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Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sparring over Healthcare
March is National Social Work Month
Sunday February 28, 2010
Explore A Career As A Medical Social Worker
Have you ever wondered what medical social workers do, or how to become a medical social worker? Each year, the month of March is designated as National Social Work Month. Therefore, this could be a great time to explore a career as a medical social worker, including how to become qualified for the role, and what to expect in terms of pay, hours, and a "day in the life". Social workers wear many hats, but if you are up to the challenge of a very hectic, unpredictable work schedule, plus being on-call for emergencies, a career as a medical social worker may be for you.
Medical social workers have many options in terms of employers, including hospitals, medical offices, schools, hospice, addiction treatment centers, and abuse shelters. Most medical careers are about helping people, and medical social workers certainly offer critical aid to many people who are in need of social services, guidance, and support in a variety of settings.March is National Social Work MonthSource:
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Looting reports in Conception.
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Looting reports in Conception.
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Home Business Jobs: Work From Home As A Medical Transcriptionist
An MT will take what they hear from medical professionals' recordings and write it down into words. Specifically, transcription means to write a different version of something. And with the help of today's technology, an MT can key their information into a computer, and more often now, listen to digital recordings rather than old fashioned tapes.
A person considering this career choice will need to have specific geared training especially to this field. One not only needs to have the medical classes required for this work, but must also take grammar classes and be proficient in spelling. Being able to work independently at home is necessary as well.
Some companies who train people for this field also offer job placement services. It is always a bonus for those who have worked in the medical field prior to choosing this direction as they are familiar with the terms and methodologies and can use that as career related experience when seeking MT work.
More and more people today are seeking work they can do from their homes such as telecommuting jobs and freelance work. Benefits to this include flexible hours and no time wasted commuting to a place of business. Also, these independent business owners can now get work from all over the world thanks to the internet.
When looking to work from home as a medical transcriptionist a person has many resources to choose from. A simple search on the internet will reveal a plethora of training centers, businesses who are looking to hire MTs and even companies who specialize in recruiting just for this field.
Read one individual's personal story of her journey from unemployment to a secure and satisfying professional career in medical transcription. Learn how she got her medical transcriptionist training online and now works from home.
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What Are You Looking For?
Many people would like to have one thing, but they are looking for something totally different. You may be asking what I mean by this. Please allow me to explain. "Whatever you think about the majority of the time is what you will find and create in your life." This is not just a new age thought. This is a matter of fact.
If you look around the room where you are currently sitting and focus on the color red, you will notice the things that are colored red. The same goes for your life.
If you are focusing on lack, loneliness, devastation, negativity, you will notice more of these things in your life. The contrary is true as well.
If you only focus on the positive things in life by changing the habit of your thoughts, you will soon be creating a better life. Although this is not a new concept for creating better things in life, it's still one of the most violated laws of attraction.
Let's take this one step beyond positive thinking for creating a better life. Concentrate on what I call the Emotional/Spiritual Prototypes if you desire to create more positive things in your life. I want you to imagine what you want and then create the emotions of how you will feel when you have possession of that thing in your daily existence. Concentrate on the emotions that particular thing will give you, not on the thing itself.
By using the Emotional/Spiritual Prototype Technique, you will be retraining your mind to focus your thoughts directly on your intention. Also, you will be creating a void in the universe.
Because you are establishing the energy of what you desire as if it already exists, there is a vacuum being created and the universe will always fill a vacuum with the corresponding item.
Because your thoughts have been opposite for a long time, initially changing habits will probably take a few days. Do not give up. Continue focusing your thinking only on the Emotional/Spiritual Prototypes and it won't be long until your desire will come true.
Isn't it funny when you read about any successful person throughout history, they have all said exactly what I am sharing with you today. All successful people know the law of attraction exists and used it to achieve their greatness. If all successful people have used this technique to create their desires, don't you think you should stop for a moment and consider the validity and power of this technique.
In Service, Dr. Michael J. Duckett
Dr. Michael J. Duckett has dedicated his life to helping people overcome their emotional blockages so they can achieve greater happiness in their life. For more information: law of attraction Get a totally unique version of this article from our article submission service
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Cost Of Long Term Care Insurance
With asset limits, including a person's home, set as low as 23K in England and Northern Ireland, 22K in Wales and 22.5K in Scotland, it means that most people will have assets above the local authority funding limits and will have to pay for their own care, unless they qualify through one of the very limited exceptions to these rules. Help is available from local charities, but their funds are limited and not to be relied on as a long term solution.
A care fees annuity - otherwise known as an Immediate Needs Annuity(INA) is a very effective way of planning for the future costs of care fees. The lump sum premium is determined by how old a person is, if they are mail or femail and their health condition. Underwriting is done by receipt of medical information from a client's doctor and the care home. The greater the degree of frailty and illness, the lower the premium as the cost as is dependent upon the insurance company's view on the person's expected longevity.
The care fees annuity solution is a much underused method of ring - fencing a family's assets as, once the future costs of care have been covered plus a margin for any extras, it puts a stop-loss on the situation and any amounts remaining are likely to become an inheritance for those mentioned in the Will.
Although the lump sum premium does not qualify for tax relief, as long at the monthly payments are made directly to a registered care provider, they are paid tax free and do not affect the tax position of the person receiving the care. (To be a registered care provider, they must be registered with the Care Quality Commission).These plans are flexible as well as tax-efficient as, should the person no longer need long term care, the net payments can be paid directly to the person with tax deducted at 20% by the annuity provider. although this tax applies only to a fraction of the payments.
As well as providing for the cost of care fees, these plans are also a tax efficient way of reducing an inheritance tax liability because, whilst securing a 40% discount on the cost of the care fees annuity, the cost of the lump sum can also be deducted from the estate as long as this excludes the costs of any capital protection.
Finally, it means that the following aims have been attained:-
A finite amount has been allocated plus a contingency to cover any unexpected events and the costs have not been allowed to run away with the remaining estate.
The capital amount is at its lowest when the lump sum has been paid. Once this has been done, all future costs to the amount covered by the premium paid, are covered, thus giving any monies the chance to regenerate the estate.
Savings are at the lowest level when the lump sum has been paid. Once this has been done, all future care fees are then covered, thus giving any monies left the chance to grow and replace savings.
All of the above can be achieved by taking professional guidance. Families in this situation can really be helped to take control with the help of a financial planner who is an expert in long term care matters.
Before you implement a long term care insurance plan that will safeguard against large care costs just access your remarkable free article written by barbara Davies, CEO of equityCare
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Hospital left patients 'sobbing and humiliated'
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Saturday, February 27, 2010
Single-Dose HIV DNA Vaccine Induces Long-Lasting Immune Response in Monkeys
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Nurses: Scientists, Artists and Communicators
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How Health Care Is Paid For Appears To Impact Outcome
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Probe Into McGonigle Over New Pyjamas Fundraising
The Charity has undergone a formal period of consultation with its 10 staff regarding their future as McGonigle holds "lengthy" meetings with the officials. Sources close to Ms McGonigle commented on the "dossier" of paperwork she has provided as containing proof she has done nothing wrong and "she has clearly been preparing for this and is 100% confident in her own case"
They continued, "She feels her paper trail is absolutely watertight and that all her documents will show no wrongdoing on her part"
"I am required, under my professional code of conduct and practise, to ensure that I advise on, and act in accordance with, those laws and regulations attendant to charitable activity in Scotland" McGonigle said.
Allegations were made about McGonigle's past employment and claims were maid of a 'secret job' but she argued that the references provided for her current post were, at the time of her appointment to the position, "factual, exemplary and thoroughly checked".
Chairman of the Sick Kids Friends Foundation stated that "We want to thank the staff who worked on the New Pyjamas campaign for their dedication, effort and hard work. However, it became clear to the trustees that the New Pyjamas campaign would not, under its current structure, meet the targets initially set out."
Dr Charles Winstanley, Chairman of NHS Lothian stated: "We have no intention, to strip the SKFF of its independence and are working with them to find the best solution for raising funds for our new hospital
Want to find out more about jobs in nursing , then visit the Nuffield Health website for a list of radiology jobs
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Friday, February 26, 2010
Shhh! Healing in Progress
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Shhh! Healing in Progress
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Cruise Ship Back in SC After Norovirus Outbreak
The Celebrity Mercury docked about 1:30 a.m. after an 11-day cruise and passengers began disembarking shortly after dawn.
Celebrity Cruise spokeswoman Cynthia Martinez said at the height of the outbreak earlier this week 413 of the more than 2,600 passengers and crew came down with intestinal ailments. Celebrity Cruise is owned by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd
An extra doctor and two nurses came aboard in St. Kitts in the Leeward Islands and sailed on the Mercury back to Charleston.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said tests showed the outbreak was caused by norovirus, which can spread quickly in closed quarters.
There were two outbreaks of norovirus, which causes stomach flu, last winter on the Celebrity Mercury, according to the CDC Web site. In all, the agency investigated 15 outbreaks of gastrointestinal illnesses on cruise ships calling at American ports last year.
"It was kind of nerve wracking because we all thought we were going to get sick and they brought on extra doctors," said Sarah Bennett, 22, of Columbia, S.C., who escaped the virus.
She said the crew did a great job.
"They would not let you touch anything. Even the silverware they handed to you. They did everything," said Bennett. But, she added, "we were ready to get off."
Both Marge and Stewart Ritter of Myrtle Beach were ill for about 24 hours with the virus.
"It was a double whammy," Marge Ritter, 51, said. "At our table of six, three ended up becoming ill. It lasted for about 24 hours, you were weak for a little while and then you actually recovered fairly well."
She has cruised before and said she "absolutely" would take another.
Kenneth Thompson, 71, of Concord, N.C., came down with the virus and had to stay in his room for 24 hours in isolation.
"It's just one of those freak things that happens," said Thompson, who has been on five previous cruises. "The nurse came by with medications - complimentary at that."
The Celebrity Mercury was to be cleaned as was the South Carolina State Ports Authority Passenger terminal before 1,900 new passengers board the liner for another cruise. The start of that cruise was delayed until 5 p.m. Saturday to give crew members more time to sanitize the ship.
"I would like to apologize for the inconvenience this delay will cause our guests on Celebrity Mercury's next sailing," Celebrity Cruises president Daniel Hanrahan said in a statement. "The extra time we are taking to sanitize the ship will help prevent any illness from affecting the next cruise."
The South Carolina cruise industry is growing and the Mercury cruise which left Charleston on Feb. 15 began Charleston's first year-round cruising season. There will be 67 cruise calls in the city this year. In the past, there were only a handful of winter cruises from Charleston.
The South Carolina State Ports Authority is also making plans to open a new passenger terminal.
Cruise Ship Back in SC After Norovirus OutbreakOriginally from:
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Is It Necessary To Carry Out Heavy Equipment Operator Training?
Training, experience, education and skills are four main aspects for evaluating a person in terms of career aspects. Why is training so important? Immaterial of our education qualifications, all of us need training when we first start working. A degree is merely a paper qualification that gives use some sound education.
Training is still vital. For career advancement, there are 4 main aspects that are normally evaluated like training, skills, education and of course, experience. Although the job of an operator may not seem important but indeed it is. An operator actually carries out whatever job on a daily basis.
In the case of an operator, it is still necessary to train one. It is the operator who is doing the actual day-to-day job. Hence, training is vital to ensure quality, performance and productivity. Heavy equipment operator training is even more vital and critical.
What does heavy equipment refer to? Heavy-duty vehicles especially ones designed specifically for the construction industry like bulldozer, crane, dredging and drilling machine are called heavy equipment in simple terms. Due to special designs and mechanisms, it is very much understandable that not anyone can operate such machines.
As you may know, construction is a heavy industry, which involves making of buildings, houses and the like. Failure of a good foundation or proper construction could cost lives. If a building collapses, lives could be lost. Hence, operating certain heavy equipment for laying and setting foundation or frames could be very important.
Hence, training of people who are handling such equipment is vital and a requirement of law in certain cases and countries. Such training needs to be done by a qualified trainer who can confidently evaluate and deem an operator ready to handle a certain heavy equipment. Due to the various mechanisms, one operator cannot be deemed qualified after being trained for one particular.
Even audits carried out by third parties or others might check on this key area. In short, heavy equipment operator training is indeed vital and relevant companies should such training seriously for the sake of the company and others
Looking to find the definititve source of information on heavy equipment safety training?
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Baby Girl Dies as Doctors Fight Over Delivery
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The Effects of Health Care Reform, or No Reform, on America's Nurses
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Connecticut Has Especially High Insurance Hikes, Disability Advocates Worry About Medicaid Cuts In Tennessee
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Impact, Results of Health Care Reform Summit Questionable
Friday February 26, 2010
Politicians, Media, Pundits, Health Execs Respond to Summit With Mixed Reviews, Perspectives
Was any progress made at the much-anticipated healthcare reform summit yesterday? Probably not. President Obama and the Democrats pretty much made it clear that they are in control, from the time allotments (the President alone got more talk time than all of the Republicans combined, not including the Democrats' additional time) to the closing statements. Basically, the theme seemed to be that any health reform ideas of the Republicans are either already in the bill in some form, or are misguided. The discussions went around in circles and it seems we have ended up right back where we started.
Republicans want to scrap the existing 2,700 page bill and start over; Obama and the Democrats say that's not an option. So now what? Obama would not rule out reconciliation when asked, and many think that the filibuster-busting tactic may be utilized by the Democrats to pass healthcare reform with 51 votes instead of 60. Only time will tell.
Meanwhile, here is a round-up of some of the media responses to the summit: "No Clear Winner"
HealthLeadersMedia: "3 Kickstarts...3 Barriers for Health Reform" "Health Summit a 'Stunt' and 'Spectacle"
Twitter feed for HealthCare Summit: #HCRSummit
Just for fun: 30-second Rundown of HealthCare Summit
What are your thoughts about the summit? Feel free to leave your thoughts in comments below.Impact, Results of Health Care Reform Summit QuestionableSource:
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Rx for Pricey Drugs: Assistance Programs and Bargain Prices
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Rituxan Approved to Treat Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
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Rituxan Approved to Treat Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
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Can You Buy Phoenix Health Insurance Coverage For Yourself?
Over the past few years there have been some pretty good advancements made in the consumer's ability to find reasonable Phoenix health insurance coverage for themselves. While buying your own coverage once cost you about half of a month's salary for those who were quite successful, today the average cost is down while the benefits are much better.
It's not just the self employed that face problems when it comes to health care coverage. There are plenty of employers who hold off the hours of their employees to deny them coverage at the expected 40 hours.
While purchasing your own Phoenix health insurance coverage is still a bit more expensive than getting a policy through an employer, many individuals can get coverage with a $500 deductible for a monthly payment of $200, sometimes less. The range of coverage options varies by company, and riders must be attached for dental, maternity, and other common coverage areas.
Not all private Phoenix health insurance coverage policies are created equal, and it is beneficial to find out exactly what riders need to be attached to any given policy in order to make it effective. While a basic policy can be purchased for $200 or less, this is not likely to offer maternity coverage and something even emergency fetal care. Read the fine print in order to know exactly what the policy covers and what needs to be added as a rider.
Thankfully, with careful planning and the right advice, there is a health care policy available for everyone who needs one. The self employed, the under employed, and the unemployed can all gain access to the health coverage that they need in order to keep them healthy enough to continue toward more successful days.
Even if you don't have a family, Phoenix health insurance coverage is a necessity in today's world. A simple illness or injury that is treatable can end up sidelining you from work as well as the quality of life because you lack the overwhelming wealth needed to pay out of pocket for your health care needs. Insurance is no longer an option that can be lived without. Make sure you know where you stand and what you need in order to get the coverage you deserve.
Want to find out more about Tempe health insurance, then visit Sam Jeffries's site on how to choose the best Chandler health insurance for your needs.
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CDC to Monitor Reactions and Errors Associated with Blood Transfusions
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Daily News: Trauma Patients Safe from ?Weekend Effect?
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Vital Information About Nurse Practitioners Training
Many medical offices now give their patients the choice of seeing the physician or the nurse. To many people this is likely to seem odd. After all, the doctor is the only one competent enough to actually treat someone. That is a very common myth among society.
The fact is that these nursing specialists are quite capable of diagnosing any typical problems that their patients suffer from. They spend many years training and put a lot of time and efforts into their studies. It is even required for them to do clinical just like a doctor would.
The schooling
The entire degree will generally take a couple of years to complete and it will be dependent on many things. One such thing is how much of the studies have already been completed. Another factor may be how many classes are taken in a semester. A counselor will help in deciding all of these things.
Before anyone can even start courses for this popular program they must first complete their degree in nursing. Once that is finished then anyone is free to move forward into nurse practitioner jobs. It is a very intense area of study, but the rewards make everything worth it.
After successfully completing the classes that are required and doing all of the clinicals, a nurse will have to take a state exam to obtain a license. The tests vary for each state but will usually have many questions on them. A few weeks after the test is taken scores and licensures will be sent out.
The jobs
The actual jobs in this field can be very exciting and there is a large array to choose from. This particular specialist has the ability to do the work that a normal doctor does, but also perform many of the functions highly trained nurse. This is why they are so highly sought after.
Many nurses choose to work in a family practice where they see patients everyday just as the physician does. However, there are also those who follow careers in fields such as sports medicine, acute care units, and nursing homes. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the growing field.
Another employment for these specialists is in education. Schools are desperate for instructors in the nursing classes. Bonuses to choosing this career are the rewards. Being able to share a wealth of knowledge can make anyone feel great.
Nurse practitioners have the ability to offer all the same services as a doctor. They are just as well trained and there is usually not as long of a wait when seeing one of them. The next time you visit your doctor, consider giving one of these amazing specialty nurses a try. It might be a pleasant surprise.
Nursing can be a very rewarding career. Find more information about travel nurse jobs or occupational therapy jobs here.
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Yearlong Study To Focus On Evaluating Potential Benefits Of Remote Monitoring Device For Home-Based Patient Care
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Opinion Leaders Affirm Desire for Nursing Leadership to Promote Prevention
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Warning: Hospitals may be hazardous to your health
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Warning: Hospitals may be hazardous to your health
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Ex-Officer Pleads Guilty in Katrina Killing Probe
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Registered Dietitian
Most dietitians work in hospitals, nursing homes, long term care facilities, or medical offices. Other dietitians work in public health or government institutions (correctional facilities, universities, etc.) Additionally, some dietitians work in special food services, which are corporations that provide dietetic and nutritional planning and services to facilities and universities.Salary For Dietitians: Median earnings for dietitians, according to the BLS data for 2008, the most recent numbers available, was $50,590. The middle 50% earned from $41,060 and $61,790.Registered DietitianSource:
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Latest Report on Nation’s Health Shows Growing Medical Technology Use
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Daily News: HHS Distributes $100 Million in Children?s Health Funds
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The Many Advantages Of Laser Surgery Over Traditional Surgery
Scarring is greatly reduced when laser surgery is used for a procedure. This can mean the difference between electing to have something done in an area that is visible much of the time as opposed to not having it done. The smaller cut created by the laser also means less actual tissue damage during surgery.
The precision involved with laser surgery far outshines the old scalpel method. The laser may also be used to help seal off nearby blood vessels during surgery, thereby preventing excess blood loss during the procedure. This also allows for a much more precise removal of tumors and growths without causing damage to the muscles and tissue surrounding them.
Pain reduction is yet another benefit to laser surgery and one of the best reasons to choose this over standard surgery. The laser may be applied to the nerve endings, sealing them off to help lower any pain during a procedure. This reduces the need for large amounts of pain medications and thereby lowers the risk of side effects that accompany many pain killers.
Major surgery is not the only arena where lasers come in to play. Many elective cosmetic procedures benefit from the use of a laser in that the scarring is greatly reduced on areas of the body that are normally very visible. The removal of tattoos, warts, and other skin abnormalities can be completed quickly and neatly with virtually no trace or visible scars.
There are three main types of laser used for surgical procedures. These are the plasma dye laser, the carbon dioxide laser (CO) and the Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) laser. Each of these is color coded according to the procedure that will be used for and the tissue tone that they will be used on.
This type of surgery, as with any other medical procedure, should be researched thoroughly before any decision is made. Along with consulting a physician, many websites online have the necessary information to allow you to make an informed decision. These can be easily found by doing a brief online search.
Laser surgery is a specialty and finding a trained physician in your area may be done much easier by using the Internet. Take the time to do some in depth research online in order to reach a properly informed decision as to who to use and what procedure is right for you. In doing this, when actually going to a live consult, the question that may need to be asked will already be formulated ahead of time.
Thank you for reading our Laser Surgery content. If you would need more Laser Surgery information please visit today.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Explore Dietitian and Nutritionist Careers
Tuesday February 23, 2010
Dietitians and nutritionists develop and implement healthy, balanced meal plans for hospitals, long term care homes, or universities. If you are passionate about nutrition, especially as it relates to disease prevention and its effects such as weight management or heart health, a career as a dietitian or nutritionist may be for you. There are many different types of dietitians working in a variety of settings, such as clinical dietitians, consultant dietitians, corporations, food services, and more. To learn more about health careers in the field of dietetics and nutrition, as well as the educational requirements, salaries, and career paths, check out the new dietitian career profile.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this career field is growing due to increased awareness and prevalence of obesity and diabetes, and expanded Medicare funding. Therefore, dietitians who specialize in treating renal and diabetic patients will see the greatest demand for their services.
Related Articles:
How To Become a Dietitian
What is a Nutritionist?
Should You Become A Dietitian? (Quiz)
Explore Dietitian and Nutritionist CareersSource:
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The Poisons and Allergens That Make up Household Dust
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Hospital Infections Kill 48,000; Cost Billions
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School of Nursing at the University of Texas Medical Branch Celebrates 120 Years
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Cardiology Careers - Looking At The Many Categories
First we've got the heart consultant. This is the doctor that goes to med school, then studies internal medicine then moves on to a cardiology residence. Once this schooling and coaching is finished, this doctor is considered as having a specialty in cardiology and will spend almost all of their career inclining to patients with coronary disease or diseases that are related.
Within this category of'Cardiologist' there are sub-specialties of cardiology jobs that can be studied, for example an Echocardiologist and Interventional cardiology. An Echocardiologist performs and studies echocardiograms ( ultrasounds on the heart ), while the Interventional Cardiologist performs procedures like angiograms and stent placements. One can also opt to concentrate on pediatric cardiology, which needs more schooling and further residencies.
Next we have Nurse Practitioners and nurses who work in the cardiac field. Though they are not qualified for hospitalist jobs, these professionals complete their usual coaching then might work in a cardiologists' office or with his patients solely. These cardiology jobs in the medicinal field are customarily abounding as they can be particularly stressed, though awfully rewarding. Working as a nurse in a Cardiac Care Unit is absolutely different than working as a nurse on a pregnancy ward or in a nursing home. The cardiac care nurses must be vigilant in the monitoring of patients and always alert to the imperative care they need .
Some cardiology jobs that won't need as much coaching but are significant in the act of good heart health are x-ray technicians, Ultrasound Technicians, and Echocardiogram technicians. While these career paths won't be as work intensive in the school room, they are pretty much as crucial in the overall care of cardiology patients. The technicians are taught to use specialized kit to help diagnose and subsequently treat heart illness.
The umbrella of cardiology includes many various avenues, and depending on where you decide to concentrate your studies, cardiology jobs are available. Many of us start on the path to becoming Cardiologists, but along the path, branch out and find something equally rewarding but perhaps less demanding, such as hemodialysis jobs.
categories: careers,jobs,employment,medicine,nursing,hospital,doctor,health care,health,college,school
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Pediatricians Want Redesign of Hot Dogs, Candy to Curb Kids' Choking
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Providers Using Mobile Apps at the Point of Care
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A Few Helpful Suggestions For Occupational Therapists
Since 2007, the Occupational Therapist must have a Masters, and there are some programs in which you can earn a doctorate. Beginning pay for this and related careers ranges in the 60 thousand dollars and up range. Below is a list of ideas for the Occupational specialist as they go about their daily routines :
1. You have to be able to sympathise with your patients, as they are wrestling to recover something that they have lost or to gain something they have not had.
2. Remember that your patient is maybe in pain, be gentle. Watch for scowls in their face to decide agony levels. Many people won't admit to being hurting.
3. Be aware of your patient. Do not allow yourself to get involved with talks with other folks in the room. Your patient merits your total attention.
4. You may be having a bad day. Your patient's day is worse. Do not make them suffer for anything you could be going through. Stay centered.
5. Help your patient maintain his/her dignity. If you're doing things like training in bath abilities, or personal hygiene skills, do not make them expose themselves to you any more than necessary. If you're doing the bathing, be gentle, as some skin is very fragile and can be hurt or maybe torn with little effort.
6. Check with the patient to discover how he/she is feeling during each session. It permits them to know you care ; it allows you to do a fast health check ; and if they are not well, you may wish to shorten or cancel the session.
7. Ensure you comprehensively document each session as fast as possible after the session while things are fresh in your brain. From both a legal and medical standpoint, it is critical that the facts in the medical records be detailed and correct.
8. If you're supervising Occupational treatment aides, be sure you do it comprehensively and regularly. Some OTA's may not have the exacting standards as you, particularly the ones whose pay scale is much lower. There were horrific tales told about OTA's and their treatment to patients in nursing houses. Sad but true!
Enjoy your job, and thanks for doing it well. These and other healthcare positions (such as hemodialysis jobs and hospitalist jobs) are some of the most in-demand healthcare positions now and in the future.
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Outlook No Brighter for Obama's New Health Plan
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Outlook No Brighter for Obama's New Health Plan
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NYC Terrorism Suspect Cites Subway Attack Plan
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Prosecutor: Man Stalked, Killed 5 California Victims
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Become A Chiropractor
In addition to the manual manipulations, chiropractors treat patients with a combination of diet, exercise and other lifestyle methods, according to the BLS.
Training and Education for Chiropractors:
Chiropractors typically graduate from an accredited chiropractic school. They do not have an MD or DO degree from a medical school; instead they earn a D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) degree. Currently, chiropractic candidates are not required to have a bachelor's degree before entering chiropractic school. However, many students do complete a bachelor's program, and a minimum of 90 semester hours of undergraduate coursework is required for acceptance into a chiropractic program.
The chiropractic course is typically a total of four years, but some programs vary in length. The focus of the classroom coursework, like many other health careers, entails courses in the sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biology, biochemistry, and pathology. In addition to classroom requirements, lab and clinical training are required components of the chiropractic education. According to the BLS, there are 16 accredited chiropractic programs nationwide.
Licensure is required on a national level and is obtained by passing a four-part test by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. As with most health careers, continuing medical education (CME) is required to keep licensure current. Some state boards require additional testing, but most recognize the national test.
Job Outlook for Chiropractors:
The outlook for chiropractors is well above average, with about 20% growth predicted between 2008-2018, according to the BLS. There are about 49,100 chiropractors practicing in the U.S. as of 2008, and about 44% of those are self-employed in a solo practice.
Income for Chiropractors:
According to the BLS, the median (mid-point) income for salaried chiropractors is $66,490. According to a survey of chiropractors cited by the BLS, the mean income (average) for chiropractors is $94,454.
Work Environment and Required Skills:
Chiropractors often have to stand for long periods of time. Chiropractors should be in good physical condition. Most chiropractors work in clean, well-lit, comfortable offices.
Chiropractors must enjoy working with people, and have strong communication and interpersonal skills. The profession requires strong math and science skills, as with other health careers. Chiropractors must be able to collect and analyze information and data, assess a situation and develop a plan of action and treatment. Then they must be able to evaluate the progress of the patient and make any necessary adjustments accordingly.Become A ChiropractorSource:
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Become A Chiropractor
In addition to the manual manipulations, chiropractors treat patients with a combination of diet, exercise and other lifestyle methods, according to the BLS.
Training and Education for Chiropractors:
Chiropractors typically graduate from an accredited chiropractic school. They do not have an MD or DO degree from a medical school; instead they earn a D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) degree. Currently, chiropractic candidates are not required to have a bachelor's degree before entering chiropractic school. However, many students do complete a bachelor's program, and a minimum of 90 semester hours of undergraduate coursework is required for acceptance into a chiropractic program.
The chiropractic course is typically a total of four years, but some programs vary in length. The focus of the classroom coursework, like many other health careers, entails courses in the sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biology, biochemistry, and pathology. In addition to classroom requirements, lab and clinical training are required components of the chiropractic education. According to the BLS, there are 16 accredited chiropractic programs nationwide.
Licensure is required on a national level and is obtained by passing a four-part test by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. As with most health careers, continuing medical education (CME) is required to keep licensure current. Some state boards require additional testing, but most recognize the national test.
Job Outlook for Chiropractors:
The outlook for chiropractors is well above average, with about 20% growth predicted between 2008-2018, according to the BLS. There are about 49,100 chiropractors practicing in the U.S. as of 2008, and about 44% of those are self-employed in a solo practice.
Income for Chiropractors:
According to the BLS, the median (mid-point) income for salaried chiropractors is $66,490. According to a survey of chiropractors cited by the BLS, the mean income (average) for chiropractors is $94,454.
Work Environment and Required Skills:
Chiropractors often have to stand for long periods of time. Chiropractors should be in good physical condition. Most chiropractors work in clean, well-lit, comfortable offices.
Chiropractors must enjoy working with people, and have strong communication and interpersonal skills. The profession requires strong math and science skills, as with other health careers. Chiropractors must be able to collect and analyze information and data, assess a situation and develop a plan of action and treatment. Then they must be able to evaluate the progress of the patient and make any necessary adjustments accordingly.Become A ChiropractorSource:
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Democratic Job-Creation Bill Advances In The Senate
The 62-30 tally to advance the measure to a final vote on Wednesday gives both President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats a much-needed victory — even though the measure in question is likely to have only a modest boost on hiring.
Brown and four other Republicans broke with GOP leaders to advance the measure. Most other Republicans voted in favor of the filibuster because of strong-arm tactics by Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. The bill is likely to enjoy far broader GOP support on Wednesday when it's put to an up-or-down vote.
The bill featured four provisions that enjoyed sweeping bipartisan support, including a measure exempting businesses hiring the unemployed from Social Security payroll taxes through December and giving them another $1,000 credit if new workers stay on the job a full year.
Though employers seldom make hiring decisions based on tax breaks, economist Mark Zandi says the measure could potentially create 250,000 new private-sector jobs. That's less than 4 percent of the 8.4 million jobs lost in the recession.
Joining Brown in voting to break the filibuster were two moderate New England Republicans, Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, and two retiring GOP senators, Kit Bond of Missouri and George Voinovich of Ohio. Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska voted "nay" and Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) was absent.
Reid's bill is a far smaller measure than Obama's $862 billion economic stimulus bill enacted a year ago. It's also significantly smaller than a rival bipartisan bill unveiled earlier this month by two senior senators.
The legislation also would renew highway programs through December and deposit $20 billion in the highway trust fund.
"I came to Washington to be an independent voice, to put politics aside and to do everything in my power to help create jobs for Massachusetts families," said Brown, whose election last month gave Republicans the 41st vote that could sustain GOP filibusters. "This Senate jobs bill is not perfect ... but I voted for it because it contains measures that will help put people back to work."
For his part, Reid was clearly pleased. "I hope this is the beginning of a new day here in the Senate," he said. "Whether this new day was created by the new senator from Massachusetts or some other reason I'm very, very happy."
Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) said he voted for the bill because the highway spending will create jobs and help states pay for important projects.
"If we don't do this we're going to miss the construction season, and this is an area where you absolutely create jobs," Voinovich said.
After the vote, Obama thanked the Senate. "The American people want to see Washington put aside partisan differences and make progress on jobs, and today the Senate took one important step forward in doing that," Obama said, adding that more needs to be done.
Among Obama's proposals to boost the economy are a $250 payment to Social Security recipients, $25 billion to help cash-strapped states and $30 billion in Wall Street bailout money redirected to help community banks lend to small businesses.
"It's a good first step," Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said. "There's no doubt we need to do more."
Republicans and some Democrats were unhappy that Reid abruptly dumped about $70 billion worth of tax breaks for businesses and individuals, help for the unemployed and additional Medicare payments to doctors from a compromise measure unveiled earlier this month by Sens. Max Baucus (D-MT) and Charles Grassley (R-IA), the chairman and ranking Republican on the Finance Committee.
In addition to the hiring tax incentives and highway funding, the bill would extend a tax break for small businesses buying new equipment and modestly expand an initiative that helps state and local governments finance infrastructure projects.
The larger finance panel bill included about $33 billion in popular tax breaks, including an income tax deduction for sales and property taxes and a business tax credit for research and development, would be extended through 2010. Those ideas have sweeping support among lawmakers and have been routinely renewed for years.
Business groups and economist Zandi of Moody's say companies are unlikely to hire workers just to receive a tax break. That means most of the tax benefits would go to companies that would have hired new workers anyway.
"Obviously it's not very efficient," Zandi said. "It's something worthwhile doing as an insurance policy but it's something one would want to do in any other circumstance."Democratic Job-Creation Bill Advances In The SenateOriginally from:
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Obama Administration Details Healthy Food Financing Initiative
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Maternity Trousers
With a newer underbump panel you will feels supported while wearing a flattering pair of trousers because maternity fashion is already follows modern fashion trends. It Would be a great idea for you to present a professional and tailored appearance if you paired a Maternity Trousers with a maternity blouse.
To make dressing easier, below the underbump panel often offer a function fly and will allows the trousers to fit more snugly to the body when zipped. The other comfortable features of maternity pants design are side panels, side or back adjusters, and a foldable under bump panel.
Perhaps a drawstring waist can be a simplest way to reach adjustability and make comfortable in Maternity Trousers, on the other hands, it works nicely in casual wear. Loosely cut combats are flattering on majority pregnant women for weekend comfort and flattering casual wear. Cropped trousers are also flattering when paired with a sleeveless, bump hugging, or maternity top.
Whatever style of maternity pants you desires, possibly you can find it with a little bit modification in maternity and implies all the comfort.
Maternity trousers for working pregnant women
Although you are in stage of pregnancy, you still can look like professional at work, especially if you are one of the staff in a formal office environment. Before you decide to buy for work trousers, please read the tips below:
* Buying usual trousers in a large size will cause you the feels of uncomfortable so don't buy it.
* Buying well-fitting Maternity Trousers in your normal size is a good idea for you.
* You have to remember your size before buying because fitting can vary from style to style and brand to brand and if you tired and don't have much time to search from mall to mall, store to store, you can try at online store like Amazon. Amazon is one of site that offered anything we needs, perhaps you can fine Maternity Trousers design there that you are searching for.
* You will only be wearing a maternity pant for around six month, so don't spend a fortune on it. Select a few reasonable priced pairs, two or three trousers with different colors to make up your pregnancy work wardrobe.
Learn more about maternity trousers. Stop by Juanna Harifah's site where you can find out all about maternity clothes and what it can do for you.
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The Important Of Nursing Tops
The fantastic maternal America clothing is characterized by comfort and style. They can look a fashion with combines figure flattering cuts and great patterns. Although after stop nursing you still can keep wearing your Nursing Tops along.
Motherhood maternity is another selection from both nursing and maternity. It designed for your comfort and never forget the importance of great style!
Recommended Nursing Tops
Pregnant women and new mothers please stop worrying about the clothes, you still can find something functional and practical which still maintains your sense of style, please find effortlessly stylish clothes with different styles available below!
1) For a nursing mother, a nursing bra tank is an essential top. It is very perfect for the warmer months, layering or wearing around the house. A nursing bra tank is very stylish and also comfortable. To provide additional comfort and discreet nursing clips, these tops consist of a built in bra to give full nursing access.
2) The crossover top is another great Nursing Tops style, by simply lifting up one of the crossover layers it could help you to easy and discreet nursing access. Try motherhood maternity/Fleece Nursing Sweatshirt.
3) For discreet nursing access, the Variety of designers have made many different options and styles and many are designed with a built in tank or with an easy and front-lift top. This fashionable style is great for nursing and beyond as it is practical and figure flattering. The one of variety is motherhood maternity and it looks great with jeans.
Always remember and bear in your mind before you go for shopping, find only Nursing Tops that can make you feel comfortable. Just look for soft fabrics, flattering styles, easy and discreet nursing access.
Want to find out more about maternity clothes, then visit Juanna Harifah's site on how to choose the best nursing tops for your needs.
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The Many Categories Of Cardiology Careers
First we have got the heart consultant. This is the doctor that goes to med school, then studies internal medicine then moves on to a cardiology residence. Once this schooling and training is finished, this doctor is considered as having a specialty in cardiology and will spend most of their career tending to patients with heart problems or diseases that are related.
Within this class of'Cardiologist' there are sub-specialties of cardiology roles that may be studied, for example an Echocardiologist and Interventional cardiology. An Echocardiologist performs and studies echocardiograms ( ultrasounds on the heart ), while the Interventional heart consultant performs procedures like angiograms and stent placements. One can also decide to specialise in pediatric cardiology, which needs more schooling and additional residencies.
Next we have Nurse Practitioners and nurses who work in the cardiac field. Though they are not qualified for hospitalist jobs, these pros complete their common training then might work in a cardiologists' office or with his patients exclusively. These cardiology roles in the medicinal field are usually abundant as they can be particularly stressful, though awfully rewarding. Working as a nurse in a Cardiac Care Unit is completely different than working as a nurse on a maternity ward or in a nursing home. The cardiac care nurses must be vigilant in the monitoring of patients and always alert to the imperative care they want.
Some cardiology jobs that may not need as much training but are critical in the midst of good heart health are xray technicians, Ultrasound Technicians, and Echocardiogram technicians. While these career paths would possibly not be as labor intensive in the lecture room, they are pretty much as important in the overall care of cardiology patients. The technicians are taught to use specialised kit to help diagnose and afterwards treat heart illness.
The umbrella of cardiology includes many various paths, and depending on where you choose to concentrate your studies, cardiology jobs are available. Many folks start on the trail to becoming Cardiologists, but along the path, branch out and find something similarly rewarding but maybe less demanding, such as hemodialysis jobs.
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Tips On Accomplishing Your Own Body Makeover
The thought of exercise can throw the most dedicated person in to a tail spin. There are ways, however, for you to assist yourself during the body makeover process in this particular area. The easiest way is to simply join a gym where like minded people are there to aid you in keeping the motivation to accomplish what you want. The assistance of a close friend to exercise with will also help with this portion.
Dieting can be a tricky part of this as there is a huge difference between losing a lot of weight to look good and proper, healthy weight loss. With all the diet programs available it may get quite confusing as to which one is right for what you are trying to do. A short consultation with your family doctor should alleviate any issues that may arise with a body makeover dietary program.
Vitamin supplements are a very important part of any body makeover. There is quite a bit of information online regarding which supplements should be taken during this time and which ones should be continued with even after the bulk of the makeover has been completed. There are also a wide range of natural products for skin and hair care that may be found online to assist in the process.
Be sure before making any changes to your current diet and caloric intake that you consult your family doctor first. This is extremely important in avoiding any possible health risks while pursuing your body makeover. There may also be the need to consult a nutritionist in regards to what you are contemplating on using to insure that it is suited to your needs.
In this case, mind follows body. The better you feel and look overall, the better you begin to feel about yourself mentally and this is a proven fact. With the body gaining a healthier feel, the mind will begin to feel much more attuned to it and complete the entire makeover process.
Everyone wants to know how long a makeover like this is supposed to take. Many of the programs available average around six weeks for the initial makeover to be accomplished. As with any physical regimen, once completed, this must be maintained over the course of time but with a little less effort than what was needed at the outset.
Once you have achieved the body you want and the desired look, the maintaining of this is quite simple. The routine established during the makeover may be carried on to a slightly lesser extent and help to upkeep the results of all your hard work. Some research online will reveal the programs available and testimony from people that have tried each of them and their personal results. As all people are different, so are their results with each different program.
Thank you for visiting our body makeover information. If you would like additional total body makeover help please go to today.
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How To Find The Perfect Exercise Dvd
Time is something that we all seem short of especially when we have other responsibilities such as caring for the vulnerable or young or having to go out and earn money. As well as this there is the fact some people dont want to bear their flesh in a gym, but they do have the option of getting their workout behind closed doors at home.
Even if the hours you work are unsociable you can make the regime you choose suit you. This means that there are no more of the I dont have time to exercise excuses or that the opening hours of the gym just dont meet your needs.
With their being so much focus on what celebs weight there are a lot of women and men wanting to replicate the results achieved, especially by the people who were overweight or unfit to begin with. Television fitness programmes have also played a big part in the increase of those wanting a better body.
We ask frequently how they managed to do it. The DVDs are a way that people can replicate their routines at home alongside a healthy diet which some of the home workouts include tips on so they too can get the body they want and fit into the jeans, dress or tighter clothes they would like to.
When you are looking for the best DVD you should look for one that also has a personal fitness instructor or similar rather than just the celebrity. This is because they have the training behind them to show you how any routines are done properly so that you do not end up injuring yourself or wasting money on a gimmick.
To get the best results you should seek a workout that includes cardio, strength and flexibility. These are really important to get an overall great workout and the optimum results. Remember also that it takes dedication to get results. Put time aside and making sure you stick to it alongside eating properly is the only way to get the body you wish to achieve.
If you do have any medical conditions your specialist or practitioner will let you know what you will be able to do comfortably within your limits and even if you are limited to certain kinds with the array of routines available you will find something to suit you.
Thank you for visiting our Exercise Dvd article. If you might like more Exercise Dvd help then go to today.
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Report: US Fails to Fight High Blood Pressure
The prestigious Institute of Medicine said Monday that even though nearly one in three adults has hypertension, and it's on the rise, fighting it apparently has fallen out of fashion: Doctors too often don't treat it aggressively, and the government hasn't made it enough of a priority, either.
Yet high blood pressure, the nation's second-leading cause of death, is relatively simple to prevent and treat, the institute said.
"There's that incredible disconnect," said Dr. David Fleming, Seattle-King County's public health director and chairman of the IOM committee that examined how to trim the toll.
"In our country, if you live long enough, you're almost guaranteed to get hypertension, so this is something we should all be concerned about," added report co-author Dr. Corinne Husten of the nonprofit Partnership for Prevention.
This is not rocket science, the report makes clear: Cut the salt. Eat more potassium. Get some exercise. Drop 10 pounds. Those steps could make a big difference in how many people suffer high blood pressure - 73 million at last count. Another 59 million are on the brink, with blood pressure hovering at levels officially deemed pre-hypertension.
So the institute urged the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to push doctors to better treat hypertension, and to work with communities to make it easier for people to live the healthy lifestyles that can prevent it.
Hypertension competed with other disorders for the $54 million that CDC spent on heart disease and stroke prevention last year, while it cost the health care system at least $73 billion, the institute noted.
High blood pressure is sinister because it's silent. People seldom notice symptoms until their organs already have been damaged. Hypertension triggers more than one-third of heart attacks, is a leading cause of strokes and kidney failure, and plays a role in blindness and even dementia.
Normal blood pressure is measured at less than 120 over 80. Anyone can get high blood pressure, a level of 140 over 90 or more. But leading risk factors are getting older, being overweight and inactive, and having a poor diet.
Among the committee's findings:
-Too many doctors ignore hypertension if only the top number in a blood pressure reading - the systolic pressure - is high. That's contrary to treatment guidelines.
-Too little potassium and too much sodium fuel high blood pressure, and only 2 percent of adults eat enough potassium, which is found in fruits and vegetables.
-CDC should work with food makers to lower the sodium hidden inside processed foods, our main source of sodium. The average adult is thought to eat about 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day; the recommended daily limit is 2,300 mg.
-If everyone who is overweight lost 10 pounds, the nation's hypertension cases could drop 8 percent.
-The government should work with insurers to reduce or eliminate copayments for blood pressure medications, and with drug companies to simplify patient-assistance programs for the poor.
The Institute of Medicine is part of the National Academies, an independent organization chartered by Congress to advise the government on scientific matters.
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Report: US Fails to Fight High Blood Pressure
The prestigious Institute of Medicine said Monday that even though nearly one in three adults has hypertension, and it's on the rise, fighting it apparently has fallen out of fashion: Doctors too often don't treat it aggressively, and the government hasn't made it enough of a priority, either.
Yet high blood pressure, the nation's second-leading cause of death, is relatively simple to prevent and treat, the institute said.
"There's that incredible disconnect," said Dr. David Fleming, Seattle-King County's public health director and chairman of the IOM committee that examined how to trim the toll.
"In our country, if you live long enough, you're almost guaranteed to get hypertension, so this is something we should all be concerned about," added report co-author Dr. Corinne Husten of the nonprofit Partnership for Prevention.
This is not rocket science, the report makes clear: Cut the salt. Eat more potassium. Get some exercise. Drop 10 pounds. Those steps could make a big difference in how many people suffer high blood pressure - 73 million at last count. Another 59 million are on the brink, with blood pressure hovering at levels officially deemed pre-hypertension.
So the institute urged the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to push doctors to better treat hypertension, and to work with communities to make it easier for people to live the healthy lifestyles that can prevent it.
Hypertension competed with other disorders for the $54 million that CDC spent on heart disease and stroke prevention last year, while it cost the health care system at least $73 billion, the institute noted.
High blood pressure is sinister because it's silent. People seldom notice symptoms until their organs already have been damaged. Hypertension triggers more than one-third of heart attacks, is a leading cause of strokes and kidney failure, and plays a role in blindness and even dementia.
Normal blood pressure is measured at less than 120 over 80. Anyone can get high blood pressure, a level of 140 over 90 or more. But leading risk factors are getting older, being overweight and inactive, and having a poor diet.
Among the committee's findings:
-Too many doctors ignore hypertension if only the top number in a blood pressure reading - the systolic pressure - is high. That's contrary to treatment guidelines.
-Too little potassium and too much sodium fuel high blood pressure, and only 2 percent of adults eat enough potassium, which is found in fruits and vegetables.
-CDC should work with food makers to lower the sodium hidden inside processed foods, our main source of sodium. The average adult is thought to eat about 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day; the recommended daily limit is 2,300 mg.
-If everyone who is overweight lost 10 pounds, the nation's hypertension cases could drop 8 percent.
-The government should work with insurers to reduce or eliminate copayments for blood pressure medications, and with drug companies to simplify patient-assistance programs for the poor.
The Institute of Medicine is part of the National Academies, an independent organization chartered by Congress to advise the government on scientific matters.
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[widget:related_reads__healthstress]Report: US Fails to Fight High Blood PressureOriginally from:
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