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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
PPR-RN Rhoads Why PPR Travel Nursing Jobs 2
Understand Disasters and Planning in Nursing Part 2
?As a nurse you can provide services such as blood collection drives, disaster relief, and immunization programs.Levels of a disaster:Level I - is considered a massive disaster this would include significant damage, results in a presidential disaster declaration with major federal involvement which includes full engagement of national, regional and federal resources.Level II - is considered a moderate disaster this would likely include a presidential declaration of an emergency which would include moderate federal assistance.Level III - is considered a minor disaster and would include minimal level of damage. This may or may not result in a presidential declaration of an emergency.Once a federal emergency has been declared the FRP (federal response plan) make take effect and activate the ESFs (emergency support functions). FRP and ESFs include sheltering, performing emergency first aid, providing disaster welfare information system, feeding, and the coordination of bulk distribution of relief supplies. DMATs (disaster medical assistance teams) are specially trained individuals that are sent to a disaster area to provide medical care to victims until an evacuation to a hospital can be implemented.Triage Rating System:Delayed (non-urgent) - Victim's have no injury, victims are non critical and ambulatory. This would be your minor lacerations, cold symptoms and sprains.Urgent - Victim's that need to be treated within 45 to 60 minutes time frame. This would be your simple fractures, fever, hypertension, abdominal pain, asthma without respiratory distress.Understand Disasters and Planning in Nursing Part 2
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Has anyone ever heard of Continental Travel Nurses?
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registered nurse salary question?
please answer.
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Physicians On Twitter
Monday June 29, 2009
How are physicians using Twitter, the social media internet phenomenon? What are medical doctors tweeting about? American Medical News, published by the AMA, recently reported about physicians on Twitter. While we?ve explored Twitter?s various uses for medical professionals here on Health Careers, the American Medical News takes a closer look specifically from the physicians? perspectives, regarding how they use Twitter now, and how they plan to use Twitter in the future, if at all, in relation to their medical practice.
The article finds that hospitals use Twitter for marketing purposes, but most physicians use it to build a community of other clinicians, and eventually, to connect with patients, as more healthcare consumers jump on the Twitter bandwagon. The physicians interviewed seem to agree that it?s difficult to predict what role Twitter will play in their practice, but they also agree that it most likely will maintain a role of some sort. Whether Twitter is used in marketing, public health education, or general communication amongst other physicians or with the patient population is yet to be determined.
Twitter for Medical Professionals
Social Media and Healthcare
American Medical News ReportPhysicians On TwitterSource:
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Monday, June 29, 2009
what is the difference between a certified nursing assistant and a nursing assistant?
whats the difference?
I am in school now for RN but I want to get my feet wet if you must working in the medical field while I'm in college...
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Health Headlines - June 30
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Health Headlines - June 30
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What benefits could come from knowing Chinese in the Nursing Career?
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Taking Care of Number One Is Not a Luxury
Taking Care of Number One Is Not a Luxury
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Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse or Licensed Vocational Nurse
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Take a Vacation… On a Budget
Lately the state of healthcare has been through some trying times and nurses and other medical staff are beginning to feel the effects. With the risk of patient care suffering and nurses experiencing fatigue and burnout, it is imperative that you give yourself a little “me” time. Vacations can work wonders for the soul and give your psyche a bit of an escape from the realities and repetition of our daily lives. Whether it’s just a “mental health” day or a weeks long vacation at some resort… You deserve a break and you deserve to make the most of every dollar you spend on it.
We all know where the economy stands today and it is probably a big factor in why you deserve to take a break. You may be leery to do anything extravagant because of your financial situation and that’s the smart thing to do. So here are a few ways to help you make the most of your time and money! Nurses and Vacation – 12 Ways to Stretch Your Budget
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Take a Vacation… On a Budget
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Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners Endorses Office of the National Nurse
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What are the steps to get into a Nursing Program?
I am in Pre-med Biology major this fall semester, I'm wondering what steps I have to take?
Is it right to take some Pre-req classes for nursing while in Biology, and then transfer after that?
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Can a Bachelor Degree in Psychology Lead to Occupational Therapy Jobs?
College students who have an idea of what they would like to do someday often know exactly what major to choose. However, some struggle because they do not know what career path they want when they enter school. Guidance counselors will often direct them to a "neutral" major that can lead to any different careers. One of these is psychology.
If you have a bachelor's degree in psychology, could you purse a career in occupational therapy? The answer is yes, but you will need further training and certification.
What Is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is a line of work wherein a therapist helps patients with their everyday tasks. These patients suffer from a disabling condition, such as a developmental delay, physical disability, mental handicap, or emotional problem. This can be something the patient is born with, such as mental retardation, or it could be a result of an accident or the natural aging process.
Occupational therapists help patients develop or improve motor skills and reasoning abilities. If some of these functions are lost, the therapist will work with the patient to compensate for this. The end goal is for the patient to be able to live a productive and satisfying life as independently as the disability allows.
Because occupational therapists are working with emotionally or developmentally disabled individuals, a degree in psychology can help. The therapist needs to be able to help the patient deal with his or her emotions, learn cognitive skills, and create helps that will make functioning in the day-to-day world more possible. Psychological training helps with all of these tasks.
Educational Requirements for Occupational Therapists
Occupational therapy is a highly specialized field, and as such therapists must have at least a master's degree in the field. The degree must come from an accredited school, and the program must include at least six months of fieldwork under a supervisor.
Students who are interested in this line of work often wonder what undergraduate program to pursue. In high school they should take as many advanced courses as possible, although math is not especially important. Undergraduate degrees can be in fields like biology, sociology, anthropology, general liberal arts, and, of course, psychology. Psychology as a bachelor's degree program provides an excellent base for further study in occupational therapy.
Part of the reason that a degree in psychology works so well is the fact that occupational therapists must understand how to work with people. Psychology training provides a good foundation for this. They also must be able to read their patients, even when their patients are not clearly vocalizing their needs or wants. They need to be able to see how different tasks are affecting their patients emotionally and psychologically, and a degree in psychology makes this much easier to do.
Licensure Requirements
All states require occupational therapists to receive a license. The requirements for licensure are completion of a master's program from an accredited school and the successful completion of the national certification exam. Again, a degree in psychology works well into these requirements. All in all, of the undergraduate degrees that work for this career path, a degree in psychology seems to be one of the best fits.
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Obtain your certification and become a member of a healthcare staffing agency. Occupational therapy jobs are waiting for you.
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Becoming A Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
If you like working with the elderly and you enjoy the challenges of caring for them, then a career as a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner is a career path you might consider. Working with older persons is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor due to the many health conditions in this population. If you want to make a difference in someone's life, being a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner definitely fits the bill.
Before deciding on becoming a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner, it is best to know what qualities make for a good nurse. After all, nurses are at the forefront of primary care. They are the ones who give patients the hands-on care they require. As a nurse, you must be compassionate to those in your care. People who are sick and not feeling well will not be in the best of moods, so be prepared to deal with that. You must also pay close attention to detail. Nurses deal with medicines and medical equipment. Precise recordkeeping and records management is a definite must for those who want to be in the nursing field. Carelessness and negligence has no place when it comes to patient care. Lastly, you must be able to deal with stress. Day in and day out, you will face emergencies, and demands from the patients, their families and other people.
If those characteristics seem daunting, then becoming a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner is even more demanding. You must like working with old people and ready to face up to the challenge of geriatric primary care. GNPs work in a broad diversity of clinical agencies and practice settings. Before deciding on a school that offers the GNP program, find out from current and former students how the school is, and how the GNP program is managed. Research on financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, and education loans. Ask about job prospects and job placement assistance after graduation.
GNP programs are designed to broaden your knowledge base in providing care to older adults in various settings while working independently or collaboratively with other health care professionals. You will learn how to deliver quality health care to geriatric patients; and even educate the patients, families, and fellow nurses.
Fortunately, nursing is one of the fields here in the United States where there is a constant demand for educated nursing professionals. Add to that a growing elderly population that results in a rising demand for Geriatric Nurse Practitioners. Keep in mind that deciding on a career as a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner is one you should not take lightly. It requires commitment and dedication. If you have what it takes to become a GNP, then the results will be more rewarding than you imagined.
About the Author:
Geriatric nursing is a unique field because you get the chance to work with a very specific market of people and you learn to cater directly to their needs. A geriatric nurse is someone who is kind, gentle, loves to listen and yet can uphold their demeanor in a professional way at all times.
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How The LPN Can Complement Patient Care In A Hospital Environment
The ratio of Registered Nurses (RN's) in the United States is a significant indicator of the ability of the country's healthcare system to cope with its health care needs. Unfortunately this ratio is expected to reach a peak shortly and will then be followed by up to decade long period of decline.
Employment trends are often complex and it is frequently difficult to isolate specific causes for certain effects. However, what is true is that as a steadily aging population of RN's reach the end of their careers the profession needs new entrants to be entering the sector. If, as thought, today's employment market provides a dramatically increased variety in job opportunities, then it is quite likely that the overall number of new entrants into the nursing profession will show a decline.
A number of factors have also believed to have had an impact on the increased demand there has been in the United States for health care services. The first of these factors has been identified as mainly due to an overall increase in the population numbers. This increase has been in excess of 1% per annum. The second factor is believed to relate to an aging population as improvements in treatments and technologies has meant the older individuals are able to live longer. Other factors thought to be relevant are due to an increase in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic illnesses and a greater incidence of anti-biotic resistant illnesses.
Recent studies into the role of the Licensed Practical Nurse, or LPN in the work environment has suggested that the traditional model of replacing RN's and personal care assistants (PCA's) may not be the optimal way to use the LPN's experience and training. Historically the LPN has been seen as a replacement of some combination of RN's and PCA's usually gaining a perceived economic benefit as a result. However it is now thought that the LPN should be treated as a complement to the existing RN - PCA balance thus allowing the medical facility to extend their health care reach without compromising quality of patient care.
The system works on a flexible basis, with a review each day as to how best to use the skills of the nursing and patient care assistant team. Each day the RN determines which tasks can be undertaken by the LPN's and PCA's. The decision to allocate specific tasks is based upon their education and experience level.
The rationale behind this team based approach is to provide the foundation for the maintenance of standards of patient care but at the same time creating an environment in which the RN is free to utilise their time where their experience and qualifications have most impact. They will be able to free themselves from tasks that are relatively straightforward and mundane allowing them time to devote to the more complex aspects of treatments. This method of utilising LPN's to complement the care team also means that stress levels and time demands on the LPN are reduced thus avoiding potential risks to the quality of care and to staff morale.
The effectiveness of this method of organizing the care teams in relevant medical facilities has been demonstrated in pilot schemes. The Licensed Practical Nurse, or LPN is able to be utilised to enhance the quality and reach of patient care. In this way, rather than the traditional way, the LPN's skill and ability is able to be leveraged effectively in a way which both maintains the quality and standard of care, and at the same time not risk issues of employee dissatisfaction.
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A career as an LPN is a rewarding and fulfilling role and one which you are recommended to pursue. Read about further LPN job opportunities at this great free resource which provides all the information you need to know about LPN work.
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Sunday, June 28, 2009
Health Headlines - June 29
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If you know someone has plagerized school work in nursing college, should you report IT?
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PPR Travel Nurse Schaeve on Rural Hospitals
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Medical Science Liaison
Sunday June 28, 2009
Medical science liaisons are experiencing a surge in demand for their services. As governing bodies such as the FDA continue to crack down on the role of pharmaceutical reps in selling off-label uses for drugs, the role of medical science liaison may fill that gap in the salesforce, according to the Wall Street Journal, via this report by Kaiser Health News.
Since medical science liaisons are clinically trained and experienced professionals who are employed as part of the medical staff of the pharmaceutical company, they are not considered to be part of the sales team, and are therefore able to market uses for drugs that sales reps are no longer allowed to discuss.
According to Kaiser Health News, the number of medical science liaisons employed by pharmaceutical companies has increased 48% since 2003, despite record-breaking layoffs experienced by pharmaceutical companies in 2008 and 2009.
What is a medical science liaison, sometimes referred to as a clinical science liaison? Learn more about the role of medical science liaison, required education and skills, and how to break into a career as a medical science liaison:
Medical Science Liaison Career Profile
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Career Profile
Non-clinical Job Options for PhysiciansMedical Science LiaisonSource:
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Inq on Forensic Nursing?
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Online BSN Degree For Nurses
You're an RN with an Associate Degree working several 12 hour shifts per week plus overtime because of sporadic staffing shortages (even though BSN schools are matriculating and graduating nurses as quickly as humanly possible). Your goal is to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing, for higher pay and more job opportunities with additional responsibilities in different clinical settings outside of the hospital such as home health.
But how is such a goal even realistic with your work schedule and family responsibilities? Going back to school the traditional way, in the classroom at a local college or university for a full 15 week semester, makes for an almost impossible schedule to juggle. Thank goodness innovative nursing programs across the country are starting to understand this and offering a flexible alternative.
Many community colleges and universities are now offering online versions of BSN refresher and BSN transition programs to help existing or former nurses meet their continuing education goals. Online courses incorporate the same academic coursework typically taught in the classroom setting on a more rigid schedule. The courses also include practical work in clinical settings that emphasize more advanced clinical skills required by the RN BSN along with an emphasis on leadership and management training.
I recently participated in an online RN, BSN refresher course. This was my first time "back to school" along with my first time taking any kind of online training course. Live classroom discussions among students and teachers are replaced by online message board discussions that resemble regular message board threads on popular social websites.
The discussions are extremely academic with strict guidelines revolving around specific weekly assignment questions that reflect the reading. However, students are encouraged to share their opinions, clinical experiences, observations and research findings. Honestly I found these discussions to be much more thorough and informative than the ones I recall from traditional nursing school.
This may be due to the combination of experienced nurses as students along with the online aspect removing any fears of raising one's hand and speaking up. Quizzes and exams are also taken online; experiences that feel partly like taking an online trivia exam and partly like an online IQ test.
Overall the experience was extremely positive, very convenient and I'm glad that nursing programs are recognizing online BSN training as a viable solution for nurses to meet their goals.
Online BSN Degree For Nurses
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how can i enlist in the army to become an RN army nurse?
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Is traveling nursing as awesome as it sounds?
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Why Being A Geriatric Nursing Practitioner Is For You
If you like working with the elderly and you enjoy the challenges of caring for them, then a career as a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner is a career path you might consider. Working with older persons is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor due to the many health conditions in this population. If you want to make a difference in someone's life, being a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner definitely fits the bill.
Before deciding on becoming a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner, it is best to know what qualities make for a good nurse. After all, nurses are at the forefront of primary care. They are the ones who give patients the hands-on care they require. As a nurse, you must be compassionate to those in your care. People who are sick and not feeling well will not be in the best of moods, so be prepared to deal with that. You must also pay close attention to detail. Nurses deal with medicines and medical equipment. Precise recordkeeping and records management is a definite must for those who want to be in the nursing field. Carelessness and negligence has no place when it comes to patient care. Lastly, you must be able to deal with stress. Day in and day out, you will face emergencies, and demands from the patients, their families and other people.
If those characteristics seem daunting, then becoming a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner is even more demanding. You must like working with old people and ready to face up to the challenge of geriatric primary care. GNPs work in a broad diversity of clinical agencies and practice settings. Before deciding on a school that offers the GNP program, find out from current and former students how the school is, and how the GNP program is managed. Research on financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, and education loans. Ask about job prospects and job placement assistance after graduation.
GNP programs are designed to broaden your knowledge base in providing care to older adults in various settings while working independently or collaboratively with other health care professionals. You will learn how to deliver quality health care to geriatric patients; and even educate the patients, families, and fellow nurses.
Fortunately, nursing is one of the fields here in the United States where there is a constant demand for educated nursing professionals. Add to that a growing elderly population that results in a rising demand for Geriatric Nurse Practitioners. Keep in mind that deciding on a career as a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner is one you should not take lightly. It requires commitment and dedication. If you have what it takes to become a GNP, then the results will be more rewarding than you imagined.
About the Author:
Geriatric nursing is a unique field because you get the chance to work with a very specific market of people and you learn to cater directly to their needs. A geriatric nurse is someone who is kind, gentle, loves to listen and yet can uphold their demeanor in a professional way at all times.
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Health Headlines - June 28
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Saturday, June 27, 2009
Locum Tenens
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Is it difficult being a registered nurse? What is their minimum salary?
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Radioactive Substances Go Missing
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Medical Jobs Dealing With Law
If you are looking for a job that combines medicine with the law, you have two basic routes you can take. Either you can choose medical jobs that deal directly with law enforcement, or you can choose a job in law that deals directly with medicine. The two may not seem much different, but there are differences.
For a job in medicine that deals with the law, you could choose to work as a coroner. Coroners frequently perform medical examinations on bodies that are connected with criminal cases. You will need to have a thorough knowledge of medicine, but you will also need to have a basic knowledge of the law.
A similar job is the job of medical examiner. These medical professionals also examine dead bodies to find the cause of death, but almost always when foul play is suspected. They work closely with the law enforcement officials to collect evidence from the body that can be used in court.
Another type of medical professional that deals with the law is a sexual assault nurse. These professionals are responsible for collecting evidence from rape victims that can be used in DNA testing in order to determine who the assailant was. Again, these professionals must know how to collect the evidence in compliance with the law so that it can be given as evidence in court.
If you are interested in pursuing one of these careers, you will need to pursue a medical degree as your primary degree. However, taking some law enforcement classes can help you get your foot in the door. You can minor in law enforcement or just take some electives in order to add some of that experience to your portfolio.
In some ways, all medical professionals deal with the law. Pediatricians must be able to spot the signs of child abuse and report them appropriately. General practitioners must do the same and also be able to spot signs of domestic abuse in adults. All doctors must be aware of the laws that surround medical malpractice so that they can protect themselves from any potential lawsuits. The law and medicine seem to go hand in hand.
If you are more interested in pursuing a law degree but wish to have some contact with the medical field, you can pursue a job an the clinical/medical negligence arena. This deals with malpractice lawsuits. Malpractice lawyers can represent either the doctor or the patient in a malpractice case. When representing the doctor, the lawyer's job is to prove that the doctor did, in fact, provide all reasonable and necessary care for the patient. When representing the patient, the lawyer's job is to prove the opposite.
While a malpractice lawyer needs to know the law primarily, understanding the medical field is helpful, as it allows the lawyer to relate to the terminology used by the physicians in the case. Malpractice lawyers typically study medical law and ethics, which gives them the tools necessary to decipher the tangled web of malpractice lawsuits, no matter which side they are fighting for. This career is typically chosen through the law school process as a future lawyer finds a proficiency for a particular field of law.
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Find medical jobs that are right for you. Travel nursing jobs are available all over the country.
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Are You Under-paid?
So how do you find out if you are being paid fairly? Here are a few quick ways to assess your compensation:
Salary Calculators:
Salary calculators are the obvious method of determining how your income stacks up. They are quick and easy to use, but I would not regard them as the absolute authority on how fair your salary is, only because there are so many factors involved with your job and your salary and fairness and satisfaction.
Therefore, I recommend using salary calculators as a general GUIDE, or starting point in your quest for information about your salary. One of my personal favorites is: This salary calculator is geared toward the healthcare industry, but is also comprehensive enough that it will be able to provide the information you need as a good starting point for your research.
After consulting a salary calculator, I would also recommend consulting the following sources to help you in assessing the overall fairness of your pay:
Professional recruiters: You should always maintain relationships with recruiters, in case you ever need help with your job search, and this is a great time to call on one for assistance. A recruiter who is experienced in the healthcare field, especially in your line of work, may advise you regarding salaries in your role, based on your type of work and level of responsibility.
Professional Associations: Professional associations should have compensation information on-hand, or they can refer you to accurate information or to a recruiter who is knowledgeable in your profession.
Networking Contacts: You may also have some contacts who are hiring managers in other facilities or organizations. If you have a pretty good relationship with this contact, and if they have no relation to your colleagues, you could discuss with them the salaries they offer to comparable professionals when hiring. Remember the hiring manager must not be in your organization in order to discuss this information!
If these sources show that your salary is average or above, then congratulations! You can now continue to work happily and enjoy collecting those fat paychecks!
I am under-paid. . .now what do I do?
What if your salary appears to be well below the average according to your research? First, before getting discouraged, consider all of the factors that go into your current job, and all the perks and benefits that may offset any disparities in salary:
Schedule / hours / flexibility
Location / cost of living
Cost of working there: Commute/dress code (new suits and dry-cleaning bills add up!)
Work environment
Benefits & Perks (401k, retirement, vacation, bonuses, etc.)
Career Growth & Opportunity
If, after considering all of the above, you still feel that you are under-paid, you have several options:
Get a new job with an employer who will pay you what you’re worth.
Ask for a raise.
Ask for a promotion, AND a raise.
Go back to school for advanced degrees to increase your value.
More Health Careers Quick TipsAre You Under-paid?Source:
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Health Headlines - June 27
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Friday, June 26, 2009
What about nursing jobs in Denmark. Is it a good country to work. How is the environment to work in Denmark.?
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Government Medical Jobs
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
US Military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines)
Veterans Affairs
Your State or County Health DepartmentTypes of Jobs Available in Government Agencies: As you can see from the wide variety of facilities above, there is a diverse array of jobs available in government agencies, including both clinical and non-clinical jobs.
Clinical roles such as nurses, doctors, and allied health professionals are needed. Non-clinical roles of all types such as administrative assistants, researchers, financial professionals, analysts, executives, and many more.What's to Like About Working for a Federal or Government Agency: If you enjoy giving back to your country, working for a government agency could give you a great sense of pride. Additionally, job stability and security is typically very high for government agencies, once you are able to get in as an employee. Additionally, the benefits and vacation are usually better than average for government workers.What's Not to Like:: As you may know, government agencies tend to be very bureaucratic, meaning that there are many levels and layers of management involved in every decision and operation within the facility, which can slow down the pace if you're trying to make changes or incorporate new ideas.If you're seeking a progressive environment, a government agency may not be the best choice for you. Also, unless you're working in a very small-town health clinic, most government agencies are large organizations with a large amount of employees. Therefore, if you're not comfortable working in a big company, or if you prefer a more quite, close-knit environment, government work may not be for you.Whether you decide to work for a federal (national) organization, a state organization, or a local/county facility, government medical careers can be very rewarding.Government Medical JobsSource:
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Online Nursing Continuing Education: Give your Career a New Direction
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CDC Introduces Web site to Help Combat Obesity and Reduce Health-related Costs
"CDC LEANWorks! was developed in direct response to organizations asking CDC for help in addressing the obesity epidemic. Specifically they wanted to know what interventions were effective in helping employees maintain a healthy weight," said William Dietz, M.D., Ph.D., director of CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity. "CDC has identified science-based interventions that work to prevent and control obesity. CDC LEANWorks! provides the tools that employers need to take action."
The free Web site was developed particularly for small and mid-size companies, which typically have more limited resources to devote to obesity prevention efforts. However, the tools and resources available on CDC LEANWorks! can benefit companies of any size. CDC LEANWorks! can help employers calculate the cost of obesity for their organizations and develop tailored approaches to help control these costs through interventions such as fitness classes, lunchtime health education sessions, weight management programs, and more.
The Web site provides a variety of resources to employers including:
An obesity cost-calculator where employers can input employee demographic data to estimate the total costs associated with obesity and determine annual obesity-related medical costs for their companies.
Information and resources to help employers plan, build, promote, and assess interventions to combat obesity.
Information on how employers can estimate return on investment, a measure of the cost of an intervention compared to the expected financial return of the intervention.
Obesity is a risk factor for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Obese individuals spend 77 percent more money for necessary medications than non-obese persons.
"Obesity affects more than just health care costs. It also has a significant impact on worker productivity because the more chronic diseases employees have, the more likely they are to be absent from work, or less productive if they come to work sick," said Janet Collins, Ph.D., director of CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Because organizations do not usually publish information about their work site programs in the scientific literature, CDC visited select businesses to identify promising work site obesity prevention and control practices. The CDC LEANWorks! Web site provides case studies from some of those businesses to provide examples of successful work site obesity prevention programs.
"Workplace obesity prevention programs can be an effective way for employers to reduce obesity and lower their health care costs, lower absenteeism and increase employee productivity," said Dr. Dietz. Employers may also see other indirect benefits when they implement these programs such as improved employee morale, increased worker retention, and improved recruitment of new employees."
Source: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC Introduces Web site to Help Combat Obesity and Reduce Health-related Costs
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How competitive was for you to get into the Nursing Program?
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How to Determine the Quality of an Online Nursing Program
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Guest Author: Epstein LaRue – Travel Nursing in an RV
Travel nursing in an RV is a great way to go. One of the biggest advantages to traveling in an RV is that you don't have to pack and unpack every three months. You just pull in all the hoses (don't forget to unhook the water hose), roll up the stabilizing jacks, and hook onto the back of the truck. Another advantage is that you always get to sleep in the same bed no matter where you are at on assignment.
Some of the disadvantages to traveling in an RV are that you won't make any land speed records getting from assignment to assignment. Traveling in just a vehicle, we can make about 500 miles per day. When traveling in an RV, we can only make about 400 miles per day. If you are pulling a trailer, you don't run down the freeway at 80 miles per hour. An average safe speed is going to be anywhere from 55 to 65 miles per hour. In fact, some of states have mandated rules that you can only travel 55 miles per hour when pulling a trailer. Another disadvantage can be space. You will be confined to a much smaller space than you would have in an apartment. A few chairs and a small table can do wonders at conquering this problem!
Gas prices have come down the last year, but still they are quite high. This is another thing that you have to look out for when traveling with an RV. Number one, you have to have a truck big enough to haul the trailer, which will only get about 15 miles per gallon. After hooking up the trailer, your gas mileage will only be about half of that. The good thing is that you are only pulling it every 3 months.
What about a motorhome? Well, they are easier to travel with than a trailer and you can get a few more miles per day, but the gas mileage will be about the same as pulling a trailer, especially if you are pulling your vehicle behind the motorhome (commonly called a "toad"). The big disadvantage to a motorhome is that your initial investment is going to be a lot more. You can get into a good trailer for $20K to $40K, but a motorhome can easily cost you $100K to $150K.
There are several types of motorhomes and trailers. The two most common types of motorhomes for full time travelers is a "Diesel pusher" or a gas motorhome. The diesel pusher will cost you more, but it will hold onto its resale value. A gas motorhome is less expensive and does not hold its value as long. The two main types of trailers are bumper pulls and fifth wheels (has a special hook in the bed of the truck). The bumper pulls are less expensive, but they can have problems with stabilization. The fifth wheels are more stable, but can cost a lot more to purchase. From the two years that we were full timers, we found that most full timers choose either the fifth wheel or diesel pusher.
What is the right vehicle for you? Only you can determine that. Go to all the RV shows that you can find or just go shopping online or at a dealership. Look at the floor plans and see what fits your lifestyle the most. How much room do you really need? Do you have children? I do know a few families with two to four children that are very happy traveling in their RV. Just make sure that the park has a play ground! I traveled with my son and husband and we had a two bedroom RV that fit us just perfect.
For more information on traveling in an RV check out the dedicated chapter in "Highway Hypodermics: On The Road Again." Get out there and enjoy traveling in your own home on wheels!
Written by Epstein LaRue, RN, BS, author of the number one rated nursing, trends, issues, and roles book series, "Highway Hypodermics." For more information on travel nursing including travel company profiles, travel company evaluations, and hospital evaluations, visit her website at:
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Does anyone know of any travel nursing agencies that hire CNA's to travel as well??
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Free Prescription Drug Discount Card Launched In Kentucky
Kentuckians can download a "FREE" card by visiting WWW.KENTUCKYRXCARD.COM. Louisville residents can visit any Metro Public Health and Wellness location, Neighborhood Place, Park DuValle Community Health Center, or Greater Louisville Chamber of Commerce to receive a card. Cards will also be available inside the June 8th edition of Job News, a free publication available at more than 100 locations throughout the area. Anyone not able to access the website, or otherwise obtain a member card, can simply visit any CVS/pharmacy or Kmart location in Kentucky and ask the pharmacy to have their prescription processed through the Kentucky Rx Card program.
The card was introduced locally at a news conference today where Greater Louisville Inc. – the Metro Chamber of Commerce, along with Councilwomen Judith Green and Vicki Aubrey Welch, and Dr. Adewale Troutman, Director of the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness voiced their support and commitment to the program.
Kentucky Rx Card was launched to help the uninsured and underinsured citizens of Kentucky afford their prescription medications. However, the program can also be used by people who have health insurance coverage with no prescription benefits, which is common in many health savings accounts (HSA) and high deductible health plans. Additionally, people who have prescription coverage can use this program for non-formulary or non-covered drugs.
The Kentucky Rx Card is a solution to the confusing maze of discount prescription programs that have appeared in recent years. Many of these programs only cover certain drugs, charge fees, and some have membership restrictions such as age and income limitations.
Kentucky Department Of Health
Free Prescription Drug Discount Card Launched In Kentucky
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The All New Accelerated Nursing Program Guide
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The All New Accelerated Nursing Program Guide
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Top Medical Jobs
The medical jobs on this list offer the highest degree of one of these factors, or a strong balance of several factors. All the included medical jobs are in very high demand and experiencing significant growth, due to the aging population, and advancements in health care.Nurse: Nursing makes up the largest portion of the medical workforce, at over 15%, with over 2.5 million nurses nationwide working in healthcare. Registered nursing is projected to grow by 25% for the ten year period ending in 2016.
There are so many different types of nurses, and so many different places that nurses can work, making it a very hot medical job. There are nursing jobs for high school graduates, college graduates, and those with advanced degrees, each offering varying levels of responsibility and compensation.
Top Nursing Jobs
Nursing Career ProfilePhysician: Despite experiencing a bit of a financial squeeze caused by managed care and insurance companies, doctors still continue to have the highest earning potential by far over all other health care professionals. In some areas, doctors have to work harder and see more patients to earn the highest pay, but they still are able to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.
Surgeons and specialists earn the most money, sometimes well over half a million dollars. The number of physicians is projected to grow by 17% by the year 2016, according to the BLS.
Physician career profile
Surgeon career profileAllied Health - Medical Technicians, Technologists and Assistants: Many allied health careers are well-paid, and in high demand. Therefore, if you have an associate’s degree, or a four-year college degree, you can choose from a wide variety of nearly 100 allied health careers.
Medical Assistants are projected to see a whopping 36.1% growth by the year 2016, according to the BLS. This extremly high growth, plus the flexibility and versatility of the medical assistant role makes it a great option for many. Additionally, medical assisting requires minimal educational prerequisites, making it a top allied profession.
Allied health career profile
Medical assistants career profileMedical Office Administrative and Support Jobs: As a whole, medical support roles and administrative roles make up a whopping 18% of all jobs in the healthcare industry, which is why these jobs are amongst the top medical jobs. Also, most of these jobs require little to no college coursework which is a big perk. Therefore, they don’t pay as high, but they are in great demand and many jobs continue to be available.Medical transcriptionists are not the fastest growing of all the support roles, yet they are slated to experience a 10.5% growth, which is still very strong. Due to the great flexibility of medical transcription jobs, the work-from-home capabilities, and the relatively short training requirements, medical transcription is a hot administrative role.
Medical transcription career profile
Medical Receptionists are another top support job, with growth of over 22% projected by the BLS.Home Health and Hospice Care: Home health, including in-home hospice care and home health aides for the elderly and disabled, are set to experience a whopping 50+% growth! According to the BLS, this is the single most rapidly growing segment of the healthcare industry, earning Home Health a spot amongst the top medical jobs.
Home Health Care
What is hospice care?
Hospice JobsTop Medical JobsSource:
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