Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Seniors Fear Health Care Remake Will Hurt Medicare

WASHINGTON - Seniors aren't breaking out the champagne for President Barack Obama's health care law, and for good reason. While Democrats hail the overhaul as their greatest health care achievement since Medicare, seniors fear it's a raid on that same giant health care program - a bedrock of retirement security - in order to pay for covering younger, uninsured workers and their families.
There's no doubt that broad cuts in projected Medicare payments to insurance plans, hospitals, nursing homes and other service providers will sting. What hasn't sunk in yet is that the new law also improves the lot of many Medicare beneficiaries. Obama is hoping that most will eventually conclude the plusses outweigh the minuses.

Keenly aware that this is a congressional election year, Democrats structured the law so virtually all the cuts start next year and take effect only gradually. For this year, the law provides a sweetener. More than 3 million seniors who have been falling into a Medicare prescription coverage gap will get a $250 rebate, a down payment on closing the "doughnut hole."

Nonetheless, seniors are anxious.

"I'm afraid from the little I've heard that it's not good for seniors," said Muriel Couzon, 86, a retired supervisory social worker from New York City. A Democrat, Couzon says the legislation could affect her vote this fall: "I have to see what it will do to me and other seniors like me."

It's going to take a while before the verdict is in. Change will come slowly to Medicare, which covers 46 million seniors and disabled people. There will be winners and losers:

-Gross cuts in projected payments to insurers, hospitals and other providers total $533 billion over 10 years, according to a preliminary analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation. About $100 billion will be plowed back into Medicare, leaving a net cut of $428 billion. Medicare spending will continue to grow under the law, just not as fast. The reductions are smaller (about 6 percent) than Democratic President Bill Clinton and a Republican Congress came up with in 1997 (12 percent). Still, they're deep enough that some experts believe a future Congress will reconsider them.

-The law strengthens traditional Medicare, which covers about three-fourths of seniors, by improving preventive care and increasing payments to frontline primary care doctors and nurses serving as medical coordinators. But it gradually reduces generous government subsidies to private insurance plans, Medicare alternatives that have lately gained popularity. That could lead to an exodus from the private plans.


-The most significant new benefit - closing Medicare's prescription coverage gap - won't be fully phased in until 2020. That's a long time if you're old and frail. The coverage gap starts after the first $2,830 spent on medications in a year. Seniors then pay entirely out of their pocket until they have spent $4,550, when the government starts picking up 95 percent of the tab. After the rebate this year, seniors in the gap will get a 50 percent discount on brand name drugs in 2011, and a smaller break on generics. The discounts gradually ramp up until the "doughnut hole" is closed.

-One change has received little attention but could have major consequences. The law authorizes a variety of experiments to provide better care for seniors struggling with multiple chronic illnesses - about half the program's beneficiaries. Prominent voices in the medical community have been clamoring for the government to use Medicare as a laboratory for change. If the approach succeeds, fewer people may end up in the hospital for bad drug reactions and other common problems.

"It's going to be very important for Medicare beneficiaries to understand that on the whole, this is not the disaster some people have painted it to be," said health economist Marilyn Moon, who as a former Medicare trustee helped oversee program finances from 1995 through 2000. "It is a bit of a mixed bag, but I think on balance it is going to put the program in a better position, over a long period of time."

Her one major caveat: Many seniors in private insurance plans under Medicare Advantage will face higher premiums and reduced benefits as subsidies are scaled back over three to six years to bring the private plans' costs in line with those of traditional Medicare.

"Beneficiaries will notice that, and they're going to be unhappy because it's a takeaway," said Moon, who directs the health care program at the American Institutes for Research.

Government payments to the private plans - about 10 percent richer than per-person spending for traditional Medicare - have enabled them to offer comprehensive coverage for less. Seniors flocked to sign up, boosting enrollment to about one quarter of all Medicare beneficiaries.

The same cuts will benefit seniors in traditional Medicare, who have been paying higher monthly premiums to support the government's generosity. There's also a potential silver lining for private plans. The law allows them to earn bonus payments for high quality.

Such nuances got lost in an emotional debate that veered off into "death panels" and "pulling the plug on grandma." Nothing that drastic was ever in the bill. Still, Republicans accuse Obama of slashing Medicare, and polls show the message has stuck.

An Associated Press-GfK survey in March found that 54 percent of seniors opposed the legislation then taking final shape in Congress, compared with 36 percent of people age 18-50.

"We've got an education job to do with seniors," said Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn. "I think they are probably the least open to seeing the benefits."

AARP and other major organizations representing seniors supported the law, despite the polls. Now they're planning a sustained outreach campaign to call attention to the legislation's benefits. It might not be an easy sale.

Seniors Fear Health Care Remake Will Hurt MedicareOriginally from:

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Pfizer Gave Docs $35 Million in Last Half of 2009

TRENTON, N.J. - Pfizer Inc. paid doctors and teaching hospitals a total of $35 million in the last half of 2009 for services ranging from speaking to other doctors about the company's products to running studies of its experimental drugs.
The world's biggest drugmaker by revenue disclosed details Wednesday of its payments to about 4,500 doctors and other health professionals. Unlike rivals who have made some disclosures, Pfizer included figures on the considerable payments made to doctors running human tests of its drugs.

The information, posted on its Web site, was released a little more than a year after Pfizer promised to do so and comes a week after passage of the national health care overhaul. That legislation includes provisions requiring detailed disclosures of even small payments and gifts to physicians by makers of drugs and medical devices, but not until 2013.

Drug and device makers have been anticipating such a law since the Physician Payment Sunshine Act - later rolled into the health overhaul - was introduced late in 2007. Pfizer becomes at least the fourth major company to start making some disclosures early.

"This appeared to be the right next step," Pfizer chief medical officer Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall told The Associated Press. "I think that many health care providers believe it's the right thing to do to share this information."

Patients can search the new database to see whether their doctor has received payments for consulting services, giving speeches or participating in drug testing, as well as free meals or travel reimbursement.

Critics have questioned whether doctors favor drugs made by companies that pay them consulting or other fees.

Data posted by three other drugmakers so far has not been so user-friendly, said Allan Coukell, director of the Pew Prescription Project, a consumer group focused on safety and access to information about prescription drugs. He said other companies also have not disclosed data on payments for working on patient drug tests.

He hopes more companies make disclosures before they are required.

"We've always emphasized that we do need physicians to work with the industry on clinical trials, but that it needs to be transparent," Coukell said.


Pfizer's database shows it paid a total of $15 million to more than 250 researchers and teaching hospitals for their time working on clinical trials of experimental medicines. That does not include costs for the drugs, supplies and other items.

Roughly 1,500 health professionals were paid an average of $5,000 for their time and expertise as consultants giving "real practice and patient insights."

About 2,800 health professionals were paid an average of $3,400 for speaking to their peers, at dinner meetings and the like, about "appropriate use of Pfizer medicines."

The top recipient - not identified by Pfizer - got a total of about $150,000, which covered most of the doctor's work for the company in 2009.

The database also includes the value of meals and educational items, such as anatomical models and office wall charts, provided to doctors. In the last six months of 2009, Pfizer spent a total of $988,000 on meals, at an average of $317 per doctor, and a total of $1.7 million on business-related travel, at an average of $789 per doctor.

The new federal law requires even more disclosures. It was partly shaped by input from drugmakers such as Merck & Co. that supported disclosures but wanted uniform standards for all companies.

Under the law, any payment of $10 or more, and all payments to a single provider totaling $100 or more within a year, must be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services for it to post on a public Web site.

The first round of data, for 2012 payments, must be submitted by March 31, 2013 and is to be posted on the Web site the following September. Drugmakers can be fined up to $150,000 annually for not reporting payments - and up to $1 million a year if they knowingly don't disclose them.

Makers of prescription drugs, medical devices and medical supplies purchased by government health programs such as Medicare each year all will have to report their payments to physicians and hospitals. That will include gifts, meals, travel expenses, consulting and speaking fees, stock or stock options, royalties or licenses, ownership interests, research funding or grants, and any other item of value given to a doctor or teaching hospital.

However, payments for working on clinical trials will not have to be reported until four years after they are made, or after the product is approved - a concession to industry arguments that such information is competitive, Coukell said.

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Pfizer Gave Docs $35 Million in Last Half of 2009Originally from:

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Pfizer Gave Docs $35 Million in Last Half of 2009

TRENTON, N.J. - Pfizer Inc. paid doctors and teaching hospitals a total of $35 million in the last half of 2009 for services ranging from speaking to other doctors about the company's products to running studies of its experimental drugs.
The world's biggest drugmaker by revenue disclosed details Wednesday of its payments to about 4,500 doctors and other health professionals. Unlike rivals who have made some disclosures, Pfizer included figures on the considerable payments made to doctors running human tests of its drugs.

The information, posted on its Web site, was released a little more than a year after Pfizer promised to do so and comes a week after passage of the national health care overhaul. That legislation includes provisions requiring detailed disclosures of even small payments and gifts to physicians by makers of drugs and medical devices, but not until 2013.

Drug and device makers have been anticipating such a law since the Physician Payment Sunshine Act - later rolled into the health overhaul - was introduced late in 2007. Pfizer becomes at least the fourth major company to start making some disclosures early.

"This appeared to be the right next step," Pfizer chief medical officer Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall told The Associated Press. "I think that many health care providers believe it's the right thing to do to share this information."

Patients can search the new database to see whether their doctor has received payments for consulting services, giving speeches or participating in drug testing, as well as free meals or travel reimbursement.

Critics have questioned whether doctors favor drugs made by companies that pay them consulting or other fees.

Data posted by three other drugmakers so far has not been so user-friendly, said Allan Coukell, director of the Pew Prescription Project, a consumer group focused on safety and access to information about prescription drugs. He said other companies also have not disclosed data on payments for working on patient drug tests.

He hopes more companies make disclosures before they are required.

"We've always emphasized that we do need physicians to work with the industry on clinical trials, but that it needs to be transparent," Coukell said.


Pfizer's database shows it paid a total of $15 million to more than 250 researchers and teaching hospitals for their time working on clinical trials of experimental medicines. That does not include costs for the drugs, supplies and other items.

Roughly 1,500 health professionals were paid an average of $5,000 for their time and expertise as consultants giving "real practice and patient insights."

About 2,800 health professionals were paid an average of $3,400 for speaking to their peers, at dinner meetings and the like, about "appropriate use of Pfizer medicines."

The top recipient - not identified by Pfizer - got a total of about $150,000, which covered most of the doctor's work for the company in 2009.

The database also includes the value of meals and educational items, such as anatomical models and office wall charts, provided to doctors. In the last six months of 2009, Pfizer spent a total of $988,000 on meals, at an average of $317 per doctor, and a total of $1.7 million on business-related travel, at an average of $789 per doctor.

The new federal law requires even more disclosures. It was partly shaped by input from drugmakers such as Merck & Co. that supported disclosures but wanted uniform standards for all companies.

Under the law, any payment of $10 or more, and all payments to a single provider totaling $100 or more within a year, must be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services for it to post on a public Web site.

The first round of data, for 2012 payments, must be submitted by March 31, 2013 and is to be posted on the Web site the following September. Drugmakers can be fined up to $150,000 annually for not reporting payments - and up to $1 million a year if they knowingly don't disclose them.

Makers of prescription drugs, medical devices and medical supplies purchased by government health programs such as Medicare each year all will have to report their payments to physicians and hospitals. That will include gifts, meals, travel expenses, consulting and speaking fees, stock or stock options, royalties or licenses, ownership interests, research funding or grants, and any other item of value given to a doctor or teaching hospital.

However, payments for working on clinical trials will not have to be reported until four years after they are made, or after the product is approved - a concession to industry arguments that such information is competitive, Coukell said.

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Pfizer Gave Docs $35 Million in Last Half of 2009Originally from:

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Web Service Totally Wicked Coupon Offers Convenient Savings On The Best E Smoking Products

The poor state of the economy, in conjunction with rising tobacco cigarette prices everywhere, has made the search for viable cigarette alternatives a pressing issue for many smokers. Many are finding that electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine is just such a beneficial alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes they are seeking. With this cutting-edge technology smokers can get the same satisfaction they got from their traditional tobacco based cigarettes at a fraction of the cost. now with further savings are possible and extremely convenient, with this new website offering the lowest prices and discounts on the absolute top quality USA manufactured E liquid and E cigarette models found anywhere.

"Switching to electronic cigarettes has saved me literally thousands of dollars ever since I discovered them about 2 years ago. I know many are suffering financially in this economic climate, especially smokers. I decided to launch to help smokers everywhere benefit from even further savings on the exact products that stopped my decade-long tobacco habit, saving me a great deal of money in the process." says James Oliver, founder of the free service.

With the increasing awareness in North America of electronic smoking as an effective and cost-savings cigarette alternative, many suppliers have recently entered the market. Unfortunately many of these companies are offering low quality imitation and counterfeit electronic cigarette models, as well as unregulated imported e liquids. While appearing cheaper to the consumer, these electronic cigarettes and nicotine fluids are made to poor quality standards, can easily malfunction, stop working quickly and deliver poor performance and quality concerns.

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The new Totally Wicked Patriot Range E Liquids are a clear example of the company's philosophy of focusing on quality, safety and value for their customers. This brand new line of flavoured nicotine fluids is manufactured in Totally Wicked's new USA facility and uses the purest ingredients possible. Using 100% pharmaceutical grade nicotine which is USP certified and USA sourced natural and nature identical flavourings offers the best, cleanest (and most satisfying) all American made e liquid anywhere.

the cost savings of switching to electronic cigarettes and smoking devices, along with quality nicotine fluids can clearly be dramatic. Investing in top quality yet affordable electronic cigarette models from trusted market leader Totally Wicked will save smokers significant amounts of money in both the short and long-term. Using the new website Totally Wicked Coupon to maximize cost savings is easy. By bookmarking totally wicked coupon and purchasing totally wicked products through the link on the site consumers can conveniently save with every purchase a minimum of 7.5% on any order of any size without restriction

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Procedural Sedation CE for Nurses.

Procedural sedation is?a technique of administering sedatives or dissociative agents with or without analgesics to induce a state that allows the patient to tolerate unpleasant procedures while maintaining cardiorespiratory function. Procedural sedation and analgesia?is intended to result in a depressed level?of consciousness that allows the patient to maintain oxygenation and airway control independently
The ability to provide sedation safely is an art.
Conscious Sedation Consulting is offering CE courses nationnally for nurses who are involved in the admininstration of procedural sedation. These are comprehensive didactic learning sessions developed and presented by an anesthesiologist with over 25 years of clinical experience.
Here is a list of upcoming class dates and locations:
April 10, 2010 | Dallas, TX | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
April 24, 2010 | Phoenix, AZ | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
May 22, 2010 | Portland, OR | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm?
July 31, 2010 | Indianapolis, IN | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
August 14, 2010 | Reno, NV | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
September 11, 2010 | Teaneck, NJ | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
For more information on these courses or to register please visit
All the above courses are eligible for 8 hours of continuing education.
Conscious?Sedation Consulting is an approved provider of continuing nursing education?by The District of Columbia Board of Nursing, an accredited approver by The American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commisson on Accreditation -?ANCC?Procedural Sedation CE for Nurses.Originally from:

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Procedural Sedation CE for Nurses.

Procedural sedation is?a technique of administering sedatives or dissociative agents with or without analgesics to induce a state that allows the patient to tolerate unpleasant procedures while maintaining cardiorespiratory function. Procedural sedation and analgesia?is intended to result in a depressed level?of consciousness that allows the patient to maintain oxygenation and airway control independently
The ability to provide sedation safely is an art.
Conscious Sedation Consulting is offering CE courses nationnally for nurses who are involved in the admininstration of procedural sedation. These are comprehensive didactic learning sessions developed and presented by an anesthesiologist with over 25 years of clinical experience.
Here is a list of upcoming class dates and locations:
April 10, 2010 | Dallas, TX | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
April 24, 2010 | Phoenix, AZ | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
May 22, 2010 | Portland, OR | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm?
July 31, 2010 | Indianapolis, IN | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
August 14, 2010 | Reno, NV | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
September 11, 2010 | Teaneck, NJ | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
For more information on these courses or to register please visit
All the above courses are eligible for 8 hours of continuing education.
Conscious?Sedation Consulting is an approved provider of continuing nursing education?by The District of Columbia Board of Nursing, an accredited approver by The American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commisson on Accreditation -?ANCC?Procedural Sedation CE for Nurses.Originally from:

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You Will Save Big Bucks Switching From Smoking Cigarettes To Using Electronic Cigarettes, Now You Can Save Even More

For smokers the cost of their habit has soared in North America and beyond during the past decade. Price increases vary but across the USA and Canada cigarettes now cost upwards of ten dollars a pack. One alternative many are turning to is the relatively new option of electronic cigarettes, which offers a similar experience along with the nicotine in traditional cigarettes, while offering a significant cost savings. That cost savings can be extended further with a lifetime 'Totally Wicked Coupon' offer that gives a lifetime savings on purchases from one of the top North American suppliers of these products.

When first checking out the options online the money saving potential may not seem clear as there is an initial investment involved in a starter kit and basic supplies (which include an e cigarette model - essentially the batteries, charger and e-juice). But with the use of this exclusive totally wicked coupon code, combined with short-term and especially long term savings the cost benefit quickly becomes obvious.

When you first go online looking to buy e-cigarette starter kits it can seem very confusing and from some suppliers especially it appears very expensive. A good way to go is with a starter kit for a popular, market-proven device such as the Totally Wicked TITAN 510 series or the brand new Totally Wicked TORNADO. These are very reasonably priced units that deliver superior performance and you can save even further using our electronic cigarette discount coupon every time you make a purchase.

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Totally Wicked's growth in popularity in the USA has lead to the introduction of the new Patriot Range line of e-juice. Where with other brands you hope you are getting what it says, often with imported ingredients. You can use Totally Wicked Coupon to save on this high quality liquid nicotine mix which is made in the states, uses only USP nicotine (pharmaceutical grade, the same as is certified for use in patches and gums, etc), USP certified propylene glycol and US sourced natural or nature identical flavourings. It is simply the purest and most satisfying e-liquid available.

To enjoy a consistent electronic cigarette discount using our Totally Wicked Coupon simply visit our site, click the big red button and have the discount automatically applied to your purchase. It couldn't be easier to save on the top quality e cigarettes and e-juice on the market. We suggest you bookmark so you can enjoy the discount every time you order.

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Will a National Reform Quell Illinois Medical Insurance Woos?

How will the proposed national health reform affect residents with or without Illinois medical insurance? Despite the obscure details regarding the proposed national health reform bill remain undisclosed to the American public, industry specialist have different viewpoints about a new health plan.

President and licensed Illinois medical insurance agent, Mike Novelli assents the necessity for health reform, "I have witnessed the debacle. It's unfair that tax paying citizens are rejected from obtaining an Illinois medical insurance policy based on a pre-existing medical condition."

Other health insurance analysts contend that a high percentage of uninsured Americans have made it a conscious choice not to have insurance. The problem is that when these people are struck with an illness and hospitalized, they are unable to pay the medical bills.

To offset the financial implications for individuals, who do not have Illinois medical insurance, hospitalization charges remain on the rise. In an endeavor to maintain a profit, the domino effect triggers insurance companies to raise their premiums and coinsurance caps. The byproduct is that the insured bear the financial brunt of the uninsured.

Other experts, familiar with the situation, speculate that a national standard, similar to car insurance; whereby, the government restricts insurance companies from rejecting Americans afflicted with a major pre-existing medical ailment.

In the state of Illinois, statistical data depicts that approximately 3-million residents do not have health insurance. Conversely, a percentage of Illinoisans are against the reform because they predict that the national reform plan will cripple medical science, causing a deficit of qualified physicians.

Mr. Novelli perceives the reform as a positive change for educating Americans about how to purchase a health policy. "I witness many consumers, who are baffled by the entire process to acquire a feasible Illinois medical insurance policy," says Mr. Novelli.

Mr. Novelli also preaches that the most consumer savvy approach for selecting a viable Illinois medical insurance entails obtaining several medical quotes, comparing policies for affordability and adequate coverage to accommodate personal health care necessities. Meanwhile, residents in need of an Illinois medical insurance plan can only hope the national reform will include similar guidelines. offers complementary health insurance quotes, advice and a wealth of information regarding Illinois medical insurance. Bookmark the site for the latest news, resources and no obligation quotes, online.

categories: illinois medical insurance,medical,health,news,medicine,family,investment,business,self help,insurance,internet,finance,politics,education

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Towards A Restraint Free Environment In Nursing Homes - A Public Consultation

Towards A Restraint Free Environment In Nursing Homes - A Public ConsultationOriginally from:

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Towards A Restraint Free Environment In Nursing Homes - A Public Consultation

Towards A Restraint Free Environment In Nursing Homes - A Public ConsultationOriginally from:

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nursing 50 Years Back and Today: How the Nursing Field has changed over the last 50 Years

Nursing 50 Years Back and Today: How the Nursing Field has changed over the last 50 YearsOriginally from:

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Charity’s call ingrained at Catholic hospitals

Charity's call ingrained at Catholic hospitalsOriginally from:

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AONE Convention is Approaching

AONE Convention is ApproachingOriginally from:

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Not Enough to Go Round - Senior Assisted Living Facilities

The impact of the baby boom, a period of increased births following World War II., is beginning to have a major effect on our society as many of these Americans reach retirement age. Furthermore, the U.S. Population is living longer in general. According to the 2000 census, 34.1 million Americans were 65 or older, making up 13% of the entire population.

Furthermore, this same demographic will only continue growing at an alarming rate. Projected to double by the year 2030, this same group will soon encapsulate as much as 20% of the population. The fastest growing group within this demographic, the number of senior citizens over 85, will grow from roughly 3.8 million to over 7 million during the same twenty year period. Of this group, a quarter live in nursing homes while half require some level of assistance with daily living tasks.

The Assisted Living and Independent Living markets are, at the same time, being hit hard by the collapse of the financial markets. The high default rates on "subprime" and adjustable rate mortgages have led to the now very familiar 'credit crunch' phenomenon which has affected every major economy across the world. Bank collapses and property foreclosures are still regular occurrences and, although the US is now officially out of recession, the knock-on effects will be felt for years to come.

While the real estate market stagnates, an increasing number of elderly Americans find themselves in need of assisted living facilities. To fund such moves, they of course hope to sell their homes, which proves to be much more challenging given current market conditions. Difficulties are further increased by the United States' shortage of quality assisted living facilities.

This means that fewer Assisted Living providers are funding new elderly care and seniors housing developments because the take-up rates have slowed up so considerably. At Executive Care Group USA we own and operate the Balmoral Assisted Living an Independent Living Facility at Lake Placid, to the south of Sebring in South / Central Florida.

Furthermore, this facility also includes dementia care suites, catering to the increasing population of seniors with early onset Alzheimer's and other dementia issues. Recent stirrings on Capitol Hill regarding the health care bill suggest that elder care facilities will have to become more pro-active providers for such needs, and rather than simply ignoring the possibility, we at Executive Care Group USA have chosen to be forward thinking. As the U.S. Elderly population continues to increase, such planning efforts employed pro actively today will have great effects as needs and requirements change.

We have therefore started a bold action plan to buck the market. We are investing in our existing facilities and looking to take advantage of the current slump in real estate to purchase land to begin a new development program of building new, state of the art, hotel / resort style Assisted Living and Independent Living facilities across Florida. Our investment now will benefit the elderly care and seniors market today but we are confident that we will reap the returns in the medium term future.

Today's funding challenges are, we feel, only temporary. As such, we have instigated a compassionate care program which recognizes that not everyone can afford to pay immediately. Furthermore, those who can pay may not be able to afford care at pre credit crunch rates. We therefore assess each case individually on its own merits, offering central Florida's elderly residents quality care at rates which match current market conditions.

About Danny Sharpe: Operates the Balmoral Assisted Living Facility in Lake Placid, the leader in family owned award winning Assisted Living Homes. His company provides senior assisted living facilities with nursing and dementia care: assisted living home affordable highland county.

categories: assisted living homes,senior assisted living,senior assisted living homes,senior assisted living facilities,retirement community,retirement homes,senior community,senior care,nursing homes,assisted living,nursing

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Medical Careers: Your Path To A Great New Job

Looking for a new career but not finding the right fit? Perhaps you have not yet carefully examined the many possibilities that are currently available in the health field. One need not be a doctor or nurse to have an important or even crucial job where you can make a real difference in the lives of others. Medical careers are definitely growing, and with the right training, you may be ready to begin one.

Do you feel capable of making quick decisions? Are you a skillful communicator? If so, perhaps you should consider training to become an EMT or paramedic. These are the people who are the first responders to a 911 call, be it accident or a medical issue. More skilled personnel are being hired for these jobs than in many other fields.

It should be mentioned that if one feels faint at the sight of blood, these would not be advisable paths of employment. In the course of a day's work, one may also be required to be outside despite heat or cold, lift heavy people, and deal with traumatic situations.

EMT, or Emergency Medical Technician, is a position which has several levels of training, but at a minimum, one can begin training at a local college with a three month course. After passing a certification test, one could then seek work at a hospital emergency room or with an ambulance crew. An EMT who aspires to become a firefighter is often advised to achieve paramedical status.

While the EMT may achieve several tiers of training, one can go further and become a paramedic. This is generally advised if one's ultimate goal is to become a firefighter. The additional hours of coursework and field experience will reach beyond one thousand, but are often acquired while working. Paramedics are able to save lives by giving needed drugs, performing CPR, and many other complicated medical procedures, before the patient is ever seen by a doctor.

Don't let the drama of these two lively careers deter you from looking into the wide variety of paths that can be found in under the broad definition of medical careers. You may find that after a reasonable training time, a new job awaits you as a dietitian, physical therapist, or medical admissions specialist. You may still save a life, while reviving your own employment opportunities.

Chris Tompkins has been a medical writer for twenty years including covering the refurbished medical equipment market and careers in the medical industry.

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Starting Great New Medical Careers That Will Get You Hired

Despite the difficulties of finding employment in certain industries during these tough economic times, there is hope. Some areas of work, such as the health field, offer very promising job potential without the rigorous and lengthy training requires to become a doctor or nurse. Medical careers are predicted to be in growth mode, and you may want to explore a new career in it. You may become a lifesaver.

Do you feel capable of making quick decisions? Are you a skillful communicator? If so, perhaps you should consider training to become an EMT or paramedic. These are the people who are the first responders to a 911 call, be it accident or a medical issue. More skilled personnel are being hired for these jobs than in many other fields.

These jobs are not for everyone, even with a good work ethic. One must be able to withstand the considerable physical demands of these positions. Of course, the sight of blood must not cause you to faint. One must be able to handle harsh weather conditions, and the real drama of life and death situations.

EMT, or Emergency Medical Technician, is a position which has several levels of training, but at a minimum, one can begin training at a local college with a three month course. After passing a certification test, one could then seek work at a hospital emergency room or with an ambulance crew. An EMT who aspires to become a firefighter is often advised to achieve paramedical status.

Once you are an EMT, becoming a firefighter may become a goal. In this case, it is advisable to begin the more extensive training required to reach paramedic status. This may involve a year or so of work. The class time and in-the-field experience may vary from place to place, but can take over one thousand hours of study and hard work. The result of all the effort will be that you can personally and dramatically act on people who need emergency medical treatment. You might deliver a baby, save a drowning victim, or perform any number of procedures while the patient is in transit.

Don't let the drama of these two lively careers deter you from looking into the wide variety of paths that can be found in under the broad definition of medical careers. You may find that after a reasonable training time, a new job awaits you as a dietitian, physical therapist, or medical admissions specialist. You may still save a life, while reviving your own employment opportunities.

Chris Tompkins has been a medical writer for twenty years covering medical and health topics such as the refurbished medical equipment market and careers in the medical industry.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Health Premiums Could Rise 17 pct for Young Adults

CHICAGO (AP) - Under the health care overhaul, young adults who buy their own insurance will carry a heavier burden of the medical costs of older Americans - a shift expected to raise insurance premiums for young people when the plan takes full effect.

Beginning in 2014, most Americans will be required to buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. That's when premiums for young adults seeking coverage on the individual market would likely climb by 17 percent on average, or roughly $42 a month, according to an analysis of the plan conducted for The Associated Press. The analysis did not factor in tax credits to help offset the increase.

The higher costs will pinch many people in their 20s and early 30s who are struggling to start or advance their careers with the highest unemployment rate in 26 years.

Consider 24-year-old Nils Higdon. The self-employed percussionist and part-time teacher in Chicago pays $140 each month for health insurance. But he's healthy and so far hasn't needed it.

The law relies on Higdon and other young adults to shoulder more of the financial load in new health insurance risk pools. So under the new system, Higdon could expect to pay $300 to $500 a year more. Depending on his income, he might also qualify for tax credits.

At issue is the insurance industry's practice of charging more for older customers, who are the costliest to insure. The new law restricts how much insurers can raise premium costs based on age alone.

Insurers typically charge six or seven times as much to older customers as to younger ones in states with no restrictions. The new law limits the ratio to 3-to-1, meaning a 50-year-old could be charged only three times as much as a 20-year-old.

The rest will be shouldered by young people in the form of higher premiums.

Higdon wonders how his peers, already scrambling to start careers during a recession, will react to paying more so older people can get cheaper coverage.

"I suppose it all depends on how much more people in my situation, who are already struggling for coverage, are expected to pay," Higdon says. He'd prefer a single-payer health care system and calls age-based premiums part of the "broken morality" of for-profit health care.

To be sure, there are benefits that balance some of the downsides for young people:

- In roughly six months, many young adults up to age 26 should be eligible for coverage under their parents' insurance - if their parents have insurance that provides dependent coverage.
- Tax credits will be available for individuals making up to four times the federal poverty level, $43,320 for a single person. The credits will vary based on income and premiums costs.
- Low-income singles without children will be covered for the first time by Medicaid, which some estimate will insure 9 million more young adults.
But on average, people younger than 35 who are buying their own insurance on the individual market would pay $42 a month more, according to an analysis by Rand Health, a research division of the nonpartisan Rand Corp.


The analysis, conducted for The Associated Press, examined the effect of the law's limits on age-based pricing, not other ways the legislation might affect premiums, said Elizabeth McGlynn of Rand Health.
Jim O'Connor, an actuary with the independent consulting firm Milliman Inc., came up with similar estimates of 10 to 30 percent increases for young males, averaging about 15 percent.

"Young males will be hit the hardest," O'Connor says, because they have lower health care costs than young females and older people who go to doctors more often and use more medical services.

Predicting exactly how much any individual's insurance premium would rise or fall is impossible, experts say, because so much is changing at once. But it is possible to isolate the effect of the law's limits on age-based pricing.

Some groups predict even higher increases in premiums for younger individuals - as much as 50 percent, says Landon Gibbs of ShoutAmerica, a Tennessee-based nonprofit aimed at mobilizing young people on health care issues, particularly rising costs.

Gibbs, 27, a former White House aide under President George W. Bush, founded the bipartisan group with former hospital chain executive Clayton McWhorter, now chairman of a private equity firm. McWhorter finances the organization. The group did not oppose health care reform, but stressed issues like how health care inflation threatens the future of Medicare.

"We don't want to make this a generational war, but we want to make sure young adults are informed," Gibbs says.

Young people who supported Barack Obama in 2008 may come to resent how health care reform will affect them, Gibbs and others say. Recent polls show support among young voters eroding since they helped elect Obama president.

Jim Schreiber, 24, was once an Obama supporter but now isn't so sure. The Chicagoan works in a law firm and has his own tea importing business.

He pays $120 a month for health insurance, "probably pure profit for my insurance company," he says. Without a powerhouse lobbying group, like AARP for older adults, young adults' voices have been muted, he says. He's been discouraged by the health care debate.

"It has made me disillusioned with the Democrats," he said.

Ari Matusiak, 33, a Georgetown University law student, founded Young Invincibles with other Obama campaign volunteers to rally youth support for health care overhaul.

Age rating fails as a wedge issue because the pluses of the new law outweigh the minuses for young adults, Matusiak says.

"And we're not going to be 26, 27, 33 forever," Matusiak says. "Guess what? We're going to be in a different demographic soon enough."

Nationally representative surveys for the Kaiser Family Foundation have consistently found that young adults are more likely than senior citizens to say they would be willing to pay more so that more Americans could be insured. But whether that generosity will endure isn't clear.

"The government approach of - we'll just make someone get health care and pay for someone else - definitely NOT what I want," says Melissa Kaupke, 28, who is uninsured and works from her Nashville home.
In Chicago, Higdon says he supports the principles of the health care overhaul, even if it means he will pay more as a young man to smooth out premium costs for everyone.

"Hopefully I'll be old someday, barring some catastrophic event. And the likelihood of me being old is less if I don't have a good health plan."
Health Premiums Could Rise 17 pct for Young AdultsOriginally from:

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Health Premiums Could Rise 17 pct for Young Adults

CHICAGO (AP) - Under the health care overhaul, young adults who buy their own insurance will carry a heavier burden of the medical costs of older Americans - a shift expected to raise insurance premiums for young people when the plan takes full effect.

Beginning in 2014, most Americans will be required to buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. That's when premiums for young adults seeking coverage on the individual market would likely climb by 17 percent on average, or roughly $42 a month, according to an analysis of the plan conducted for The Associated Press. The analysis did not factor in tax credits to help offset the increase.

The higher costs will pinch many people in their 20s and early 30s who are struggling to start or advance their careers with the highest unemployment rate in 26 years.

Consider 24-year-old Nils Higdon. The self-employed percussionist and part-time teacher in Chicago pays $140 each month for health insurance. But he's healthy and so far hasn't needed it.

The law relies on Higdon and other young adults to shoulder more of the financial load in new health insurance risk pools. So under the new system, Higdon could expect to pay $300 to $500 a year more. Depending on his income, he might also qualify for tax credits.

At issue is the insurance industry's practice of charging more for older customers, who are the costliest to insure. The new law restricts how much insurers can raise premium costs based on age alone.

Insurers typically charge six or seven times as much to older customers as to younger ones in states with no restrictions. The new law limits the ratio to 3-to-1, meaning a 50-year-old could be charged only three times as much as a 20-year-old.

The rest will be shouldered by young people in the form of higher premiums.

Higdon wonders how his peers, already scrambling to start careers during a recession, will react to paying more so older people can get cheaper coverage.

"I suppose it all depends on how much more people in my situation, who are already struggling for coverage, are expected to pay," Higdon says. He'd prefer a single-payer health care system and calls age-based premiums part of the "broken morality" of for-profit health care.

To be sure, there are benefits that balance some of the downsides for young people:

- In roughly six months, many young adults up to age 26 should be eligible for coverage under their parents' insurance - if their parents have insurance that provides dependent coverage.
- Tax credits will be available for individuals making up to four times the federal poverty level, $43,320 for a single person. The credits will vary based on income and premiums costs.
- Low-income singles without children will be covered for the first time by Medicaid, which some estimate will insure 9 million more young adults.
But on average, people younger than 35 who are buying their own insurance on the individual market would pay $42 a month more, according to an analysis by Rand Health, a research division of the nonpartisan Rand Corp.


The analysis, conducted for The Associated Press, examined the effect of the law's limits on age-based pricing, not other ways the legislation might affect premiums, said Elizabeth McGlynn of Rand Health.
Jim O'Connor, an actuary with the independent consulting firm Milliman Inc., came up with similar estimates of 10 to 30 percent increases for young males, averaging about 15 percent.

"Young males will be hit the hardest," O'Connor says, because they have lower health care costs than young females and older people who go to doctors more often and use more medical services.

Predicting exactly how much any individual's insurance premium would rise or fall is impossible, experts say, because so much is changing at once. But it is possible to isolate the effect of the law's limits on age-based pricing.

Some groups predict even higher increases in premiums for younger individuals - as much as 50 percent, says Landon Gibbs of ShoutAmerica, a Tennessee-based nonprofit aimed at mobilizing young people on health care issues, particularly rising costs.

Gibbs, 27, a former White House aide under President George W. Bush, founded the bipartisan group with former hospital chain executive Clayton McWhorter, now chairman of a private equity firm. McWhorter finances the organization. The group did not oppose health care reform, but stressed issues like how health care inflation threatens the future of Medicare.

"We don't want to make this a generational war, but we want to make sure young adults are informed," Gibbs says.

Young people who supported Barack Obama in 2008 may come to resent how health care reform will affect them, Gibbs and others say. Recent polls show support among young voters eroding since they helped elect Obama president.

Jim Schreiber, 24, was once an Obama supporter but now isn't so sure. The Chicagoan works in a law firm and has his own tea importing business.

He pays $120 a month for health insurance, "probably pure profit for my insurance company," he says. Without a powerhouse lobbying group, like AARP for older adults, young adults' voices have been muted, he says. He's been discouraged by the health care debate.

"It has made me disillusioned with the Democrats," he said.

Ari Matusiak, 33, a Georgetown University law student, founded Young Invincibles with other Obama campaign volunteers to rally youth support for health care overhaul.

Age rating fails as a wedge issue because the pluses of the new law outweigh the minuses for young adults, Matusiak says.

"And we're not going to be 26, 27, 33 forever," Matusiak says. "Guess what? We're going to be in a different demographic soon enough."

Nationally representative surveys for the Kaiser Family Foundation have consistently found that young adults are more likely than senior citizens to say they would be willing to pay more so that more Americans could be insured. But whether that generosity will endure isn't clear.

"The government approach of - we'll just make someone get health care and pay for someone else - definitely NOT what I want," says Melissa Kaupke, 28, who is uninsured and works from her Nashville home.
In Chicago, Higdon says he supports the principles of the health care overhaul, even if it means he will pay more as a young man to smooth out premium costs for everyone.

"Hopefully I'll be old someday, barring some catastrophic event. And the likelihood of me being old is less if I don't have a good health plan."
Health Premiums Could Rise 17 pct for Young AdultsOriginally from:

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Nurses Say They Face 'Abuse' Inside Hospital Walls

Hospitals are a place of refuge for those seriously ill or in need of immediate medical treatment.

But those who dedicate their lives to taking care of patients say they experience a much different reality.

Once the scrubs are on and the stethoscopes are ready, nurses related that they experience verbal and sometimes physical abuse that some say is spiraling out of control.

The March 2 shooting of a nurse at Danbury Hospital was an isolated incident, but nurses in Danbury and New Milford hospitals said it was bound to happen sooner or later.

"I think (the shooting) was isolated, but the day-to-day verbal abuse, and sometimes physical abuse, is not isolated -- and it's getting worse," said Kathy Lechner, a Danbury Hospital nurse who works with orthopedic, neurological and trauma patients.

According to nurses, abuse can be divided into two categories -- intentional and unintentional.

The majority of abuse, nurses from both hospitals say, is unintentional and stems from patients with dementia or people under similar conditions -- disoriented or extremely confused and concerned for their health, either because they are coming out of surgery, on unfamiliar medication, or going through withdrawal from drugs or alcohol.

"It's not what you'd call criminal-type behavior. For the most part they don't know what they're doing," said New Milford Hospital nurse Walter O'Connor, who works in the Recovery Unit. "When you're confused, your survival instinct comes in."

Nurses take some precautions to protect themselves.

Precautions are learned from prior incidents, nurses say. Hospital officials say precautions also are learned through annual training sessions.

Nurses in Danbury and New Milford said they and their co-workers have been spit on, slapped, hit, kicked, threatened, choked, slammed into walls, had a bedpan thrown at them, received a broken nose, a concussion.

They say the list is almost endless.

About 15 years ago, a nurse who worked in New Milford Hospital was paralyzed after being kicked in the neck, which caused a stroke, said Joanne Chapin, the president of the New Milford Nurses Union.

Another suffered a traumatic brain injury after being slammed into a wall, O'Connor said.

Linda Wiseman, a spokeswoman for New Milford Hospital, said "security policies and procedures are evaluated on an ongoing basis throughout the year to identify opportunities to improve safety for patients and staff."


Wiseman said the hospital has increased its security staff and improved its techniques for notifying security and law enforcement personnel.

"You are trying to protect the patient and sometimes you don't protect yourself," O'Connor, a nurse, said, "or your patient is quicker than you."

Lechner, who has been at Danbury Hospital for 35 years, said she has seen a gradual change over the last 10 years.

Hospitals all over the state are moving in a different direction, she said, marketing themselves as a business of total health care, "like a hotel."

Nursing supervisors used to talk to patients and tell them that verbal abuse is unacceptable, Lechner said, but "most hospitals now don't stick up for the staff.

"They try to calm the patient down with, 'What's wrong?' 'What can we do to make you feel better?'" she said.

"It's part of the old culture where the patient is always right, even if the patient is a criminal and assaulting you on purpose, with intent," O'Connor said.

On leaving New Milford Hospital, patients are given surveys about their satisfaction with their stay, a procedure common at most hospitals in the state. The results go to the nurses' supervisor.

Nurses also experience abuse from patients' family members, they say, who don't necessarily understand the whole situation.

"A lot of the time it's how they're coping with the situation or (they) don't realize what's going on, but you don't have the time to explain it to them," said Cathy Novicky, a New Milford Hospital nurse who works in the Intensive Care Unit.

Some patients, or their families, refuse to accept that nurses have to take care of other people, too.

"I have been told 'I pay your salary' or 'You can't tell me what to do,'" Lechner said.

Both hospitals have reports for staffers to fill out if they have been abused, but some nurses say the forms are complicated and time-consuming.

"We don't always report it. There is so much of it," said Tyrne Wade, a nurse at Danbury Hospital. "If you did that, you wouldn't get your work done."

"I don't think anything ever gets documented until they start swinging," said Chapin, the president of the nurses' union at New Milford Hospital. "If you get hurt or hit and need to go to the ER, you fill out an incident report."


Another problem, some nurses say, is the open atmosphere of hospitals. Lechner said people used to be stopped in the halls if they were not wearing a badge, but not anymore.

"There are too many doors at Danbury Hospital that are open (to the outside)," she said. "At night nobody stops you."

It's true that there are more "access points" to Danbury Hospital as the hospital has grown, said Frank Kelly, president and chief executive officer of Danbury Hospital.

Hospital officials have looked at the number of points of entry in the facility "five to six times" in his tenure at the hospital, Kelly said.

That is likely to be an area also looked at in an encompassing review of security by an outside firm. A contract is expected to be signed soon, said Andrea Rynn, a hospital spokeswoman.

But just because a door might be opened and a security guard is not there, Rynn said, it doesn't mean the situation isn't seen. Security cameras monitor entrances and multiple points throughout the hospital, Rynn said.

"Sometimes you are afraid of what will come in the door with (patients), or come in later (because of) them," said O'Connor, who worked in New Milford's emergency room for years.

"If someone tried to kill somebody and they're not dead, someone might come up to finish the job," said Lechner, who works in Danbury Hospital's Trauma Unit.

"We've asked numerous times for someone to be on guard and they say, 'No, you don't need it.' We can't protect the patients and we can't protect ourselves," she said.

"You should feel safe coming to work," Wade said.

"We want to work to prevent another incident," said Mary Consoli, the president of the Danbury Nurses Union.

_©2010 Yellowbrix, Inc._Nurses Say They Face 'Abuse' Inside Hospital WallsOriginally from:

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“Adaptable” Beds: Good or Bad Idea?

"Adaptable" Beds: Good or Bad Idea?Originally from:

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How To Start A Career In Nursing

Nursing offers a huge variety of careers, with something to suit everyone. If you want to be a nurse but don't want to see all the blood and guts, think again, a nurse could work in a GP, visit patient's homes, work with the disabled or children. Each opportunity offers its own set of challenges and rewards.

There are a variety of routes to take you into a career in nursing but most will require the same port of entry. You will first need to complete a pre-registration course, of which there are many available across the UK.

Entry requirements do not have a universal minimum but they will differ depending on the higher education institution you choose. Usually a diploma will require around 5 GCSEs of grade C and above including English and a science and a nursing degree will usually require candidates to have gained at least 2 A-level qualifications.

There are key characteristics that will help you become a nurse such as being an excellent team worker and having good communication skills. Nursing work often involves working in an extremely emotionally charged environment so it is useful to be able to handle yourself and remain calm in those situations. You will need to be observant as most of your job will involve monitoring a patient's progress.

Some people start off as a healthcare assistant which doesn't require any formal qualifications, this way you can work your way up to a level where you can apply for a diploma or degree. Many applicants choose to go directly through university to study as a nurse and the NHS encourages all varieties of applicants by covering tuition fees and offering bursaries.

It is possible to undertake qualifications to become a nurse in a part-time environment in order to keep an existing job. These can be done over a 5-6 year period and can allow someone to change careers without going back to full time education.

There are a variety of nursing jobs on offer and if you are fairly well qualified or experienced, you may be able to get a job in private nursing.

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Daily News: HPV Vaccination Rates Low in Poor States

Daily News: HPV Vaccination Rates Low in Poor StatesOriginally from:

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Thomson Reuters Announces 100 Top Hospitals Award Winners

Thomson Reuters Announces 100 Top Hospitals Award WinnersOriginally from:

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Positions are Running Out in Assisted Living Homes

The US population is getting older and living longer. The demographic 'blip' known as the baby boom is going to start having a major impact on our society as a whole with the large numbers of babies born in the years immediately following WW2 now starting to come to retirement age. The most recent Census information shows that by 2000, there were 34.1 million senior Americans (those aged 65 and older) making up 13% of the total population.

Furthermore, this same demographic will only continue growing at an alarming rate. Projected to double by the year 2030, this same group will soon encapsulate as much as 20% of the population. The fastest growing group within this demographic, the number of senior citizens over 85, will grow from roughly 3.8 million to over 7 million during the same twenty year period. Of this group, a quarter live in nursing homes while half require some level of assistance with daily living tasks.

While the demands of this sector continue to grow, the independent and assisted living markets are being slammed by current financial conditions. The high rates of default on subprime mortgages have led to a global economic credit crunch. Furthermore, bank failures and real estate foreclosures remain everyday occurrences and, despite the end of the recession, the effects of these financial conditions will continue to resonate for years to come.

This stagnation in the housing market now coincides with the huge demand for residential care for the elderly caused by the baby boom generation. So, at a time when the US already has a shortage of good quality elderly care and assisted living facilities, the housing market has seized up and seniors are struggling to sell their properties to fund their move into assisted living homes.

Also, because the take-up rates have slowed considerably, fewer assisted living providers are funding new elder care and seniors housing. At Executive Care Group USA, we own and operate the Balmoral Assisted Living, an Independent Living Facility at Lake Placid, to the south of Sebring in South / Central Florida.

This resort-style facility also includes dementia care memory suites which cater for the growing incidences of elderly residents with early onset Alzheimer's or other dementia issues. At Executive Care Group USA we have taken the view that the massive growth in the elderly population and the recent stirrings on Capitol Hill over the Healthcare Bill will require action and - as elderly care / assisted living providers - we will have to address that problem head-on and not pretend it doesn't exist.

As such, we have initiated a daring plan to buck current trends. Not only are we investing in current facilities, but we are also capitalizing on the current real estate slump to purchase new land. Our plans are to construct an array of hotel-style assisted living resorts across Florida. Today's efforts will thus benefit today's seniors market, but we firmly believe that we will reap even more benefits in the medium term future.

Today's funding challenges are, we feel, only temporary. As such, we have instigated a compassionate care program which recognizes that not everyone can afford to pay immediately. Furthermore, those who can pay may not be able to afford care at pre credit crunch rates. We therefore assess each case individually on its own merits, offering central Florida's elderly residents quality care at rates which match current market conditions.

Danny Sharpe operates Balmoral Assisted Living the Executive Care Group USA's flagship facility the heart of Florida. You can find more information at Assisted Living Homes.Balmoral Assisted Living provides senior assisted living facilities with nursing and dementia care: senior assisted living homes family owned miami.

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Let's Move and HR 4601 The National Nurse Act of 2010

"Let's Move"" and HR 4601 The National Nurse Act of 2010 have potential to become a very productive partnership! Engaging volunteer nurses in "Let's Move" will be facilitated with passage of HR 4601, calling for the Chief Nurse of the US Public Health Service to be known as the National Nurse to provide guidance for prevention efforts in local communities. Supporters of HR 4601 seek a National Nurse to raise visibility of nursing and tap into the existing skills and expertise of our nation's nurse workforce to address the rising epidemics of preventable conditions. Many nurses (including students and retirees) indicate willingness to be involved in their community's prevention efforts, but see authoritative leadership, social marketing and national emphasis are needed. Nurses know resources, have key knowledge, value evidence based interventions and can implement ongoing evaluation. Nurses are also present in all cultural communities and are repeatedly voted the "most trusted" profession. They can be strong advocates for "Let's Move" and other health promotion programs. Leadership and guidance provided by the National Nurse will enable a ready pool of skilled and qualified advocates to hit the ground running and implement evidence based interventions. The public, including youth and parents, will better understand roles of community and public health nursing, thus recruitment to nursing and other health professions will be enhanced. Student nurses will find valuable opportunities for community service and learning experiences. Retirees can remain active in their profession and utilize their skills and experiences advantageously. The Medical Reserve Corps, the American Heart Association and many other existing networks for health promotion will gain skilled manpower and their programs will be strengthened by participation of local health professionals.This concept is cost effective as it utilizes an existing position and avoids duplication. Local grants can be sought to fund local efforts. Many nurses and stake holders see the potential for a productive partnership here. They would welcome an opportunity to discuss this legislation with the First Lady. Nurses also want to thank Michelle Obama for adopting this worthy cause, wish her much success, and visualize a National Nurse at her side to offer guidance and expertise.Let's Move and HR 4601 The National Nurse Act of 2010

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Let's Move and HR 4601 The National Nurse Act of 2010

"Let's Move"" and HR 4601 The National Nurse Act of 2010 have potential to become a very productive partnership! Engaging volunteer nurses in "Let's Move" will be facilitated with passage of HR 4601, calling for the Chief Nurse of the US Public Health Service to be known as the National Nurse to provide guidance for prevention efforts in local communities. Supporters of HR 4601 seek a National Nurse to raise visibility of nursing and tap into the existing skills and expertise of our nation's nurse workforce to address the rising epidemics of preventable conditions. Many nurses (including students and retirees) indicate willingness to be involved in their community's prevention efforts, but see authoritative leadership, social marketing and national emphasis are needed. Nurses know resources, have key knowledge, value evidence based interventions and can implement ongoing evaluation. Nurses are also present in all cultural communities and are repeatedly voted the "most trusted" profession. They can be strong advocates for "Let's Move" and other health promotion programs. Leadership and guidance provided by the National Nurse will enable a ready pool of skilled and qualified advocates to hit the ground running and implement evidence based interventions. The public, including youth and parents, will better understand roles of community and public health nursing, thus recruitment to nursing and other health professions will be enhanced. Student nurses will find valuable opportunities for community service and learning experiences. Retirees can remain active in their profession and utilize their skills and experiences advantageously. The Medical Reserve Corps, the American Heart Association and many other existing networks for health promotion will gain skilled manpower and their programs will be strengthened by participation of local health professionals.This concept is cost effective as it utilizes an existing position and avoids duplication. Local grants can be sought to fund local efforts. Many nurses and stake holders see the potential for a productive partnership here. They would welcome an opportunity to discuss this legislation with the First Lady. Nurses also want to thank Michelle Obama for adopting this worthy cause, wish her much success, and visualize a National Nurse at her side to offer guidance and expertise.Let's Move and HR 4601 The National Nurse Act of 2010

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Nursing Education through Online Degrees

Nursing itself is a noble profession. In order to be eligible by qualification for nursing training, usually it requires a diploma or a degree. Nurses can get themselves registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council in the United Kingdom and after obtaining this certificate they can work for the National Health Service. Nursing training is broadly imparted in four branches, i.e., learning disability, children, mental health and adult. There are some nursing courses that combine several of these branches. It, therefore, becomes essential for an aspirant to choose the right branch for nurse training.

Continuing nursing education is also beneficial to your career. For example, in order to get higher position or promotion it is always good to do a graduate degree or certificate in a specific area of your education. This will always help you a lot because your new knowledge or education will not only impress your managers, but it will also help in improving your resume and thus increase your salary.

Besides career advancement, if you continue with your nursing education then it will provide you updated knowledge and advanced technology in your chosen field of study. For example, if you work with the neonatal and pediatric serious care patients as a NICU or PICU nurse, then it is beneficial for you to continue your nursing education as this field is always developing new techniques and treatments that you need to be aware of. Other fields in nursing jobs like rehabilitation, wound care, women's health, substance abuse, and many others are developing new techniques and technology advances so that NPs, LPNs, and RNs can give their patients the best care possible.

There are various options for a health care student to make a successful health care career. As per estimates, there is a shortage of about 40% nurses across the nation. This provides a good career opportunity for health care students. Following are the three most popular nursing training programs that constitute up to 90% of the enrollments to nursing courses.

Also the advanced courses in nursing education are required in many nursing profession besides all the personal and professional benefits. There are different requirements of nursing continuing education in each state. With the current nursing shortage, there are many opportunities for people who want to make a career in the nursing industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, throughout the coming decade increased demand of registered nurses is expected as more number of retirements is going to create requirement of skilled health care professionals.

The field of nursing is booming therefore more and more qualified nurses will be needed in the next decade than ever before. Continuing your nursing education can give you the edge and more opportunities in this industry. You can also take up nursing education online but you should ensure that these courses and certifications are approved by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), which is a subsidiary of the American Nurses Association (ANA) in order to secure the best nursing jobs in US.

certified nursing assistant jobs are on a rise and the salary is also high.

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Difficult Times Ahead For The NHS Thanks To Darling's Budget

Chancellor Alistair Darling promises some big changes in his budget speech, a budget that would deal with borrowing and secure a road to economic recovery. It usually takes critics a few days to pick out the hidden costs we all failed to miss in the budget but this time by the end of his speech the nation was already fairly unconvinced. Ultimately we were all left perplexed as to how the government planned to achieve spending cuts of 38bn a year.

Bearing in mind the huge promises it was a budget that was astonishingly underwhelming. These are times when the nation needs help more than ever and especially with a general election not far off, this budget does not provide the reliability Labour needs to prove if they want to stay in power for the next five years.

Although much of Darling's proposal consisted of vague tax adjustments but the majority of the budget seems to come from an increase in efficiency and spending cuts. A total of 4.3bn worth of cuts each year has been dropped on the NHS with orders to make huge savings and improve efficiency.

4.3bn may seem like a tall order, and it is, but its nothing compared to the 20bn that NHS Chief Executive David Nicholson says is required the NHS through the years ahead. Nicholson claims that spending cuts are not the answer and improving productivity would be fundamental to their success before considering drastic action.

The department of health outlined a number of key areas to make savings including lowering the prices of goods and services bought by the NHS, saving up to 1.5bn. Tackling staff sickness absence could save over 500m, making use of land and buildings more efficient would save 70m and reducing energy usage could save up to 60m. They also aimed at improving productivity in staff by 3.5bn, 2.7bn from improved patient care, 1.5bn from reducing unnecessary prescriptions and 2bn in management savings.

If you want to avoid the trouble of NHS spending cuts you should consider looking at private healthcare jobs. Nuffield Health can offer you a huge variety of careers including private nursing

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Health overhaul likely to strain doctor shortage

Health overhaul likely to strain doctor shortageOriginally from:

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National Doctors' Day: Tuesday March 30

National Doctors' Day: Tuesday March 30
Sunday March 28, 2010
Did you know that physicians have their own national holiday? Each year physicians are recognized on March 30, also known as National Doctors' Day.  Doctors' Day 2010 is this week, on Tuesday March 30.  If you work with physicians, or if you are a patient, be sure to wish your physician a Happy Doctors' Day on Tuesday! If you are a physician, hopefully your co-workers and hospital administration have something planned to help make it a special day to recognize all of your hard work caring for others.

What is the history of National Doctors' Day? How, and why, did National Doctors' Day come into existence? Doctors' Day actually originated in my home state of Georgia.  An article from a local Georgia newspaper provides some interesting facts on the background of the holiday, for those of you interested in learning more about the history of National Doctors' Day.

More on Physician Careers:

How to Become a Doctor
Highest Paying Physician Careers
Physician Career Profile
Types of Physicians
National Doctors' Day: Tuesday March 30Source:

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National Doctors' Day: Tuesday March 30

National Doctors' Day: Tuesday March 30
Sunday March 28, 2010
Did you know that physicians have their own national holiday? Each year physicians are recognized on March 30, also known as National Doctors' Day.  Doctors' Day 2010 is this week, on Tuesday March 30.  If you work with physicians, or if you are a patient, be sure to wish your physician a Happy Doctors' Day on Tuesday! If you are a physician, hopefully your co-workers and hospital administration have something planned to help make it a special day to recognize all of your hard work caring for others.

What is the history of National Doctors' Day? How, and why, did National Doctors' Day come into existence? Doctors' Day actually originated in my home state of Georgia.  An article from a local Georgia newspaper provides some interesting facts on the background of the holiday, for those of you interested in learning more about the history of National Doctors' Day.

More on Physician Careers:

How to Become a Doctor
Highest Paying Physician Careers
Physician Career Profile
Types of Physicians
National Doctors' Day: Tuesday March 30Source:

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Act Fast And Save On The Best Personal Vaporizers Products On The Market

The poor state of the economy, in conjunction with rising tobacco cigarette prices everywhere, has made the search for viable cigarette alternatives a pressing issue for many smokers. Many are finding that electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine is just such a beneficial alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes they are seeking. With this cutting-edge technology smokers can get the same satisfaction they got from their traditional tobacco based cigarettes at a fraction of the cost. now with further savings are possible and extremely convenient, with this new website offering the lowest prices and discounts on the absolute top quality USA manufactured E liquid and E cigarette models found anywhere.

"I have saved literally thousands of dollars ever since I switched to e cigarettes upon discovering them approximately 2 years ago. It is clear that many are suffering financially a great deal at this time, for smokers this can be an added pressure." Said the owner of totally wicked, James Oliver. "My decision to launch this new website service was made to aid smokers everywhere by providing even greater price savings on the identical products, as well as newer models, that halted my 10 year plus use of tobacco cigarettes."

With the increasing awareness in North America of electronic smoking as an effective and cost-savings cigarette alternative, many suppliers have recently entered the market. Unfortunately many of these companies are offering low quality imitation and counterfeit electronic cigarette models, as well as unregulated imported e liquids. While appearing cheaper to the consumer, these electronic cigarettes and nicotine fluids are made to poor quality standards, can easily malfunction, stop working quickly and deliver poor performance and quality concerns.

An early supplier in the industry, Totally Wicked Eliquid has a reputation for quality products that truly provide the best value for their customers. Selling only authentic, market-proven popular and reliable devices, as well as the absolute top quality selection of liquid nicotine and e liquids available anywhere has been central to the company's core focus since day one. now provides a convenient way to save a minimum of 7.5% on the full range of products sold directly by Totally Wicked Eliquid whether buying from their USA or UK online shop.

Totally Wicked eLiquid, and parent company PillBox38 Ltd., have a clear mission statement. To provide customers with products that deliver. "We believe that we consistently achieve this with not only our nicotine fluids but also our full range of electronic cigarettes (aka electronic nicotine inhalators) and their accompanying accessories," states Jason Cropper, CEO and owner of Totally Wicked Eliquid and PillBox38 Ltd.

The new Totally Wicked Patriot Range E Liquids are a clear example of the company's philosophy of focusing on quality, safety and value for their customers. This brand new line of flavoured nicotine fluids is manufactured in Totally Wicked's new USA facility and uses the purest ingredients possible. Using 100% pharmaceutical grade nicotine which is USP certified and USA sourced natural and nature identical flavourings offers the best, cleanest (and most satisfying) all American made e liquid anywhere.

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It couldn't be more convenient to save on the absolute best quality ecig and e-juice products available anywhere. Just visit the site NOW, Bookmark the site and enjoy the great savings on every e-cigarette and e liquid purchase you ever make. Here:

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

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A Job Description Of A Hospitalist

While being a doctor has definite benefits, hospitalist roles have been becoming more and more popular nowadays. A massive difference between a doctor you are acquainted with and a hospitalist doctor is that he or she focuses on the custody of patients in the hospital.

A hospitalist isn't to be confused with hospital jobs. Almost anybody can work at the hospice. There are cooks, laundresses, house cleaners, and other positions. Most hospitalists manage patients in all inpatient areas of the surgery including the comprehensive care units, medical units and surgical units. You become a patient of a hospitalist when you cannot be looked after outside of the hospital.

If you're interested in info pertaining to hospitalist jobs, then you should be conscious of some of the responsibilities of holding such an important position. First, you receive patients when a patient's primary care doctor refers them to you or if they have no personal consultant and they require fast round the clock hospital therapy. A hospitalist will take care of the patient throughout the entire time the patient spends at the hospice.

You will be concerned in a reasonably close relationship because you will know the background of the patient and what they are now in the hospital for. Hospitalists are also answerable for making sure patients are correctly medicated. They also have a separate bill for their services, apart from a private surgeon.

Most hospices are short of people who are interested in hospitalist jobs. An infirmary cannot run if it's not correctly staffed. While you may work within the surgery with others like those with nurse practitioner jobs, occupational therapy jobs, and other consultants, you'll be accountable for looking after and seeing your patients on a daily basis. A hospitalist stays in close contact with the nurse and subordinate staff and is always made aware of any issues that need to be addressed.

One of the most vital responsibilities of having hospitalist jobs is to help manage care of the patient. When multiple experts are concerned, this is very important. A hospitalist can also organize a meeting between you and family members and share info with the patient's consent.

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Nurse Practitioner Jobs - Locate Them In One Of These Four Ways

The great thing of working in the medicinal field is that there appear to always be jobs available. Some might say this sort of career is a revolving door, but not in the way that you may typically think about that phrase. Jobs that are a rotating door sometimes mean that people pop up and vanish as it is simply a regular job. However , in the medical field, people pop up and vanish because they're advancing. They stay in the medical field, but they're continually advancing into higher positions or in other positions such as cardiology jobs, nurse consultant roles, RN travel jobs, as well as many others.

The first best way to find nurse specialist jobs is by accessing the web. The Net is an excellent place to find many of those roles not merely in your own neighborhood, but also around the country. The web gives you access to individual office and facility sites where you can view what jobs are available. You may post your resume right from that website.

The second superb way to find nurse practitioner jobs in your neighborhood or in surrounding areas is to access the classified advertisements of your local paper. Many facilities will post their advert of a job in the paper because they know that many folk will choose this as their first option when attempting to find a job. These advertisements sometimes tell you who to contact, or what you want to do.

A third way to find these sorts of jobs is through an employment agency. You will have to interview with these agencies and possibly take tests in order to get your foot in the door at a local doctor's office or hospice.

The fourth way to find nurse expert jobs is to simply walk into a doctor's office or medical facility and ask a HR representative what positions are currently open. This way, you will get head to head contact. You are often able to complete a job application right there on the spot and turn it in before you leave. You can ask any questions that you could have about the facility and get contact information to get the status of your claim.

Have a look at a job in the medicinal field. The clamor for RN travel jobs and related positions may continue to grow, and there is plenty of room for advancement.

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