Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Journal of Nursing Law Publishes ONN Manuscript

Volume 13, Number 1, 2009 of Journal of Nursing Law includes a manuscript, "The Office of the National Nurse", written by NNNO President Teri Mills MS, RN, CNE and Secretary Alisa Schneider MSN, RN. An abstract is now available on line accompanied by instructions on how to order the full text electronic version. Editor in Chief Suzanne Edgett Collins, RN, MPH, JD, PhD and Assistant Editor Diane Kjervik, JD, MSN, RN, FAAN eloquently write in their editorial, "Mills and Schneider, as founders of the movement to establish an Office of the National Nurse, address the challenging crises that our national health system faces and promote the establishment of the an Office of the National Nurse. They argue that the Office of the National Nurse is a fundamental, necessary change in the traditional thinking about professional nursing's role in health promotion and disease prevention on a national level." Collins, C. & Kjervik, D. (2009). In a time of challenge and change, nurse attorneys provide leadership (Part II). Journal of Nursing Law. Volume 13, (1), pp 3.Journal of Nursing Law Publishes ONN Manuscript

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