Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Medical Careers: Your Path To A Great New Job

Looking for a new career but not finding the right fit? Perhaps you have not yet carefully examined the many possibilities that are currently available in the health field. One need not be a doctor or nurse to have an important or even crucial job where you can make a real difference in the lives of others. Medical careers are definitely growing, and with the right training, you may be ready to begin one.

Do you feel capable of making quick decisions? Are you a skillful communicator? If so, perhaps you should consider training to become an EMT or paramedic. These are the people who are the first responders to a 911 call, be it accident or a medical issue. More skilled personnel are being hired for these jobs than in many other fields.

It should be mentioned that if one feels faint at the sight of blood, these would not be advisable paths of employment. In the course of a day's work, one may also be required to be outside despite heat or cold, lift heavy people, and deal with traumatic situations.

EMT, or Emergency Medical Technician, is a position which has several levels of training, but at a minimum, one can begin training at a local college with a three month course. After passing a certification test, one could then seek work at a hospital emergency room or with an ambulance crew. An EMT who aspires to become a firefighter is often advised to achieve paramedical status.

While the EMT may achieve several tiers of training, one can go further and become a paramedic. This is generally advised if one's ultimate goal is to become a firefighter. The additional hours of coursework and field experience will reach beyond one thousand, but are often acquired while working. Paramedics are able to save lives by giving needed drugs, performing CPR, and many other complicated medical procedures, before the patient is ever seen by a doctor.

Don't let the drama of these two lively careers deter you from looking into the wide variety of paths that can be found in under the broad definition of medical careers. You may find that after a reasonable training time, a new job awaits you as a dietitian, physical therapist, or medical admissions specialist. You may still save a life, while reviving your own employment opportunities.

Chris Tompkins has been a medical writer for twenty years including covering the refurbished medical equipment market and careers in the medical industry.

View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/medical-careers-your-path-to-a-great-new-job

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