?wanted to experience the real thing than hearing it. Family and friends told a lot of tales and stories that I kept logs from hauntings, apparitions they couldn't understand, to orbs floating around gravestones. This really intrigued me more so in my early twenties and for me, I wanted to dig deeper into it, let alone live some of it as a experience too. One of my favorite haunting stories told me, and I had experienced as a teenager was in Schenectady. Veil Cemetery is located in downtown, a popular location these days for people who like to visit the old Schenectady historic town. Most tourists wouldn't have thought of a cemetery being haunted, but most of us residents here, or who grew up, as myself, do know that it's been known to be as "The Gates of Hell". I experienced it myself in my late teen years with some other friends on a Halloween Night. I experienced personally apparitions floating above the graves, to ghosts that were black and white flying around in the cemetery. Most of my friends saw this too.Upstate New York's Finest Hauntings
View this post on my blog: http://travelnursesuccess.com/upstate-new-yorks-finest-hauntings
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