

An Ohio State University study demonstrates why the FDA must do a better job. Robert Scharff, a former FDA economist who now is an assistant professor of consumer sciences, said 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur each year, causing 5,000 deaths and 325,000 hospitalizations. The price tag for all of that illness -- including medical care, loss of productivity in the workplace, death, and disability -- totals $152 billion. He calculated that $39 billion alone stemmed from problems with fresh, canned, or processed produce.

The bill would give the FDA the authority to order recalls and quarantines when it suspects contamination. It also would require producers to identify risks their industries face and come up with prevention plans and controls. And it would put imported foods under the same scrutiny.

In addition to giving the FDA new enforcement powers over fines and penalties, the bill would require food producers and importers to pay a $500 fee to help cover costs of the improved inspection program. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the fee would not be sufficient to cover the increased enforcement costs, leaving a $2.2 billion shortage over five years. But given the high cost of food contamination, the country cannot afford to maintain the status quo.

The Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee unanimously passed the measure, which is expected to come up for a Senate vote next month. When it does, members should vote to improve the safety of the food supply.


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Copyright (c) 2010, The Blade, Toledo, Ohio

A service of YellowBrix, Inc.
Is Our Food Making us Sick?Originally from:

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Is Our Food Making us Sick?

Apr. 26- It's been a year since President Obama named Dr. Margaret Hamburg as Food and Drug Administration commissioner and charged her with upgrading the nation's food safety laws for the 21st century.

Last summer, the U.S. House passed the first rewrite in 70 years, with legislation that gave the FDA vast new authority over how food is grown, harvested, and processed. Since then, though, the measure has languished in the Senate.

Two recent developments provide further evidence that the nation no longer can afford to ignore problems in its food supply chain.

A report by the Department of Health and Human Services found "significant weaknesses" in the FDA's domestic food inspections, a decline in the number of violations identified, and a lack of swift action to remedy those that were uncovered. Inspector General Daniel Levinson concluded that "more needs to be done to protect public health and to ensure that the FDA has the necessary tools to prevent outbreaks of food-borne illness."

An Ohio State University study demonstrates why the FDA must do a better job. Robert Scharff, a former FDA economist who now is an assistant professor of consumer sciences, said 76 million new cases of food-related illness occur each year, causing 5,000 deaths and 325,000 hospitalizations. The price tag for all of that illness -- including medical care, loss of productivity in the workplace, death, and disability -- totals $152 billion. He calculated that $39 billion alone stemmed from problems with fresh, canned, or processed produce.

The bill would give the FDA the authority to order recalls and quarantines when it suspects contamination. It also would require producers to identify risks their industries face and come up with prevention plans and controls. And it would put imported foods under the same scrutiny.

In addition to giving the FDA new enforcement powers over fines and penalties, the bill would require food producers and importers to pay a $500 fee to help cover costs of the improved inspection program. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the fee would not be sufficient to cover the increased enforcement costs, leaving a $2.2 billion shortage over five years. But given the high cost of food contamination, the country cannot afford to maintain the status quo.

The Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee unanimously passed the measure, which is expected to come up for a Senate vote next month. When it does, members should vote to improve the safety of the food supply.


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Copyright (c) 2010, The Blade, Toledo, Ohio

A service of YellowBrix, Inc.
Is Our Food Making us Sick?Originally from:

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