Thursday, June 11, 2009

Licensed Practical Nurses (lpns)- Licensed Vocational Nurses (lvns)

1. Licensed practical nurses (LPNs), or licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), perform different medical procedures, however, they can do so only under the supervision of doctors and registered nurses. Their functions may include dressing wounds, giving massages, injections, administering certain medications and taking vital signs such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration.2. Median annual earnings of LVNs are from $30,000 to $40,000. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,000, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $45,000.3. Vocational nurses tasks can vary greatly; they provide bedside care to ill, injured and convalescent in nursing care facilities, doctors' offices, and hospitals. They should be emotionally stable, have a caring, sympathetic nature and possess strong decision-making skills.4.Employment of LVN's in nursing homes is expected to grow faster than average in response to the long-term care needs of an increasing elderly population, but employment of LPNs in hospitals is expected to continue to decline.5. To become licensed Vocational (LVN, LPN) nurses, people must complete LVN training programs. These programs are available from vocational schools, community and junior colleges. Although each state has its own requirements for nurses, in general, one should have a high school diploma and no criminal record before pursuing an LPN ( LVN) program. Most programs take about 1 year to complete. Classroom study covers basic nursing concepts and patient care-related subjects. Clinical practice usually is in a hospital. All states require LVNs to pass a licensing examination after completing a state-approved vocational nursing program. Throughout their careers, LPNs must renew their license through continuing education courses.Find more details information about Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) - Licensed vocational nurses (LVNs)Check them on Ebay: [phpbay]nurse, 10, 2228, parts case[/phpbay]

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