Saturday, November 21, 2009

What should I do about carers getting physically abused by dementia residence at the nursing home I work at?

I have worked at this home for over a year and the residence who have come and gone have just got worse over time. Yesterday I was head butted for no reason what so ever. I know that people with dementia don't know what they are doing half the time and can get really angry suddenly like Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. But the residence are just out of control some days, like so many carers have been punched in the face....we right it down on a behavior chart and medication is changed but it still happens. Some residence are in danger too as they have been slapped and even strangled. If any relative was harmed then the police would be called but for some reason because we are carers its like its part of the job! Our manager doesn't listen she is the ones that brings them in..she will just say we are bad carers but Carers are known to have higher depression. She doesn't assess them properly...just expects us to get on with it. Carers are 90% women and there are more men than we have ever had and all are violent and we have to make sure they all stay separate or they fight. Does anyone know who i can talk to?

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