Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What is wrong with elder nursing home services and home health care for the aged?

HHH services I would not recommend to my worst enemy!!! The workers in HHH and Hebrew Home are very rude and nasty. They treat their patients like they were in jail, keeping them in their rooms all day long under potent medications to sedate the patients. In both, the Hebrew Home and the home health program they abuse and neglect their patients, keeping them smelly, and poor hygiene--soiled clothing, dirty diapers, etc. The home health aides are irresponsible, some clock in by telephone and leave. They come to the patients' homes and in most cases do not even know their jobs properly. They don't cook, they don't clean properly, some come with a nasty attitude because they get paid very, very puny salaries. They sit their fat butts down and watch tv. Moreover, one problem after another including sloppy carelessness and lack of supervision on behalf of the employers and supervisors who run the home health agency and nursing home. Who hires these people? Why are they still in business?

View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/what-is-wrong-with-elder-nursing-home-services-and-home-health-care-for-the-aged

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