Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How did you get your 3 month old on a nursing schedule, and how often do you nurse?

My 3 mo. old daughter has been on a 3 hour schedule for about 6 weeks. She has always been a good night time sleeper, going for an average 6 hours since she was 2 weeks old. We were on a 4 am, 7am-10-1pm-4-7-10pm, then down for 6 hours. It was great! Then we had VBS in the evening about a month ago, and we have been off track. She still eats every 3 hours, but her night schedule is off, she might sleep for 8 hours, which doesn't jive with a 3 hour schedule, but lately she's been getting up after 3 hours, and again after another 4 hours, which also doesn't jive with a 3 hour schedule. I feel like I can't schedule anything because I never know when meal time will be. Am I too quick to feed her when she wakes the first time at night? I also get the feeling she could go longer than 3 hours during the day. Is that possible? (I remember my 7 year old eating every 3 hours until she was 6 months old.) I know it could be worse, I'm just one of those people that thrive on routine.

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